module Recipe.Hackage(makePlatform, makeDefault, makePackage, makeAll) where import Recipe.Type import Recipe.Cabal import Recipe.General import General.Base import General.System import General.Util import General.Web import Control.Exception -- FIXME: This is a list of hack avoid = words "ghc-prim integer integer-simple integer-gmp rts ghc Win32" makePlatform :: ([Name] -> IO ()) -> IO () makePlatform make = do xs <- listPlatform forM_ xs $ \(name,ver) -> do v2 <- version cabals name when (ver /= v2) $ putStrLn $ "Warning: Version mismatch for " ++ name ++ " (platform=" ++ ver ++ ", cabal=" ++ v2 ++ ")" combine make "platform" (map fst xs) False makeAll :: ([Name] -> IO ()) -> IO () makeAll make = do xs <- listing inputs make xs -- create a database containing an entry for each package in hackage makePackage :: IO () makePackage = do xs <- listing cabals xs <- forM xs $ \name -> do ver <- version cabals name let file = cabals name ver name <.> "cabal" src <- readCabal file return $ case src of Nothing -> [] Just src -> [""] ++ zipWith (++) ("-- | " : repeat "-- ") (cabalDescription src) ++ ["--","-- Version " ++ ver, "@url package/" ++ name, "@entry package " ++ name] convertSrc noDeps "package" $ unlines $ "@url" : "@package package" : concat xs makeDefault :: ([Name] -> IO ()) -> [FilePath] -> Name -> IO () makeDefault make local "ghc" = do had <- try $ readFileUtf8' "download/ghc.txt" case had of Left e -> putWarning $ "Warning: Exception when reading haddock for ghc, " ++ show (e :: SomeException) Right had -> do convertSrc make "ghc" $ unlines $ "@depends base" : concatMap f (haddockHacks $ lines had) where f x | "@package " `isPrefixOf` x = ["@url",x] | otherwise = [x] makeDefault make local name = do let base = name == "base" b1 <- doesDirectoryExist $ cabals name b2 <- doesDirectoryExist $ inputs name if not base && (not b1 || not b2) then putWarning $ "Warning: " ++ name ++ " couldn't find both Cabal and Haddock inputs" else do vc <- version cabals name vh <- if base then return vc else version inputs name when (vc /= vh) $ putStrLn $ "Warning: Version mismatch for " ++ name ++ " (cabal=" ++ vc ++ ", haddock=" ++ vh ++ ")" let had = if base then "download/base.txt" else inputs name vh "doc" "html" name <.> "txt" cab = cabals name vc name <.> "cabal" had <- try $ readFileUtf8' had case had of Left e -> putWarning $ "Warning: Exception when reading haddock for " ++ name ++ ", " ++ show (e :: SomeException) Right had -> do deps <- fmap (maybe [] cabalDepends) $ readCabal cab loc <- findLocal local name convertSrc make name $ unlines $ ["@depends " ++ a | a <- deps \\ (name:avoid)] ++ (maybe id haddockPackageUrl loc) (haddockHacks $ lines had) -- try and find a local filepath findLocal :: [FilePath] -> Name -> IO (Maybe URL) findLocal paths name = fmap (listToMaybe . concat . concat) $ forM paths $ \p -> do xs <- getDirectoryContents p xs <- return [p x | x <- reverse $ sort xs, name == fst (rbreak (== '-') x)] -- make sure highest version comes first forM xs $ \x -> do b <- doesDirectoryExist $ x "html" x <- return $ if b then x "html" else x b <- doesFileExist $ x "doc-index.html" return [filePathToURL $ x "index.html" | b] --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- READ PLATFORM listPlatform :: IO [(Name,String)] listPlatform = do src <- readFile platform let xs = takeWhile (not . isPrefixOf "build-tools:" . ltrim) $ dropWhile (not . isPrefixOf "build-depends:" . ltrim) $ lines src return [(name, takeWhile (\x -> x == '.' || isDigit x) $ drop 1 b) | x <- xs, (a,_:b) <- [break (== '=') x], let name = trim $ dropWhile (== '-') $ trim a , not $ avoid name] where avoid x = ("haskell" `isPrefixOf` x && all isDigit (drop 7 x)) || (x `elem` words "Cabal hpc Win32") --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- HADDOCK HACKS -- Eliminate @version -- Change :*: to (:*:), Haddock bug -- Change !!Int to !Int, Haddock bug -- Change instance [overlap ok] to instance, Haddock bug -- Change instance [incoherent] to instance, Haddock bug -- Change !Int to Int, HSE bug -- Drop everything after where, Haddock bug haddockHacks :: [String] -> [String] haddockHacks = map (unwords . g . map f . words) . filter (not . isPrefixOf "@version ") where f "::" = "::" f (':':xs) = "(:" ++ xs ++ ")" f ('!':'!':x:xs) | isAlpha x = xs f ('!':x:xs) | isAlpha x || x `elem` "[(" = x:xs f x | x `elem` ["[overlap","ok]","[incoherent]"] = "" f x = x g ("where":xs) = [] g (x:xs) = x : g xs g [] = [] haddockPackageUrl :: URL -> [String] -> [String] haddockPackageUrl x = concatMap f where f y | "@package " `isPrefixOf` y = ["@url " ++ x, y] | otherwise = [y]