module Recipe.Download(download) where import General.Base import General.System import Recipe.Type type Downloader = FilePath -> URL -> String wget :: Downloader wget fp url = "wget -nv " ++ url ++ " --output-document=" ++ fp curl :: Downloader curl fp url = "curl -sSL " ++ url ++ " --output " ++ fp findDownloader :: IO Downloader findDownloader = do dl <- liftM2 mplus (check "wget") (check "curl") when (isNothing dl) $ error "Could not find downloader, neither curl nor wget are on the $PATH." return $ matchDl (fromJust dl) where matchDl d | "wget" `isInfixOf` d = wget | "curl" `isInfixOf` d = curl withDownloader :: CmdLine -> Downloader -> [(FilePath, FilePath, URL)] -> IO () withDownloader opt downloader items = let sys = fmap (== ExitSuccess) . system download (f, f', u) = do b <- doesFileExist f when (not b || redownload opt) $ do res <- sys (downloader f' u) unless res $ do b <- doesFileExist f' when b $ removeFile f' error $ "Failed to download: " ++ u doesFileExist f' in forM_ items download -- download everything required for the recipes download :: CmdLine -> IO () download opt = do createDirectoryIfMissing True "download" downloader <- findDownloader let items = [ (keywords, keywords, "") , (platform, platform, "") , ("download/base.txt", "download/base.txt", "") , ("download/ghc.txt", "download/ghc.txt", "") , (cabals <.> "txt", cabals <.> "tar.gz", "") , (inputs <.> "txt", inputs <.> "tar.gz", "") ] withDownloader opt downloader items extractTarball cabals extractTarball inputs check :: String -> IO (Maybe FilePath) check name = do res <- findExecutable name when (isNothing res) $ do putStrLn $ "WARNING: Could not find command line program " ++ name ++ "." when isWindows $ putStrLn $ " You may be able to install it from:\n " ++ url return res where srcList = [ ("gzip", "") , ("tar", "") , ("wget", "") , ("curl", "") ] url = fromJust . lookup name $ srcList extractTarball :: FilePath -> IO () extractTarball out = do createDirectoryIfMissing True out withDirectory out $ do hasGzip <- check "gzip" hasTar <- check "tar" when (any isNothing [hasGzip, hasTar]) $ error "Could not extract tarball(s), could not find either gzip or tar on the $PATH." putStrLn "Extracting tarball... " system_ $ "gzip --decompress --force .." takeFileName out <.> "tar.gz" system_ $ "tar -xf .." takeFileName out <.> "tar" putStrLn "Finished extracting tarball" writeFile (out <.> "txt") ""