{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

-- | A module representing strings with formatting.
module Hoogle.Type.TagStr(
    showTagText, showTagANSI,
    showTagHTML, showTagHTMLWith,
    ) where

import General.Base
import General.Web
import Data.Generics.Uniplate
import Data.Binary.Defer

data TagStr
    = Str String -- ^ Plain text.
    | Tags [TagStr] -- ^ A list of tags one after another.
    | TagBold TagStr -- ^ Bold text.
    | TagEmph TagStr -- ^ Underlined/italic text.
    | TagLink String TagStr -- ^ A hyperlink to a URL.
    | TagColor Int TagStr -- ^ Colored text. Index into a 0-based palette. Text without any 'TagColor' should be black.
      deriving (Data,Typeable,Ord,Show,Eq)

instance Monoid TagStr where
    mempty = Str ""
    mappend x y = Tags [x,y]
    mconcat = Tags

instance Uniplate TagStr where
    uniplate (Tags xs) = (xs, Tags)
    uniplate (TagBold x) = ([x], \[x] -> TagBold x)
    uniplate (TagEmph x) = ([x], \[x] -> TagEmph x)
    uniplate (TagLink i x) = ([x], \[x] -> TagLink i x)
    uniplate (TagColor i x) = ([x], \[x] -> TagColor i x)
    uniplate x = ([], const x)

instance BinaryDefer TagStr where
    put (Str x)        = putByte 0 >> put1 x
    put (Tags x)       = putByte 1 >> put1 x
    put (TagBold x)    = putByte 2 >> put1 x
    put (TagEmph x)    = putByte 3 >> put1 x
    put (TagLink x y)  = putByte 4 >> put2 x y
    put (TagColor x y) = putByte 5 >> put2 x y

    get = do i <- getByte
             case i of
                0 -> get1 Str
                1 -> get1 Tags
                2 -> get1 TagBold
                3 -> get1 TagEmph
                4 -> get2 TagLink
                5 -> get2 TagColor

instance BD.BinaryDefer TagStr where
    put x = BD.putLazyByteString $ encode x
    get = fmap decode BD.getLazyByteString

instance Binary TagStr where
    put (Str x)            = putWord8 0 >> put x
    put (Tags x)           = putWord8 1 >> put x
    put (TagBold x)        = putWord8 2 >> put x
    put (TagEmph x)   = putWord8 3 >> put x
    put (TagLink x y) = putWord8 4 >> put x >> put y
    put (TagColor x y)     = putWord8 5 >> put x >> put y

    get = do i <- getWord8
             case i of
                0 -> fmap Str get
                1 -> fmap Tags get
                2 -> fmap TagBold get
                3 -> fmap TagEmph get
                4 -> fmap TagLink get get
                5 -> fmap TagColor get get

-- | Show a 'TagStr' as a string, without any formatting.
showTagText :: TagStr -> String
showTagText x = concat [y | Str y <- universe x]

-- | Show a 'TagStr' on a console with ANSI escape sequences.
showTagANSI :: TagStr -> String
showTagANSI x = f [] x
        f a (Str x) = x

        f a t =
            case getCode t of
                Nothing -> g a
                Just val -> tag (val:a) ++ g (val:a) ++ tag a
            where g a = concatMap (f a) (children t)
        getCode (TagBold _) = Just "1"
        getCode (TagLink url _) = if null url then Nothing else Just "4"
        getCode (TagEmph _) = Just "4"
        getCode (TagColor n _) | n <= 5 && n >= 0 = Just ['3', intToDigit (n + 1)]
        getCode _ = Nothing

        tag stack = chr 27 : '[' : intercalate ";" ("0":reverse stack) ++ "m"

-- | Show a 'TagStr' as HTML, using CSS classes for color styling.
showTagHTML :: TagStr -> String
showTagHTML = showTagHTMLWith (const Nothing)

-- | Show TagStr with an override for specific tags.
showTagHTMLWith :: (TagStr -> Maybe String) -> TagStr -> String
showTagHTMLWith f x = g x
        g x | isJust (f x) = fromJust $ f x
        g (Str x) = nbsp $ escapeHTML x
        g (Tags xs) = concatMap g xs
        g (TagBold x) = htmlTag "b" $ showTagHTML x
        g (TagEmph x) = htmlTag "i" $ showTagHTML x
        g (TagLink url x) = "<a href=\"" ++& (if null url then showTagText x else url) ++ "\">" ++ showTagHTML x ++ "</a>"
        g (TagColor i x) = "<span class='c" ++ show i ++ "'>" ++ showTagHTML x ++ "</span>"

        nbsp (' ':' ':xs) = " &nbsp;" ++ nbsp xs
        nbsp (x:xs) = x : nbsp xs
        nbsp [] = []

-- each position is a 0-based start and end index
-- currently not allowed to overlap
formatTags :: String -> [((Int,Int),TagStr -> TagStr)] -> TagStr
formatTags o y = tags $ f o 0 $ sortBy (comparing $ fst . fst) y
        f x i [] = str x
        f x i (((from,to),op):ss)
            | i > from = error $ "TagStr.formatTags, not allowed overlapping formats on: " ++ o
            | otherwise = str a ++ [op $ Str c] ++ f d to ss
                where (a,b) = splitAt (from-i) x
                      (c,d) = splitAt (to-from) b

        tags [] = Str ""
        tags [x] = x
        tags xs = Tags xs
        str x = [Str x | x /= ""]