{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables, GADTs, EmptyDataDecls, PatternGuards, TypeFamilies #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns #-} -- bug in GHC

{- Notes about the genesis of Hoopl7
Hoopl7 has the following major chages

a) GMany has symmetric entry and exit
b) GMany closed-entry does not record a BlockId
c) GMany open-exit does not record a BlockId
d) The body of a GMany is called Body
e) A Body is just a list of blocks, not a map. I've argued
   elsewhere that this is consistent with (c)

A consequence is that Graph is no longer an instance of Edges,
but nevertheless I managed to keep the ARF and ARB signatures
nice and uniform.

This was made possible by

* FwdTransfer looks like this:
    type FwdTransfer n f
      = forall e x. n e x -> Fact e f -> Fact x f 
    type family   Fact x f :: *
    type instance Fact C f = FactBase f
    type instance Fact O f = f

  Note that the incoming fact is a Fact (not just 'f' as in Hoopl5,6).
  It's up to the *transfer function* to look up the appropriate fact
  in the FactBase for a closed-entry node.  Example:
	constProp (Label l) fb = lookupFact fb l
  That is how Hoopl can avoid having to know the block-id for the
  first node: it defers to the client.

  [Side note: that means the client must know about 
  bottom, in case the looupFact returns Nothing]

* Note also that FwdTransfer *returns* a Fact too;
  that is, the types in both directions are symmetrical.
  Previously we returned a [(BlockId,f)] but I could not see
  how to make everything line up if we do this.

  Indeed, the main shortcoming of Hoopl7 is that we are more
  or less forced into this uniform representation of the facts
  flowing into or out of a closed node/block/graph, whereas
  previously we had more flexibility.

  In exchange the code is neater, with fewer distinct types.
  And morally a FactBase is equivalent to [(BlockId,f)] and
  nearly equivalent to (BlockId -> f).

* I've realised that forwardBlockList and backwardBlockList
  both need (Edges n), and that goes everywhere.

* I renamed BlockId to Label

module Compiler.Hoopl.Dataflow 
  ( DataflowLattice(..)
  , ChangeFlag(..), changeIf
  , FwdPass(..),  FwdTransfer, FwdRewrite, SimpleFwdRewrite
  , noFwdRewrite, thenFwdRw, shallowFwdRw, deepFwdRw
  , BwdPass(..), BwdTransfer, BwdRewrite, SimpleBwdRewrite
  , noBwdRewrite, thenBwdRw, shallowBwdRw, deepBwdRw
  , Fact
  , analyzeAndRewriteFwd, analyzeAndRewriteBwd

import Compiler.Hoopl.Fuel
import Compiler.Hoopl.Graph
import qualified Compiler.Hoopl.GraphUtil as U
import Compiler.Hoopl.Label
import Compiler.Hoopl.MkGraph (AGraph)

--		DataflowLattice

data DataflowLattice a = DataflowLattice  { 
  fact_name       :: String,                   -- Documentation
  fact_bot        :: a,                        -- Lattice bottom element
  fact_extend     :: a -> a -> (ChangeFlag,a), -- Lattice join plus change flag
                                               -- (changes iff result > first arg)
  fact_do_logging :: Bool                      -- log changes

data ChangeFlag = NoChange | SomeChange
changeIf :: Bool -> ChangeFlag
changeIf changed = if changed then SomeChange else NoChange

--		Analyze and rewrite forward: the interface

data FwdPass n f
  = FwdPass { fp_lattice  :: DataflowLattice f
            , fp_transfer :: FwdTransfer n f
            , fp_rewrite  :: FwdRewrite n f }

type FwdTransfer n f 
  = forall e x. n e x -> Fact e f -> Fact x f 

type FwdRewrite n f 
  = forall e x. n e x -> Fact e f -> Maybe (FwdRes n f e x)
data FwdRes n f e x = FwdRes (AGraph n e x) (FwdRewrite n f)
  -- result of a rewrite is a new graph and a (possibly) new rewrite function

type family   Fact x f :: *
type instance Fact C f = FactBase f
type instance Fact O f = f

type SimpleFwdRewrite n f 
  = forall e x. n e x -> Fact e f
             -> Maybe (AGraph n e x)

noFwdRewrite :: FwdRewrite n f
noFwdRewrite _ _ = Nothing

shallowFwdRw :: SimpleFwdRewrite n f -> FwdRewrite n f
shallowFwdRw rw n f = case (rw n f) of
                         Nothing -> Nothing
                         Just ag -> Just (FwdRes ag noFwdRewrite)

thenFwdRw :: FwdRewrite n f -> FwdRewrite n f -> FwdRewrite n f
thenFwdRw rw1 rw2 n f
  = case rw1 n f of
      Nothing               -> rw2 n f
      Just (FwdRes ag rw1a) -> Just (FwdRes ag (rw1a `thenFwdRw` rw2))

deepFwdRw :: FwdRewrite n f -> FwdRewrite n f
deepFwdRw rw =
  \ n f -> case rw n f of
             Just (FwdRes g rw2) -> Just $ FwdRes g (rw2 `thenFwdRw` deepFwdRw rw)
             Nothing             -> Nothing

   :: forall n f. Edges n
   => FwdPass n f
   -> Body n -> FactBase f
   -> FuelMonad (Body n, FactBase f)

analyzeAndRewriteFwd pass body facts
  = do { (rg, _) <- arfBody pass body facts
       ; return (normaliseBody rg) }

--       Forward Implementation

type ARF thing n 
  = forall f e x. FwdPass n f -> thing e x 
               -> Fact e f -> FuelMonad (RG n f e x, Fact x f)

arfNode :: Edges n => ARF n n
arfNode pass node f
  = do { mb_g <- withFuel (fp_rewrite pass node f)
       ; case mb_g of
           Nothing -> return (RGUnit f (BUnit node),
                              fp_transfer pass node f)
      	   Just (FwdRes ag rw) -> do { g <- graphOfAGraph ag
                                     ; let pass' = pass { fp_rewrite = rw }
                                     ; arfGraph pass' g f } }

arfBlock :: Edges n => ARF (Block n) n
-- Lift from nodes to blocks
arfBlock pass (BUnit node)   f = arfNode pass node f
arfBlock pass (BCat hd mids) f = do { (g1,f1) <- arfBlock pass hd   f  
                                    ; (g2,f2) <- arfBlock pass mids f1 
	                            ; return (g1 `RGCatO` g2, f2) }

arfBody :: Edges n
        => FwdPass n f -> Body n -> FactBase f
        -> FuelMonad (RG n f C C, FactBase f)
		-- Outgoing factbase is restricted to Labels *not* in
		-- in the Body; the facts for Labels *in*
                -- the Body are in the BodyWithFacts
arfBody pass blocks init_fbase
  = fixpoint True (fp_lattice pass) (arfBlock pass) init_fbase $
    forwardBlockList (factBaseLabels init_fbase) blocks

arfGraph :: Edges n => ARF (Graph n) n
-- Lift from blocks to graphs
arfGraph _    GNil        f = return (RGNil, f)
arfGraph pass (GUnit blk) f = arfBlock pass blk f
arfGraph pass (GMany NothingO body NothingO) f
  = do { (body', fb) <- arfBody pass body f
       ; return (body', fb) }
arfGraph pass (GMany NothingO body (JustO exit)) f
  = do { (body', fb) <- arfBody  pass body f
       ; (exit', fx) <- arfBlock pass exit fb
       ; return (body' `RGCatC` exit', fx) }
arfGraph pass (GMany (JustO entry) body NothingO) f
  = do { (entry', fe) <- arfBlock pass entry f
       ; (body', fb)  <- arfBody  pass body fe
       ; return (entry' `RGCatC` body', fb) }
arfGraph pass (GMany (JustO entry) body (JustO exit)) f
  = do { (entry', fe) <- arfBlock pass entry f
       ; (body', fb)  <- arfBody  pass body fe
       ; (exit', fx)  <- arfBlock pass exit fb
       ; return (entry' `RGCatC` body' `RGCatC` exit', fx) }

forwardBlockList :: Edges n => [Label] -> Body n -> [((Label,Block n C C), [Label])]
-- This produces a list of blocks in order suitable for forward analysis,
-- along with the list of Labels it may depend on for facts.
-- ToDo: Do a topological sort to improve convergence rate of fixpoint
--       This will require a (HavingSuccessors l) class constraint
forwardBlockList  _ blks = map withLbl $ bodyList blks
  where withLbl (l, b) = ((l, b), [l])

--		Backward analysis and rewriting: the interface

data BwdPass n f
  = BwdPass { bp_lattice  :: DataflowLattice f
            , bp_transfer :: BwdTransfer n f
            , bp_rewrite  :: BwdRewrite n f }

type BwdTransfer n f 
  = forall e x. n e x -> Fact x f -> Fact e f 
type BwdRewrite n f 
  = forall e x. n e x -> Fact x f -> Maybe (BwdRes n f e x)
data BwdRes n f e x = BwdRes (AGraph n e x) (BwdRewrite n f)

type SimpleBwdRewrite n f 
  = forall e x. n e x -> Fact x f
             -> Maybe (AGraph n e x)

noBwdRewrite :: BwdRewrite n f
noBwdRewrite _ _ = Nothing

shallowBwdRw :: SimpleBwdRewrite n f -> BwdRewrite n f
shallowBwdRw rw n f = case (rw n f) of
                         Nothing -> Nothing
                         Just ag -> Just (BwdRes ag noBwdRewrite)

thenBwdRw :: BwdRewrite n f -> BwdRewrite n f -> BwdRewrite n f
thenBwdRw rw1 rw2 n f
  = case rw1 n f of
      Nothing               -> rw2 n f
      Just (BwdRes ag rw1a) -> Just (BwdRes ag (rw1a `thenBwdRw` rw2))

deepBwdRw :: BwdRewrite n f -> BwdRewrite n f
deepBwdRw rw = rw `thenBwdRw` deepBwdRw rw

--		Backward implementation

type ARB thing n 
  = forall f e x. BwdPass n f -> thing e x
               -> Fact x f -> FuelMonad (RG n f e x, Fact e f)

arbNode :: Edges n => ARB n n
-- Lifts (BwdTransfer,BwdRewrite) to ARB_Node; 
-- this time we do rewriting as well. 
-- The ARB_Graph parameters specifies what to do with the rewritten graph
arbNode pass node f
  = do { mb_g <- withFuel (bp_rewrite pass node f)
       ; case mb_g of
           Nothing -> return (RGUnit entry_f (BUnit node), entry_f)
                      entry_f = bp_transfer pass node f
      	   Just (BwdRes ag rw) -> do { g <- graphOfAGraph ag
                                     ; let pass' = pass { bp_rewrite = rw }
                                     ; arbGraph pass' g f} }

arbBlock :: Edges n => ARB (Block n) n 
-- Lift from nodes to blocks
arbBlock pass (BUnit node) f = arbNode pass node f
arbBlock pass (BCat b1 b2) f = do { (g2,f2) <- arbBlock pass b2 f
                                  ; (g1,f1) <- arbBlock pass b1 f2
	                          ; return (g1 `RGCatO` g2, f1) }

arbBody :: Edges n
        => BwdPass n f -> Body n -> FactBase f
        -> FuelMonad (RG n f C C, FactBase f)
arbBody pass blocks init_fbase
  = fixpoint False (bp_lattice pass) (arbBlock pass) init_fbase $
    backwardBlockList (factBaseLabels init_fbase) blocks 

arbGraph :: Edges n => ARB (Graph n) n
arbGraph _    GNil        f = return (RGNil, f)
arbGraph pass (GUnit blk) f = arbBlock pass blk f
arbGraph pass (GMany NothingO body NothingO) f
  = do { (body', fb) <- arbBody pass body f
       ; return (body', fb) }
arbGraph pass (GMany NothingO body (JustO exit)) f
  = do { (exit', fx) <- arbBlock pass exit f
       ; (body', fb) <- arbBody  pass body fx
       ; return (body' `RGCatC` exit', fb) }
arbGraph pass (GMany (JustO entry) body NothingO) f
  = do { (body', fb)  <- arbBody  pass body f
       ; (entry', fe) <- arbBlock pass entry fb
       ; return (entry' `RGCatC` body', fe) }
arbGraph pass (GMany (JustO entry) body (JustO exit)) f
  = do { (exit', fx)  <- arbBlock pass exit f
       ; (body', fb)  <- arbBody  pass body fx
       ; (entry', fe) <- arbBlock pass entry fb
       ; return (entry' `RGCatC` body' `RGCatC` exit', fe) }

backwardBlockList :: Edges n => [Label] -> Body n -> [((Label, Block n C C), [Label])]
-- This produces a list of blocks in order suitable for backward analysis,
-- along with the list of Labels it may depend on for facts.
backwardBlockList _ blks = map withSuccs $ bodyList blks
  where withSuccs (l, b) = ((l, b), successors b)

   :: forall n f. Edges n
   => BwdPass n f 
   -> Body n -> FactBase f 
   -> FuelMonad (Body n, FactBase f)

analyzeAndRewriteBwd pass body facts
  = do { (rg, _) <- arbBody pass body facts
       ; return (normaliseBody rg) }

--      fixpoint: finding fixed points

data TxFactBase n f
  = TxFB { tfb_fbase :: FactBase f
         , tfb_rg  :: RG n f C C -- Transformed blocks
         , tfb_cha   :: ChangeFlag
         , tfb_lbls  :: LabelSet }
 -- Note [TxFactBase change flag]
 -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 -- Set the tfb_cha flag iff 
 --   (a) the fact in tfb_fbase for or a block L changes
 --   (b) L is in tfb_lbls.
 -- The tfb_lbls are all Labels of the *original* 
 -- (not transformed) blocks

updateFact :: DataflowLattice f -> LabelSet -> (Label, f)
           -> (ChangeFlag, FactBase f) 
           -> (ChangeFlag, FactBase f)
-- See Note [TxFactBase change flag]
updateFact lat lbls (lbl, new_fact) (cha, fbase)
  | NoChange <- cha2        = (cha,        fbase)
  | lbl `elemLabelSet` lbls = (SomeChange, new_fbase)
  | otherwise               = (cha,        new_fbase)
    (cha2, res_fact) 
       = case lookupFact fbase lbl of
           Nothing -> (SomeChange, new_fact)  -- Note [Unreachable blocks]
           Just old_fact -> fact_extend lat new_fact old_fact
    new_fbase = extendFactBase fbase lbl res_fact

fixpoint :: forall n f. Edges n
         => Bool	-- Going forwards?
         -> DataflowLattice f
         -> (Block n C C -> FactBase f
              -> FuelMonad (RG n f C C, FactBase f))
         -> FactBase f -> [((Label, Block n C C), [Label])]
         -> FuelMonad (RG n f C C, FactBase f)
fixpoint is_fwd lat do_block init_fbase blocks
  = do { fuel <- getFuel  
       ; tx_fb <- loop fuel init_fbase
       ; return (tfb_rg tx_fb, 
                 tfb_fbase tx_fb `delFromFactBase` map fst blocks) }
	     -- The successors of the Graph are the the Labels for which
	     -- we have facts, that are *not* in the blocks of the graph
    tx_blocks :: [((Label, Block n C C), [Label])] 
              -> TxFactBase n f -> FuelMonad (TxFactBase n f)
    tx_blocks []              tx_fb = return tx_fb
    tx_blocks (((lbl,blk), deps):bs) tx_fb = tx_block lbl blk deps tx_fb >>= tx_blocks bs
     -- "deps" == Labels the block may _depend_ upon for facts

    tx_block :: Label -> Block n C C -> [Label]
             -> TxFactBase n f -> FuelMonad (TxFactBase n f)
    tx_block lbl blk deps tx_fb@(TxFB { tfb_fbase = fbase, tfb_lbls = lbls
                                      , tfb_rg = blks, tfb_cha = cha })
      | is_fwd && not (lbl `elemFactBase` fbase)
      = return tx_fb {tfb_lbls = lbls `unionLabelSet` mkLabelSet deps}	-- Note [Unreachable blocks]
      | otherwise
      = do { (rg, out_facts) <- do_block blk fbase
           ; let (cha',fbase') 
                   = foldr (updateFact lat lbls) (cha,fbase) 
                           (factBaseList out_facts)
                 lbls' = lbls `unionLabelSet` mkLabelSet deps
           ; return (TxFB { tfb_lbls  = lbls'
                          , tfb_rg    = rg `RGCatC` blks
                          , tfb_fbase = fbase', tfb_cha = cha' }) }

    loop :: Fuel -> FactBase f -> FuelMonad (TxFactBase n f)
    loop fuel fbase 
      = do { let init_tx_fb = TxFB { tfb_fbase = fbase
                                   , tfb_cha   = NoChange
                                   , tfb_rg    = RGNil
                                   , tfb_lbls  = emptyLabelSet }
           ; tx_fb <- tx_blocks blocks init_tx_fb
           ; case tfb_cha tx_fb of
               NoChange   -> return tx_fb
               SomeChange -> do { setFuel fuel
                                ; loop fuel (tfb_fbase tx_fb) } }

{- Note [Unreachable blocks]
A block that is not in the domain of tfb_fbase is "currently unreachable".
A currently-unreachable block is not even analyzed.  Reason: consider 
constant prop and this graph, with entry point L1:
  L1: x:=3; goto L4
  L2: x:=4; goto L4
  L4: if x>3 goto L2 else goto L5
Here L2 is actually unreachable, but if we process it with bottom input fact,
we'll propagate (x=4) to L4, and nuke the otherwise-good rewriting of L4.

* If a currently-unreachable block is not analyzed, then its rewritten
  graph will not be accumulated in tfb_rg.  And that is good:
  unreachable blocks simply do not appear in the output.

* Note that clients must be careful to provide a fact (even if bottom)
  for each entry point. Otherwise useful blocks may be garbage collected.

* Note that updateFact must set the change-flag if a label goes from
  not-in-fbase to in-fbase, even if its fact is bottom.  In effect the
  real fact lattice is
       the points above bottom

* All of this only applies for *forward* fixpoints.  For the backward
  case we must treat every block as reachable; it might finish with a
  'return', and therefore have no successors, for example.

--	RG: an internal data type for graphs under construction
--          TOTALLY internal to Hoopl

data RG n f e x where
  RGNil   :: RG n f a a
  RGUnit  :: Fact e f -> Block n e x -> RG n f e x
  RGCatO  :: RG n f e O -> RG n f O x -> RG n f e x
  RGCatC  :: RG n f e C -> RG n f C x -> RG n f e x

type BodyWithFacts  n f     = (Body n, FactBase f)
type GraphWithFacts n f e x = (Graph n e x, FactBase f)
  -- A Graph together with the facts for that graph
  -- The domains of the two maps should be identical

normaliseBody :: Edges n => RG n f C C -> BodyWithFacts n f
normaliseBody rg = (body, fact_base)
    (GMany _ body _, fact_base) = normCC rg

normOO :: Edges n => RG n f O O -> GraphWithFacts n f O O
normOO RGNil          = (GNil, noFacts)
normOO (RGUnit _ b)   = (GUnit b, noFacts)
normOO (RGCatO g1 g2) = normOO g1 `gwfCat` normOO g2
normOO (RGCatC g1 g2) = normOC g1 `gwfCat` normCO g2

normOC :: Edges n => RG n f O C -> GraphWithFacts n f O C
normOC (RGUnit _ b)   = (GMany (JustO b) BodyEmpty NothingO, noFacts)
normOC (RGCatO g1 g2) = normOO g1 `gwfCat` normOC g2
normOC (RGCatC g1 g2) = normOC g1 `gwfCat` normCC g2

normCO :: Edges n => RG n f C O -> GraphWithFacts n f C O
normCO (RGUnit f b) = (GMany NothingO BodyEmpty (JustO b), unitFact l f)
                      l = entryLabel b
normCO (RGCatO g1 g2) = normCO g1 `gwfCat` normOO g2
normCO (RGCatC g1 g2) = normCC g1 `gwfCat` normCO g2

normCC :: Edges n => RG n f C C -> GraphWithFacts n f C C
normCC RGNil        = (GMany NothingO BodyEmpty NothingO, noFacts)
normCC (RGUnit f b) = (GMany NothingO (BodyUnit b) NothingO, unitFact l f)
                      l = entryLabel b
normCC (RGCatO g1 g2) = normCO g1 `gwfCat` normOC g2
normCC (RGCatC g1 g2) = normCC g1 `gwfCat` normCC g2

gwfCat :: Edges n => GraphWithFacts n f e a
                  -> GraphWithFacts n f a x 
                  -> GraphWithFacts n f e x
gwfCat (g1, fb1) (g2, fb2) = (g1 `gCat` g2, fb1 `unionFactBase` fb2)

bwfUnion :: BodyWithFacts n f -> BodyWithFacts n f -> BodyWithFacts n f
bwfUnion (bg1, fb1) (bg2, fb2) = (bg1 `BodyCat` bg2, fb1 `unionFactBase` fb2)


graphOfAGraph :: AGraph node e x -> FuelMonad (Graph node e x)
graphOfAGraph ag = ag

gCat :: Graph n e a -> Graph n a x -> Graph n e x
gCat = U.gCatAny

{- Not sure why the following does not work!  ---NR
gCat g@(GMany _ _ NothingO) g' = U.gCatClosed g g'
gCat g g'@(GMany NothingO _ _) = U.gCatClosed g g'
gCat g g' = U.gCat g g'