-- This file is part of Hoppy.
-- Copyright 2015-2016 Bryan Gardiner <bog@khumba.net>
-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-- along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


-- | Shared portion of the Haskell code generator.  Usable by binding
-- definitions.
module Foreign.Hoppy.Generator.Language.Haskell (
  -- * Code generators
  Partial (..),
  Output (..),
  -- * Exports
  -- * Imports
  -- * Code generation
  HsTypeSide (..),
  ) where

#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.Monad (when)
#if MIN_VERSION_mtl(2,2,1)
import Control.Monad.Except (Except, catchError, runExcept, throwError)
import Control.Monad.Error (catchError, throwError)
import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT, ask, runReaderT)
import Control.Monad.Writer (WriterT, censor, runWriterT, tell)
import Data.Char (toUpper)
import Data.Foldable (forM_)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Functor (($>))
import Data.List (intercalate, intersperse)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust)
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid, mappend, mconcat, mempty)
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import Foreign.Hoppy.Generator.Common (capitalize, lowerFirst)
import Foreign.Hoppy.Generator.Spec
import qualified Language.Haskell.Pretty as P
import Language.Haskell.Syntax (
  HsName (HsIdent),
  HsQName (Special, UnQual),
  HsSpecialCon (HsUnitCon),
  HsType (HsTyApp, HsTyCon, HsTyFun),

-- | Returns the complete Haskell module name for a 'Module' in an 'Interface',
-- taking into account the 'interfaceHaskellModuleBase' and the
-- 'moduleHaskellName'.
getModuleName :: Interface -> Module -> String
getModuleName interface m =
  intercalate "." $
  interfaceHaskellModuleBase interface ++
  fromMaybe [toModuleName $ moduleName m] (moduleHaskellName m)

-- | Performs case conversions on the given string to ensure that it is a valid
-- component of a Haskell module name.
toModuleName :: String -> String
toModuleName (x:xs) = toUpper x : xs
toModuleName "" = ""

-- | Renders a set of imports in Haskell syntax on multiple lines.
renderImports :: HsImportSet -> [String]
renderImports = map renderModuleImport . M.assocs . getHsImportSet
  where -- | Renders an import as a string that contains one or more lines.
        renderModuleImport :: (HsImportKey, HsImportSpecs) -> String
        renderModuleImport (key, specs) =
          let moduleName = hsImportModule key
              maybeQualifiedName = hsImportQualifiedName key
              isQual = isJust maybeQualifiedName
              importPrefix = if hsImportSource specs
                             then "import {-# SOURCE #-} "
                             else "import "
              importQualifiedPrefix =
                if hsImportSource specs
                then "import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified "
                else "import qualified "
          in case getHsImportSpecs specs of
            Nothing -> case maybeQualifiedName of
              Nothing -> importPrefix ++ moduleName
              Just qualifiedName ->
                concat [importQualifiedPrefix, moduleName, " as ", qualifiedName]
            Just specMap ->
              let specWords :: [String]
                  specWords = concatWithCommas $ map renderSpecAsWords $ M.assocs specMap
                  singleLineImport :: String
                  singleLineImport =
                    concat $
                    (if isQual then importQualifiedPrefix else importPrefix) :
                    moduleName : " (" : intersperse " " specWords ++
                    case maybeQualifiedName of
                      Nothing -> [")"]
                      Just qualifiedName -> [") as ", qualifiedName]
              in if null $ drop maxLineLength singleLineImport
                 then singleLineImport
                 else intercalate "\n" $
                      (importPrefix ++ moduleName ++ " (") :
                      groupWordsIntoLines specWords ++
                      case maybeQualifiedName of
                        Nothing -> ["  )"]
                        Just qualifiedName -> ["  ) as " ++ qualifiedName]

        -- | Takes an import spec, and returns a list of words that comprise
        -- that spec.  Line breaking may be performed by the caller only between
        -- these words.
        renderSpecAsWords :: (HsImportName, HsImportVal) -> [String]
        renderSpecAsWords (name, val) = case val of
          HsImportVal -> [name]
          -- When we export specific subnames under a name, then we put a
          -- non-breaking space between the outer name and the first inner name,
          -- just for a little readability.
          HsImportValSome parts -> case parts of
            [] -> [name ++ " ()"]
            [part] -> [concat [name, " (", part, ")"]]
            part0:parts -> let (parts', [partN]) = splitAt (length parts - 1) parts
                           in concat [name, " (", part0, ","] :
                              map (++ ",") parts' ++
                              [partN ++ ")"]
          HsImportValAll -> [name ++ " (..)"]

        -- | Takes a list of list of words.  Concatenates to get a list of
        -- words, appending a comma to the final word in each list of words.
        concatWithCommas :: [[String]] -> [String]
        concatWithCommas [] = []
        concatWithCommas ss =
          let (ss', ssLast@[_]) = splitAt (length ss - 1) ss
          in concat $ map (onLast (++ ",")) ss' ++ ssLast

        -- | Applies a function to the final element of a list, if the list is
        -- nonempty.
        onLast :: (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
        onLast _ [] = []
        onLast f xs = let (xs', [x]) = splitAt (length xs - 1) xs
                      in xs' ++ [f x]

        -- | Takes a list of words, and returns a list of lines with the words
        -- flowed.
        groupWordsIntoLines :: [String] -> [String]
        groupWordsIntoLines [] = []
        groupWordsIntoLines words =
          let (wordCount, line, _) =
                last $
                takeWhile (\(wordCount, _, len) -> wordCount <= 1 || len <= maxLineLength) $
                scanl (\(wordCount, acc, len) word ->
                        (wordCount + 1,
                         concat [acc, " ", word],
                         len + 1 + length word))
                      (0, "", 0)
          in line : groupWordsIntoLines (drop wordCount words)

        maxLineLength :: Int
        maxLineLength = 100

-- | A generator monad for Haskell code.
-- Errors thrown in this monad are of the form:
-- > "$problem; $context; $moreContext; $evenMoreContext."
-- For example, "Class Foo is not convertible (use classModifyConversion);
-- generating function bar; in module baz.".
-- The main error message given to 'throwError' should be capitalized and should
-- not end with punctuation.  If there is a suggestion, include it in
-- parentheses at the end of the message.  'withErrorContext' and 'inFunction'
-- add context information, and should be given clauses, without punctuation.
#if MIN_VERSION_mtl(2,2,1)
type Generator = ReaderT Env (WriterT Output (Except ErrorMsg))
type Generator = ReaderT Env (WriterT Output (Either ErrorMsg))

-- | Context information for generating Haskell code.
data Env = Env
  { envInterface :: Interface
  , envModuleName :: String

askInterface :: Generator Interface
askInterface = envInterface <$> ask

askModuleName :: Generator String
askModuleName = envModuleName <$> ask

-- | A partially-rendered 'Module'.  Contains all of the module's bindings, but
-- may be subject to further processing.
data Partial = Partial
  { partialModuleHsName :: String
  , partialOutput :: Output

instance Eq Partial where
  (==) = (==) `on` partialModuleHsName

instance Ord Partial where
  compare = compare `on` partialModuleHsName

-- | A chunk of generated Haskell code, including information about imports and
-- exports.
data Output = Output
  { outputExports :: [HsExport]
    -- ^ Haskell module exports.  Each 'HsExport' should include one item to go
    -- in the export list of the generated module.  Should only contain objects
    -- imported or defined in the same 'Output'.
  , outputImports :: HsImportSet
    -- ^ Haskell module imports.  Should include all imports needed for the
    -- 'outputBody'.
  , outputBody :: [String]
    -- ^ Lines of Haskell code (possibly empty).  These lines may not contain
    -- the newline character in them.  There is an implicit newline between each
    -- string, as given by @intercalate \"\\n\" . outputBody@.

instance Monoid Output where
  mempty = Output mempty mempty mempty

  (Output e i b) `mappend` (Output e' i' b') =
    Output (e `mappend` e') (i `mappend` i') (b `mappend` b')

  mconcat os =
    Output (mconcat $ map outputExports os)
           (mconcat $ map outputImports os)
           (mconcat $ map outputBody os)

-- | Runs a generator action for the given interface and module name string.
-- Returns an error message if an error occurred, otherwise the action's output
-- together with its value.
runGenerator :: Interface -> String -> Generator a -> Either ErrorMsg (Partial, a)
runGenerator iface modName generator =
  fmap (first (Partial modName) . swap) $
#if MIN_VERSION_mtl(2,2,1)
  runExcept $
  flip catchError (\msg -> throwError $ msg ++ ".") $
  runWriterT $ runReaderT generator $ Env iface modName

-- | Runs a generator action and returns the its value.
evalGenerator :: Interface -> String -> Generator a -> Either ErrorMsg a
evalGenerator iface modName =
  fmap snd . runGenerator iface modName

-- | Runs a generator action and returns its output.
execGenerator :: Interface -> String -> Generator a -> Either ErrorMsg Partial
execGenerator iface modName =
  fmap fst . runGenerator iface modName

-- | Converts a 'Partial' into a complete Haskell module.
renderPartial :: Partial -> String
renderPartial partial =
  let modName = partialModuleHsName partial
      output = partialOutput partial
      imports = outputImports output
      body =
        intercalate "\n" $ concat
        [ [ "---------- GENERATED FILE, EDITS WILL BE LOST ----------"
          , ""
        , case outputExports output of
            [] -> [concat ["module ", modName, " where"]]
            exports ->
              concat ["module ", modName, " ("] :
              map (\export -> concat ["  ", export, ","]) exports ++
              ["  ) where"]
        , if M.null $ getHsImportSet imports
          then []
          else "" : renderImports imports
        , [""]
        , outputBody output
  in body

-- | Adds context information to the end of any error message thrown by the
-- action.  See 'Generator'.
withErrorContext :: String -> Generator a -> Generator a
withErrorContext msg' action = catchError action $ \msg -> throwError $ concat [msg, "; ", msg']

-- | Adds the given function name to any error message thrown by the action, for
-- context.
inFunction :: String -> Generator a -> Generator a
inFunction fnName = withErrorContext $ "in " ++ fnName

-- | Indicates strings that represent an item in a Haskell module export list.
type HsExport = String

-- | Adds an export to the current module.
addExport :: HsExport -> Generator ()
addExport = addExports . (:[])

-- | @addExport' \"x\"@ adds an export of the form @x (..)@ to the current
-- module.
addExport' :: HsExport -> Generator ()
addExport' x = addExports [x ++ " (..)"]

-- | Adds multiple exports to the current module.
addExports :: [HsExport] -> Generator ()
addExports exports = tell $ mempty { outputExports = exports }

-- | Adds imports to the current module.
addImports :: HsImportSet -> Generator ()
addImports imports = tell mempty { outputImports = imports }

-- | Imports all of the objects for the given external name into the current
-- module.  This is a no-op of the external name is defined in the current
-- module.
importHsModuleForExtName :: ExtName -> Generator ()
importHsModuleForExtName extName = inFunction "importHsModuleForExtName" $ do
  iface <- askInterface
  case M.lookup extName $ interfaceNamesToModules iface of
    Just ownerModule -> do
      let ownerModuleName = getModuleName iface ownerModule
      currentModuleName <- askModuleName
      when (currentModuleName /= ownerModuleName) $
        -- Yes, this currently imports the whole dang module to keep things
        -- simple.
        addImports $ hsWholeModuleImport ownerModuleName
    Nothing ->
      throwError $ concat
      ["Couldn't find module for ", show extName,
       " (maybe you forgot to include it in an exports list?)"]

-- | Outputs a line of Haskell code.  A newline will be added on the end of the
-- input.  Newline characters must not be given to this function.
sayLn :: String -> Generator ()
sayLn x =
  if '\n' `elem` x
  then inFunction "sayLn" $ throwError $ concat
       ["Refusing to speak '\n', received ", show x, " (use (mapM_ sayLn . lines) instead)"]
  else tell $ mempty { outputBody = [x] }

-- | Outputs multiple words to form a line of Haskell code (effectively @saysLn
-- = sayLn . concat@).
saysLn :: [String] -> Generator ()
saysLn = sayLn . concat

-- | Outputs an empty line of Haskell code.  This is reportedly valid Perl code
-- as well.
ln :: Generator ()
ln = sayLn ""

-- | Runs the given action, indenting all code output by the action one level.
indent :: Generator a -> Generator a
indent = censor $ \o -> o { outputBody = map (\x -> ' ':' ':x) $ outputBody o }

-- | Takes a list of binding actions and a body action, and outputs a @let@
-- expression.  By passing in 'Nothing' for the body, it will be omitted, so
-- @let@ statements in @do@ blocks can be created as well.  Output is of the
-- form:
-- > let
-- >   <binding1>
-- >   ...
-- >   <bindingN>
-- >   in
-- >     <body>
-- To stretch a binding over multiple lines, lines past the first should use
-- 'indent' manually.
sayLet :: [Generator ()] -> Maybe (Generator ()) -> Generator ()
sayLet bindings maybeBody = do
  sayLn "let"
  indent $ sequence_ bindings
  forM_ maybeBody $ \body ->
    -- Indent here in case we have a "let ... in ..." within a do block.
    indent $ do
      sayLn "in"
      indent body

-- | Internal helper function for constructing Haskell names from external
-- names.  Returns a name that is a suitable Haskell type name for the external
-- name, and if given 'Const', then with @\"Const\"@ appended.
toHsTypeName :: Constness -> ExtName -> String
toHsTypeName cst extName =
  (case cst of
      Const -> (++ "Const")
      Nonconst -> id) $
  case fromExtName extName of
    x:xs -> toUpper x:xs
    [] -> []

-- | Returns the Haskell name for an enum.
toHsEnumTypeName :: CppEnum -> String
toHsEnumTypeName = toHsTypeName Nonconst . enumExtName

-- | Constructs the data constructor name for a value in an enum.  Like C++ and
-- unlike say Java, Haskell enum values aren't in a separate enum-specific
-- namespace, so we prepend the enum name to the value name to get the data
-- constructor name.  The value name is a list of words; see 'enumValueNames'.
toHsEnumCtorName :: CppEnum -> [String] -> String
toHsEnumCtorName enum words =
  concat $ toHsEnumTypeName enum : "_" : map capitalize words

-- | Returns the Haskell name for a bitspace.  See 'toHsEnumTypeName'.
toHsBitspaceTypeName :: Bitspace -> String
toHsBitspaceTypeName = toHsTypeName Nonconst . bitspaceExtName

-- | Constructs the data constructor name for a value in a bitspace.  See
-- 'toHsEnumCtorName'.
toHsBitspaceValueName :: Bitspace -> [String] -> String
toHsBitspaceValueName bitspace words =
  lowerFirst $ concat $ toHsBitspaceTypeName bitspace : "_" : map capitalize words

-- | Returns the name of the function that will convert a bitspace value into a
-- raw numeric value.
toHsBitspaceToNumName :: Bitspace -> String
toHsBitspaceToNumName = ("from" ++) . toHsBitspaceTypeName

-- | The name of the Haskell typeclass that contains a method for converting to
-- a bitspace value.
toHsBitspaceClassName :: Bitspace -> String
toHsBitspaceClassName bitspace = 'I':'s':toHsBitspaceTypeName bitspace

-- | The name of the method in the 'toHsBitspaceClassName' typeclass that
-- constructs bitspace values.
toHsBitspaceFromValueName :: Bitspace -> String
toHsBitspaceFromValueName = ("to" ++) . toHsBitspaceTypeName

-- | The name for the typeclass of types that can be represented as values of
-- the given C++ class.
toHsValueClassName :: Class -> String
toHsValueClassName cls = toHsDataTypeName Nonconst cls ++ "Value"

-- | The name of the method within the 'toHsValueClassName' typeclass for
-- accessing an object of the type as a pointer.
toHsWithValuePtrName :: Class -> String
toHsWithValuePtrName cls = concat ["with", toHsDataTypeName Nonconst cls, "Ptr"]

-- | The name for the typeclass of types that are (possibly const) pointers to
-- objects of the given C++ class, or subclasses.
toHsPtrClassName :: Constness -> Class -> String
toHsPtrClassName cst cls = toHsDataTypeName cst cls ++ "Ptr"

-- | The name of the function that upcasts pointers to the specific class type
-- and constness.
toHsCastMethodName :: Constness -> Class -> String
toHsCastMethodName cst cls = "to" ++ toHsDataTypeName cst cls

-- | The name of the typeclass that provides a method to downcast to a specific
-- class type.  See 'toHsDownCastMethodName'.
toHsDownCastClassName :: Constness -> Class -> String
toHsDownCastClassName cst cls =
  concat [toHsDataTypeName Nonconst cls,
          case cst of
            Const -> "Const"
            Nonconst -> ""]

-- | The name of the function that downcasts pointers to the specific class type
-- and constness.
toHsDownCastMethodName :: Constness -> Class -> String
toHsDownCastMethodName cst cls = "downTo" ++ toHsDataTypeName cst cls

-- | The import name for the foreign function that casts between two specific
-- pointer types.  Used for upcasting and downcasting.
toHsCastPrimitiveName :: Class -> Class -> String
toHsCastPrimitiveName from to =
  concat ["cast", toHsDataTypeName Nonconst from, "To", toHsDataTypeName Nonconst to]

-- | The name of one of the functions that add/remove const to/from a class's
-- pointer type.  Given 'Const', it will return the function that adds const,
-- and given 'Nonconst', it will return the function that removes const.
toHsConstCastFnName :: Constness -> Class -> String
toHsConstCastFnName cst cls =
  concat ["cast", toHsDataTypeName Nonconst cls,
          case cst of
            Const -> "ToConst"
            Nonconst -> "ToNonconst"]

-- | The name of the data type that represents a pointer to an object of the
-- given class and constness.
toHsDataTypeName :: Constness -> Class -> String
toHsDataTypeName cst cls = toHsTypeName cst $ classExtName cls

-- | The name of the foreign function import wrapping @delete@ for the given
-- class type.  This is in internal to the binding; normal users should use
-- 'Foreign.Hoppy.Runtime.delete'.
toHsClassDeleteFnName :: Class -> String
toHsClassDeleteFnName cls = 'd':'e':'l':'e':'t':'e':'\'':toHsDataTypeName Nonconst cls

-- | Returns the name of the Haskell function that invokes the given method.
-- See also 'getClassyExtName'.
toHsMethodName :: Class -> Method -> String
toHsMethodName cls method = toHsMethodName' cls $ fromExtName $ methodExtName method

-- | Returns the name of the Haskell function that invokes a method with a
-- specific name in a class.
toHsMethodName' :: IsFnName String name => Class -> name -> String
toHsMethodName' cls methodName =
  lowerFirst $
  concat [fromExtName $ classExtName cls, "_",
          case toFnName methodName of
            FnName name -> name
            FnOp op -> fromExtName $ operatorPreferredExtName op]

-- | The name of the function that takes a Haskell function and wraps it in a
-- callback object.  This is internal to the binding; normal users can pass
-- Haskell functions to be used as callbacks inplicitly.
toHsCallbackCtorName :: Callback -> String
toHsCallbackCtorName = toHsFnName . callbackExtName

-- | Converts an external name into a name suitable for a Haskell function or
-- variable.
toHsFnName :: ExtName -> String
toHsFnName = lowerFirst . fromExtName

-- | Returns a distinct argument variable name for each nonnegative number.
toArgName :: Int -> String
toArgName = ("arg'" ++) . show

-- | The Haskell side of bindings performs conversions between C FFI types and
-- Haskell types.  This denotes which side's type is being used.
data HsTypeSide =
  HsCSide  -- ^ The C type sent from C++.
  | HsHsSide  -- ^ The Haskell-native type.
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Returns the 'HsType' corresponding to a 'Type', and also adds imports to
-- the 'Generator' as necessary for Haskell types that the 'Type' references.
-- On failure, an error is thrown.
cppTypeToHsTypeAndUse :: HsTypeSide -> Type -> Generator HsType
cppTypeToHsTypeAndUse side t =
  withErrorContext (concat ["converting ", show t, " to ", show side, " type"]) $
  case t of
    TVoid -> return $ HsTyCon $ Special HsUnitCon
    -- C++ has sizeof(bool) == 1, whereas Haskell can > 1, so we have to convert.
    TBool -> case side of
      HsCSide -> addImports hsImportForRuntime $> HsTyCon (UnQual $ HsIdent "HoppyFHR.CBool")
      HsHsSide -> addImports hsImportForPrelude $> HsTyCon (UnQual $ HsIdent "HoppyP.Bool")
    TChar -> addImports hsImportForForeignC $> HsTyCon (UnQual $ HsIdent "HoppyFC.CChar")
    TUChar -> addImports hsImportForForeignC $> HsTyCon (UnQual $ HsIdent "HoppyFC.CUChar")
    TShort -> addImports hsImportForForeignC $> HsTyCon (UnQual $ HsIdent "HoppyFC.CShort")
    TUShort -> addImports hsImportForForeignC $> HsTyCon (UnQual $ HsIdent "HoppyFC.CUShort")
    TInt -> addImports hsImportForForeignC $> HsTyCon (UnQual $ HsIdent "HoppyFC.CInt")
    TUInt -> addImports hsImportForForeignC $> HsTyCon (UnQual $ HsIdent "HoppyFC.CUInt")
    TLong -> addImports hsImportForForeignC $> HsTyCon (UnQual $ HsIdent "HoppyFC.CLong")
    TULong -> addImports hsImportForForeignC $> HsTyCon (UnQual $ HsIdent "HoppyFC.CULong")
    TLLong -> addImports hsImportForForeignC $> HsTyCon (UnQual $ HsIdent "HoppyFC.CLLong")
    TULLong -> addImports hsImportForForeignC $> HsTyCon (UnQual $ HsIdent "HoppyFC.CULLong")
    TFloat -> addImports hsImportForForeignC $> HsTyCon (UnQual $ HsIdent "HoppyFC.CFloat")
    TDouble -> addImports hsImportForForeignC $> HsTyCon (UnQual $ HsIdent "HoppyFC.CDouble")
    TInt8 -> addImports hsImportForInt $> HsTyCon (UnQual $ HsIdent "HoppyDI.Int8")
    TInt16 -> addImports hsImportForInt $> HsTyCon (UnQual $ HsIdent "HoppyDI.Int16")
    TInt32 -> addImports hsImportForInt $> HsTyCon (UnQual $ HsIdent "HoppyDI.Int32")
    TInt64 -> addImports hsImportForInt $> HsTyCon (UnQual $ HsIdent "HoppyDI.Int64")
    TWord8 -> addImports hsImportForWord $> HsTyCon (UnQual $ HsIdent "HoppyDW.Word8")
    TWord16 -> addImports hsImportForWord $> HsTyCon (UnQual $ HsIdent "HoppyDW.Word16")
    TWord32 -> addImports hsImportForWord $> HsTyCon (UnQual $ HsIdent "HoppyDW.Word32")
    TWord64 -> addImports hsImportForWord $> HsTyCon (UnQual $ HsIdent "HoppyDW.Word64")
    TPtrdiff -> addImports hsImportForForeignC $> HsTyCon (UnQual $ HsIdent "HoppyFC.CPtrdiff")
    TSize -> addImports hsImportForForeignC $> HsTyCon (UnQual $ HsIdent "HoppyFC.CSize")
    TSSize -> addImports hsImportForSystemPosixTypes $> HsTyCon (UnQual $ HsIdent "HoppySPT.CSsize")
    TEnum e -> HsTyCon . UnQual . HsIdent <$> case side of
      HsCSide -> addImports hsImportForForeignC $> "HoppyFC.CInt"
      HsHsSide -> importHsModuleForExtName (enumExtName e) $> toHsEnumTypeName e
    TBitspace b -> case side of
      HsCSide -> cppTypeToHsTypeAndUse side $ bitspaceType b
      HsHsSide -> importHsModuleForExtName (bitspaceExtName b) $>
                  HsTyCon (UnQual $ HsIdent $ toHsBitspaceTypeName b)
    TPtr (TObj cls) ->
      importHsModuleForExtName (classExtName cls) $>
      HsTyCon (UnQual $ HsIdent $ toHsTypeName Nonconst $ classExtName cls)
    TPtr (TConst (TObj cls)) ->
      importHsModuleForExtName (classExtName cls) $>
      HsTyCon (UnQual $ HsIdent $ toHsTypeName Const $ classExtName cls)
    TPtr (TFn paramTypes retType) -> do
      paramHsTypes <- mapM (cppTypeToHsTypeAndUse side) paramTypes
      retHsType <- cppTypeToHsTypeAndUse side retType
      sideFn <- case side of
        HsCSide -> do addImports hsImportForForeign
                      return $ HsTyApp $ HsTyCon $ UnQual $ HsIdent "HoppyF.FunPtr"
        HsHsSide -> return id
      addImports hsImportForPrelude
      return $ sideFn $
        foldr HsTyFun (HsTyApp (HsTyCon $ UnQual $ HsIdent "HoppyP.IO") retHsType) paramHsTypes
    TPtr t' -> do
      addImports hsImportForForeign
      -- Pointers to other types (i.e. primitive number types) point to the raw
      -- C++ value, so we need to use the C-side type of the pointer target
      -- here.
      HsTyApp (HsTyCon $ UnQual $ HsIdent "HoppyF.Ptr") <$> cppTypeToHsTypeAndUse HsCSide t'
    TRef t' -> cppTypeToHsTypeAndUse side $ TPtr t'
    TFn paramTypes retType -> do
      paramHsTypes <- mapM (cppTypeToHsTypeAndUse side) paramTypes
      retHsType <- cppTypeToHsTypeAndUse side retType
      addImports hsImportForPrelude
      return $
        foldr HsTyFun (HsTyApp (HsTyCon $ UnQual $ HsIdent "HoppyP.IO") retHsType) paramHsTypes
    TCallback cb -> do
      hsType <- cppTypeToHsTypeAndUse side $ callbackToTFn cb
      case side of
        HsHsSide -> return hsType
        HsCSide -> do
          addImports hsImportForRuntime
          return $ HsTyApp (HsTyCon $ UnQual $ HsIdent "HoppyFHR.CCallback") hsType
    TObj cls -> case side of
      HsCSide -> cppTypeToHsTypeAndUse side $ TPtr $ TConst t
      HsHsSide ->
        case classHaskellConversionType <$> classHaskellConversion (classConversion cls) of
          Nothing ->
            throwError $ concat
            ["Expected a Haskell type for ", show cls, " but there isn't one"]
          Just t' -> t'
    TObjToHeap cls -> cppTypeToHsTypeAndUse side $ TPtr $ TObj cls
    TConst t' -> cppTypeToHsTypeAndUse side t'

-- | Prints a value like 'P.prettyPrint', but removes newlines so that they
-- don't cause problems with this module's textual generation.  Should be mainly
-- used for printing types; stripping newlines from definitions for example
-- could go badly.
prettyPrint :: P.Pretty a => a -> String
prettyPrint = filter (/= '\n') . P.prettyPrint