-- | Alegbraic data types for OSC datum and packets.
module Sound.OpenSoundControl.Type (OSC(..)
                                   ,tag) where

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import Data.Word
import Sound.OpenSoundControl.Time

-- | The basic elements of OSC messages.
data Datum = Int Int
           | Float Double
           | Double Double
           | String String
           | Blob B.ByteString
           | TimeStamp Time
           | Midi (Word8,Word8,Word8,Word8)
             deriving (Eq,Read,Show)

-- | An OSC packet.
data OSC = Message String [Datum]
         | Bundle Time [OSC]
           deriving (Eq,Read,Show)

-- | OSC bundles can be ordered (time ascending).  Bundles and
--   messages compare 'EQ'.
instance Ord OSC where
    compare (Bundle a _) (Bundle b _) = compare a b
    compare _ _ = EQ

-- | Single character identifier of an OSC datum.
tag :: Datum -> Char
tag dt =
    case dt of
      Int _ -> 'i'
      Float _ -> 'f'
      Double _ -> 'd'
      String _ -> 's'
      Blob _ -> 'b'
      TimeStamp _ -> 't'
      Midi _ -> 'm'

-- | Bundle constructor. It is an 'error' if the 'OSC' list is empty.
bundle :: Time -> [OSC] -> OSC
bundle t xs =
    case xs of
      [] -> error "bundle: empty?"
      _ -> Bundle t xs

-- | Message constructor.  It is an 'error' if the address doesn't
-- conform to the OSC specification.
message :: String -> [Datum] -> OSC
message a xs =
    case a of
      '/':_ -> Message a xs
      _ -> error "message: ill-formed address"