hosc-utils ---------- utilities related to [hosc][hosc] and [hosc-json][hosc-json]. to build type: $ cd hs; make prefix=~/opt all install `hosc-json-cat` reads [JSON][json] representations of [OSC][osc] packets from `stdin`, one per line, and forwards them in binary form to a UDP port (ie. [scsynth][sc3]). $ echo '["/c_set",0,440]' | hosc-json-cat -h -p 57110 `hosc-json-cgi` reads a JSON OSC packet at the query parameter `j` and forwards over UDP. http://localhost/hosc-json-cgi?p=57110&j=["/c_set",0,440,1,0.1] `hosc-json-console` is a [readline][haskeline] variant of `hosc-json-cat`, supporting history and line editing etc. It reads JSON OSC packets from `stdin`, one per line, and forwards them over UDP. (ie. `scsynth`). `hosc-json-nrt` reads an [SC3][sc3] non-realtime score, which is a sequence of length prefixed OSC bundles, and prints the JSON representation of each element to `stdout`. $ hosc-json-nrt ~/uc/see-hearer-clearer/osc/shc-C.osc | less `hosc-json-ws` is a [websocket][ws] server that forwards incoming JSON OSC packets at a specified `ws:` port (`-w`) to a UDP port (`-p`). There are test sources ([Chrome][chrome]\ 11.0.696.57) at: - [01.html](sw/hosc-utils/html/json-ws.01.html) - plain text - [02.html](sw/hosc-utils/html/json-ws.02.html) - mouse co-ordinates - [03.svg](sw/hosc-utils/svg/json-ws.03.svg) - UGen graph (drawing) - [04.html](sw/hosc-utils/html/json-ws.04.html) - UGen graph (text) [hosc]: http://rd.slavepianos.org/?t=hosc [hosc-json]: http://rd.slavepianos.org/?t=hosc-json [json]: http://json.org/ [osc]: http://opensoundcontrol.org/ [ws]: http://www.websocket.org/ [haskeline]: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/haskeline [chrome]: http://www.google.com/chrome [sc3]: http://audiosynth.com/ © rd, 2011-2013, [gpl] [gpl]: http://gnu.org/copyleft/