{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Hpack.ConvertSpec (spec) where import Prelude () import Prelude.Compat import Control.Monad import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString hiding (pack, unpack) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as ByteString (unpack) import System.Directory import System.FilePath import Test.Hspec import Hpack.Config import Hpack.Convert spec :: Spec spec = describe "fromPackageDescriptionString" $ do describe "generated from ./test/data/*.{cabal,yaml}" $ do cabalFiles <- runIO $ do fs <- getDirectoryContents "./test/data" return $ map ("./test/data" ) (filter ((== ".cabal") . takeExtension) fs) forM_ cabalFiles $ \cabalFp -> do let expectationFp = cabalFp ++ ".yaml" readPackageFromCabal fp = do cc <- readFile fp let Right pkg = fromPackageDescriptionString cc return pkg expectationExists <- runIO $ doesFileExist expectationFp if not expectationExists then do it ("parses " ++ cabalFp) (pendingWith ("no expected output file at " ++ expectationFp)) it ("produces the same output from " ++ cabalFp ++ " as from " ++ expectationFp) (pendingWith ("no expected output file at " ++ expectationFp)) else do it ("parses " ++ cabalFp) $ do pkg <- readPackageFromCabal cabalFp ecc <- ByteString.readFile expectationFp -- ByteString.writeFile (cabalFp ++ ".yaml.out") bpkg encodePackage pkg `shouldBe` ecc it ("produces the same output from " ++ cabalFp ++ " as from " ++ expectationFp) $ do pkg <- readPackageFromCabal cabalFp Right (_, pkg') <- readPackageConfig expectationFp -- ByteString.writeFile (cabalFp ++ ".yaml.out.2") (encodePackage pkg') -- This is here to make sure encoding is consistent with the cabal -- file encoding ByteString.unpack (encodePackage pkg') `shouldBe` ByteString.unpack (encodePackage pkg) describe "simple generated cabal file" $ do it "cabal init -m" $ do pkgDescription <- readFile "./test/data/cabal-init-minimal.cabal" let pkg = fromPackageDescriptionString pkgDescription pkg `shouldBe` Right Package { packageName = "cabal-init-minimal" , packageVersion = "" , packageSynopsis = Nothing , packageDescription = Nothing , packageHomepage = Nothing , packageBugReports = Nothing , packageCategory = Nothing , packageStability = Nothing , packageAuthor = [ "Pedro Tacla Yamada" ] , packageMaintainer = [ "tacla.yamada@gmail.com" ] , packageCopyright = [] , packageLicense = Just "PublicDomain" , packageLicenseFile = Nothing , packageTestedWith = Nothing , packageFlags = [] , packageExtraSourceFiles = ["ChangeLog.md"] , packageDataFiles = [] , packageSourceRepository = Nothing , packageLibrary = Just Section { sectionData = Library { libraryExposed = Just True , libraryExposedModules = [] , libraryOtherModules = [] , libraryReexportedModules = [] } , sectionSourceDirs = ["src"] , sectionDependencies = [ Dependency "base >=4.8 && <4.9" Nothing ] , sectionDefaultExtensions = [] , sectionOtherExtensions = [] , sectionGhcOptions = [] , sectionGhcProfOptions = [] , sectionCppOptions = [] , sectionCCOptions = [] , sectionCSources = [] , sectionExtraLibDirs = [] , sectionExtraLibraries = [] , sectionIncludeDirs = [] , sectionInstallIncludes = [] , sectionLdOptions = [] , sectionBuildable = Just True , sectionConditionals = [] , sectionBuildTools = [] } , packageExecutables = [] , packageTests = [] , packageBenchmarks = [] } it "cabal init -m with executables" $ do pkgDescription <- readFile "./test/data/cabal-init-with-executables.cabal" let pkg = fromPackageDescriptionString pkgDescription pkg `shouldBe` Right Package { packageName = "cabal-init-minimal" , packageVersion = "" , packageSynopsis = Nothing , packageDescription = Nothing , packageHomepage = Nothing , packageBugReports = Nothing , packageCategory = Nothing , packageStability = Nothing , packageAuthor = [ "Pedro Tacla Yamada" ] , packageMaintainer = [ "tacla.yamada@gmail.com" ] , packageCopyright = [] , packageLicense = Just "PublicDomain" , packageLicenseFile = Nothing , packageTestedWith = Nothing , packageFlags = [] , packageExtraSourceFiles = ["ChangeLog.md"] , packageDataFiles = [] , packageSourceRepository = Nothing , packageLibrary = Nothing , packageExecutables = [ Section { sectionData = Executable { executableName = "hello-world" , executableMain = "HelloWorld.hs" , executableOtherModules = [] } , sectionSourceDirs = [ "src" ] , sectionDependencies = [ Dependency "base >=4.8 && <4.9" Nothing ] , sectionDefaultExtensions = [] , sectionOtherExtensions = [] , sectionGhcOptions = [] , sectionGhcProfOptions = [] , sectionCppOptions = [] , sectionCCOptions = [] , sectionCSources = [] , sectionExtraLibDirs = [] , sectionExtraLibraries = [] , sectionIncludeDirs = [] , sectionInstallIncludes = [] , sectionLdOptions = [] , sectionBuildable = Just True , sectionConditionals = [] , sectionBuildTools = [] } ] , packageTests = [] , packageBenchmarks = [] } it "cabal init -m with test-suites" $ do pkgDescription <- readFile "./test/data/cabal-init-with-tests.cabal" let pkg = fromPackageDescriptionString pkgDescription pkg `shouldBe` Right Package { packageName = "cabal-init-minimal" , packageVersion = "" , packageSynopsis = Nothing , packageDescription = Nothing , packageHomepage = Nothing , packageBugReports = Nothing , packageCategory = Nothing , packageStability = Nothing , packageAuthor = [ "Pedro Tacla Yamada" ] , packageMaintainer = [ "tacla.yamada@gmail.com" ] , packageCopyright = [] , packageLicense = Just "PublicDomain" , packageLicenseFile = Nothing , packageTestedWith = Nothing , packageFlags = [] , packageExtraSourceFiles = ["ChangeLog.md"] , packageDataFiles = [] , packageSourceRepository = Nothing , packageLibrary = Nothing , packageExecutables = [ Section { sectionData = Executable { executableName = "hello-world" , executableMain = "HelloWorld.hs" , executableOtherModules = [] } , sectionSourceDirs = [ "src" ] , sectionDependencies = [ Dependency "base >=4.8 && <4.9" Nothing ] , sectionDefaultExtensions = [] , sectionOtherExtensions = [] , sectionGhcOptions = [] , sectionGhcProfOptions = [] , sectionCppOptions = [] , sectionCCOptions = [] , sectionCSources = [] , sectionExtraLibDirs = [] , sectionExtraLibraries = [] , sectionIncludeDirs = [] , sectionInstallIncludes = [] , sectionLdOptions = [] , sectionBuildable = Just True , sectionConditionals = [] , sectionBuildTools = [] } ] , packageTests = [ Section { sectionData = Executable { executableName = "hello-world-spec" , executableMain = "Spec.hs" , executableOtherModules = [] } , sectionSourceDirs = [ "src", "test" ] , sectionDependencies = [ Dependency "base >=4.8 && <4.9" Nothing ] , sectionDefaultExtensions = [] , sectionOtherExtensions = [] , sectionGhcOptions = [] , sectionGhcProfOptions = [] , sectionCppOptions = [] , sectionCCOptions = [] , sectionCSources = [] , sectionExtraLibDirs = [] , sectionExtraLibraries = [] , sectionIncludeDirs = [] , sectionInstallIncludes = [] , sectionLdOptions = [] , sectionBuildable = Just True , sectionConditionals = [] , sectionBuildTools = [] } ] , packageBenchmarks = [] } it "cabal init -m with benchmarks" $ do pkgDescription <- readFile "./test/data/cabal-init-with-benchmarks.cabal" let pkg = fromPackageDescriptionString pkgDescription pkg `shouldBe` Right Package { packageName = "cabal-init-minimal" , packageVersion = "" , packageSynopsis = Nothing , packageDescription = Nothing , packageHomepage = Nothing , packageBugReports = Nothing , packageCategory = Nothing , packageStability = Nothing , packageAuthor = [ "Pedro Tacla Yamada" ] , packageMaintainer = [ "tacla.yamada@gmail.com" ] , packageCopyright = [] , packageLicense = Just "PublicDomain" , packageLicenseFile = Nothing , packageTestedWith = Nothing , packageFlags = [] , packageExtraSourceFiles = ["ChangeLog.md"] , packageDataFiles = [] , packageSourceRepository = Nothing , packageLibrary = Nothing , packageExecutables = [ Section { sectionData = Executable { executableName = "hello-world" , executableMain = "HelloWorld.hs" , executableOtherModules = [] } , sectionSourceDirs = [ "src" ] , sectionDependencies = [ Dependency "base >=4.8 && <4.9" Nothing ] , sectionDefaultExtensions = [] , sectionOtherExtensions = [] , sectionGhcOptions = [] , sectionGhcProfOptions = [] , sectionCppOptions = [] , sectionCCOptions = [] , sectionCSources = [] , sectionExtraLibDirs = [] , sectionExtraLibraries = [] , sectionIncludeDirs = [] , sectionInstallIncludes = [] , sectionLdOptions = [] , sectionBuildable = Just True , sectionConditionals = [] , sectionBuildTools = [] } ] , packageTests = [ Section { sectionData = Executable { executableName = "hello-world-spec" , executableMain = "Spec.hs" , executableOtherModules = [] } , sectionSourceDirs = [ "src", "test" ] , sectionDependencies = [ Dependency "base >=4.8 && <4.9" Nothing ] , sectionDefaultExtensions = [] , sectionOtherExtensions = [] , sectionGhcOptions = [] , sectionGhcProfOptions = [] , sectionCppOptions = [] , sectionCCOptions = [] , sectionCSources = [] , sectionExtraLibDirs = [] , sectionExtraLibraries = [] , sectionIncludeDirs = [] , sectionInstallIncludes = [] , sectionLdOptions = [] , sectionBuildable = Just True , sectionConditionals = [] , sectionBuildTools = [] } ] , packageBenchmarks = [ Section { sectionData = Executable { executableName = "hello-world-benchmark" , executableMain = "Bench.hs" , executableOtherModules = [] } , sectionSourceDirs = [ "src", "benchmarks" ] , sectionDependencies = [ Dependency "base >=4.8 && <4.9" Nothing ] , sectionDefaultExtensions = [] , sectionOtherExtensions = [] , sectionGhcOptions = [] , sectionGhcProfOptions = [] , sectionCppOptions = [] , sectionCCOptions = [] , sectionCSources = [] , sectionExtraLibDirs = [] , sectionExtraLibraries = [] , sectionIncludeDirs = [] , sectionInstallIncludes = [] , sectionLdOptions = [] , sectionBuildable = Just True , sectionConditionals = [] , sectionBuildTools = [] } ] } it "cabal init -m with conditionals" $ do pkgDescription <- readFile "./test/data/cabal-init-with-conditionals.cabal" let pkg = fromPackageDescriptionString pkgDescription pkg `shouldBe` Right Package { packageName = "cabal-init-minimal" , packageVersion = "" , packageSynopsis = Nothing , packageDescription = Nothing , packageHomepage = Nothing , packageBugReports = Nothing , packageCategory = Nothing , packageStability = Nothing , packageAuthor = [ "Pedro Tacla Yamada" ] , packageMaintainer = [ "tacla.yamada@gmail.com" ] , packageCopyright = [] , packageLicense = Just "PublicDomain" , packageLicenseFile = Nothing , packageTestedWith = Nothing , packageFlags = [] , packageExtraSourceFiles = ["ChangeLog.md"] , packageDataFiles = [] , packageSourceRepository = Nothing , packageLibrary = Nothing , packageExecutables = [ Section { sectionData = Executable { executableName = "hello-world" , executableMain = "HelloWorld.hs" , executableOtherModules = [] } , sectionSourceDirs = [ "src" ] , sectionDependencies = [ Dependency "base >=4.8 && <4.9" Nothing ] , sectionDefaultExtensions = [] , sectionOtherExtensions = [] , sectionGhcOptions = [] , sectionGhcProfOptions = [] , sectionCppOptions = [] , sectionCCOptions = [] , sectionCSources = [] , sectionExtraLibDirs = [] , sectionExtraLibraries = [] , sectionIncludeDirs = [] , sectionInstallIncludes = [] , sectionLdOptions = [] , sectionBuildable = Just True , sectionConditionals = [ Conditional "os(osx)" (emptySection {sectionBuildable = Just False}) Nothing ] , sectionBuildTools = [] } ] , packageTests = [] , packageBenchmarks = [] } it "cabal init -m with conditionals and an else branch" $ do pkgDescription <- readFile "./test/data/cabal-init-with-conditionals-and-else.cabal" let pkg = fromPackageDescriptionString pkgDescription pkg `shouldBe` Right Package { packageName = "cabal-init-minimal" , packageVersion = "" , packageSynopsis = Nothing , packageDescription = Nothing , packageHomepage = Nothing , packageBugReports = Nothing , packageCategory = Nothing , packageStability = Nothing , packageAuthor = [ "Pedro Tacla Yamada" ] , packageMaintainer = [ "tacla.yamada@gmail.com" ] , packageCopyright = [] , packageLicense = Just "PublicDomain" , packageLicenseFile = Nothing , packageTestedWith = Nothing , packageFlags = [] , packageExtraSourceFiles = ["ChangeLog.md"] , packageDataFiles = [] , packageSourceRepository = Nothing , packageLibrary = Nothing , packageExecutables = [ Section { sectionData = Executable { executableName = "hello-world" , executableMain = "HelloWorld.hs" , executableOtherModules = [] } , sectionSourceDirs = [ "src" ] , sectionDependencies = [ Dependency "base >=4.8 && <4.9" Nothing ] , sectionDefaultExtensions = [] , sectionOtherExtensions = [] , sectionGhcOptions = [] , sectionGhcProfOptions = [] , sectionCppOptions = [] , sectionCCOptions = [] , sectionCSources = [] , sectionExtraLibDirs = [] , sectionExtraLibraries = [] , sectionIncludeDirs = [] , sectionInstallIncludes = [] , sectionLdOptions = [] , sectionBuildable = Just True , sectionConditionals = [ Conditional "os(osx)" (emptySection {sectionSourceDirs = ["osx"]}) (Just emptySection {sectionSourceDirs = ["notosx"]}) ] , sectionBuildTools = [] } ] , packageTests = [] , packageBenchmarks = [] } emptySection :: Section () emptySection = Section { sectionData = () , sectionSourceDirs = [] , sectionDependencies = [] , sectionDefaultExtensions = [] , sectionOtherExtensions = [] , sectionGhcOptions = [] , sectionGhcProfOptions = [] , sectionCppOptions = [] , sectionCCOptions = [] , sectionCSources = [] , sectionExtraLibDirs = [] , sectionExtraLibraries = [] , sectionIncludeDirs = [] , sectionInstallIncludes = [] , sectionLdOptions = [] , sectionBuildable = Just True , sectionConditionals = [] , sectionBuildTools = [] }