{ name = "stack" , version = "1.10.0" , synopsis = "The Haskell Tool Stack" , description = '' Please see the README.md for usage information, and the wiki on Github for more details. Also, note that the API for the library is not currently stable, and may change significantly, even between minor releases. It is currently only intended for use by the executable.'' , category = "Development" , author = "Commercial Haskell SIG" , maintainer = "manny@fpcomplete.com" , license = "BSD3" , github = "commercialhaskell/stack" , homepage = "http://haskellstack.org" , custom-setup = { dependencies = [ "base >=4.10 && < 5", "Cabal >= 2.4", "filepath" ] } , extra-source-files = [ "CONTRIBUTING.md" , "ChangeLog.md" , "README.md" , "doc/*.md" , "src/setup-shim/StackSetupShim.hs" , "stack.yaml" , "test/package-dump/ghc-7.10.txt" , "test/package-dump/ghc-7.8.4-osx.txt" , "test/package-dump/ghc-7.8.txt" ] , ghc-options = [ "-Wall" , "-fwarn-tabs" , "-fwarn-incomplete-uni-patterns" , "-fwarn-incomplete-record-updates" , "-optP-Wno-nonportable-include-path # workaround [Filename case on macOS · Issue #4739 · haskell/cabal](https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/4739)" ] , dependencies = [ "Cabal >= 2.4" , "aeson" , "annotated-wl-pprint" , "ansi-terminal >= 0.8.1" , "array" , "async" , "attoparsec" , "base >=4.10 && < 5" , "base64-bytestring" , "bytestring" , "colour" , "conduit" , "conduit-extra" , "containers" , "cryptonite" , "cryptonite-conduit" , "deepseq" , "directory" , "echo" , "exceptions" , "extra" , "file-embed" , "filelock" , "filepath" , "fsnotify" , "generic-deriving" , "hackage-security" , "hashable" , "hpack" , "hpc" , "http-client" , "http-client-tls" , "http-conduit" , "http-types" , "memory" , "microlens" , "mintty" , "monad-logger" , "mono-traversable" , "mtl" , "mustache" , "neat-interpolation" , "network-uri" , "open-browser" , "optparse-applicative" , "pantry" , "path" , "path-io" , "persistent" , "persistent-sqlite" , "persistent-template" , "pretty" , "primitive" , "process" , "project-template" , "regex-applicative-text" , "resourcet" , "retry >= 0.7" , "rio" , "semigroups" , "split" , "stm" , "store-core" , "streaming-commons" , "tar" , "template-haskell" , "temporary" , "text" , "text-metrics" , "th-reify-many" , "time" , "tls" , "transformers" , "typed-process" , "unicode-transforms" , "unix-compat" , "unliftio >=" , "unordered-containers" , "vector" , "yaml" , "zip-archive" , "zlib" ] , when = { condition = "os(windows)" , `then` = { cpp-options = [ "-DWINDOWS" ], dependencies = [ "Win32" ] } , `else` = { build-tools = [ "hsc2hs" ], dependencies = [ "unix" ] } } , library = { source-dirs = "src/" , ghc-options = [ "-fwarn-identities" ] , generated-exposed-modules = [ "Paths_stack" ] , exposed-modules = [ "Control.Concurrent.Execute" , "Data.Attoparsec.Args" , "Data.Attoparsec.Combinators" , "Data.Attoparsec.Interpreter" , "Data.Monoid.Map" , "Network.HTTP.Download" , "Network.HTTP.Download.Verified" , "Network.HTTP.StackClient" , "Options.Applicative.Args" , "Options.Applicative.Builder.Extra" , "Options.Applicative.Complicated" , "Path.CheckInstall" , "Path.Extra" , "Path.Find" , "Stack.Build" , "Stack.Build.Cache" , "Stack.Build.ConstructPlan" , "Stack.Build.Execute" , "Stack.Build.Haddock" , "Stack.Build.Installed" , "Stack.Build.Source" , "Stack.Build.Target" , "Stack.BuildPlan" , "Stack.Clean" , "Stack.Config" , "Stack.Config.Build" , "Stack.Config.Urls" , "Stack.Config.Docker" , "Stack.Config.Nix" , "Stack.ConfigCmd" , "Stack.Constants" , "Stack.Constants.Config" , "Stack.Coverage" , "Stack.DefaultColorWhen" , "Stack.DefaultStyles" , "Stack.Docker" , "Stack.Docker.GlobalDB" , "Stack.Dot" , "Stack.FileWatch" , "Stack.Freeze" , "Stack.GhcPkg" , "Stack.Ghci" , "Stack.Ghci.Script" , "Stack.Hoogle" , "Stack.IDE" , "Stack.Image" , "Stack.Init" , "Stack.Ls" , "Stack.New" , "Stack.Nix" , "Stack.Options.BenchParser" , "Stack.Options.BuildMonoidParser" , "Stack.Options.BuildParser" , "Stack.Options.CleanParser" , "Stack.Options.ConfigParser" , "Stack.Options.Completion" , "Stack.Options.DockerParser" , "Stack.Options.DotParser" , "Stack.Options.ExecParser" , "Stack.Options.FreezeParser" , "Stack.Options.GhcBuildParser" , "Stack.Options.GhciParser" , "Stack.Options.GhcVariantParser" , "Stack.Options.GlobalParser" , "Stack.Options.HaddockParser" , "Stack.Options.HpcReportParser" , "Stack.Options.LogLevelParser" , "Stack.Options.NewParser" , "Stack.Options.NixParser" , "Stack.Options.PackageParser" , "Stack.Options.ResolverParser" , "Stack.Options.ScriptParser" , "Stack.Options.SDistParser" , "Stack.Options.SolverParser" , "Stack.Options.TestParser" , "Stack.Options.Utils" , "Stack.Package" , "Stack.PackageDump" , "Stack.Path" , "Stack.Prelude" , "Stack.PrettyPrint" , "Stack.Runners" , "Stack.Script" , "Stack.SDist" , "Stack.Setup" , "Stack.Setup.Installed" , "Stack.SetupCmd" , "Stack.Sig" , "Stack.Sig.GPG" , "Stack.Sig.Sign" , "Stack.Snapshot" , "Stack.Solver" , "Stack.StoreTH" , "Stack.Types.Build" , "Stack.Types.BuildPlan" , "Stack.Types.CompilerBuild" , "Stack.Types.Urls" , "Stack.Types.Compiler" , "Stack.Types.Config" , "Stack.Types.Config.Build" , "Stack.Types.Docker" , "Stack.Types.GhcPkgId" , "Stack.Types.Image" , "Stack.Types.NamedComponent" , "Stack.Types.Nix" , "Stack.Types.Package" , "Stack.Types.PackageDump" , "Stack.Types.PackageName" , "Stack.Types.PrettyPrint" , "Stack.Types.Resolver" , "Stack.Types.Runner" , "Stack.Types.Sig" , "Stack.Types.StylesUpdate" , "Stack.Types.TemplateName" , "Stack.Types.Version" , "Stack.Types.VersionIntervals" , "Stack.Unpack" , "Stack.Upgrade" , "Stack.Upload" , "Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Extended" , "System.Permissions" , "System.Process.PagerEditor" , "System.Terminal" ] , when = { condition = "os(windows)" , `then` = { source-dirs = [ "src/windows/" ] } , `else` = { source-dirs = [ "src/unix/" ] , c-sources = [ "src/unix/cbits/uname.c" ] } } } , executables = { stack = { main = "Main.hs" , source-dirs = [ "src/main" ] , generated-other-modules = [ "Build_stack", "Paths_stack" ] , ghc-options = [ "-threaded", "-rtsopts" ] , dependencies = [ "stack" ] , when = [ { condition = "flag(static)" , cpp-options = [] : List Text , dependencies = [] : List Text , ld-options = [ "-static", "-pthread" ] } , { condition = "!(flag(disable-git-info))" , cpp-options = [ "-DUSE_GIT_INFO" ] , dependencies = [ "githash", "optparse-simple" ] , ld-options = [] : List Text } , { condition = "flag(hide-dependency-versions)" , cpp-options = [ "-DHIDE_DEP_VERSIONS" ] , dependencies = [] : List Text , ld-options = [] : List Text } , { condition = "flag(supported-build)" , cpp-options = [ "-DSUPPORTED_BUILD" ] , dependencies = [] : List Text , ld-options = [] : List Text } ] } } , tests = { stack-test = { main = "Spec.hs" , source-dirs = [ "src/test" ] , ghc-options = [ "-threaded" ] , dependencies = [ "QuickCheck", "hspec", "stack", "smallcheck" ] } , stack-integration-test = { main = "IntegrationSpec.hs" , source-dirs = [ "test/integration", "test/integration/lib" ] , ghc-options = [ "-threaded", "-rtsopts", "-with-rtsopts=-N" ] , dependencies = [ "hspec" ] , when = { condition = "!flag(integration-tests)", buildable = False } } } , flags = { static = { description = "Pass -static/-pthread to ghc when linking the stack binary." , manual = True , default = False } , disable-git-info = { description = "Disable compile-time inclusion of current git info in stack" , manual = True , default = False } , hide-dependency-versions = { description = "Hides dependency versions from \"stack --version\", used only by building with stack.yaml" , manual = True , default = False } , integration-tests = { description = "Run the integration test suite" , manual = True , default = False } , supported-build = { description = "If false, causes \"stack --version\" to issue a warning about the build being unsupported. True only if building with stack.yaml" , manual = True , default = False } } }