name: stack version: 1.10.0 synopsis: The Haskell Tool Stack description: 'Please see the for usage information, and the wiki on Github for more details. Also, note that the API for the library is not currently stable, and may change significantly, even between minor releases. It is currently only intended for use by the executable.' category: Development homepage: author: Commercial Haskell SIG maintainer: license: BSD3 github: commercialhaskell/stack extra-source-files: - - - - doc/*.md - src/setup-shim/StackSetupShim.hs - stack.yaml - test/package-dump/ghc-7.10.txt - test/package-dump/ghc-7.8.4-osx.txt - test/package-dump/ghc-7.8.txt ghc-options: - -Wall - -fwarn-tabs - -fwarn-incomplete-uni-patterns - -fwarn-incomplete-record-updates - '-optP-Wno-nonportable-include-path # workaround [Filename case on macOS · Issue #4739 · haskell/cabal](' dependencies: - Cabal >= 2.4 - aeson - annotated-wl-pprint - ansi-terminal >= 0.8.1 - array - async - attoparsec - base >=4.10 && < 5 - base64-bytestring - bytestring - colour - conduit - conduit-extra - containers - cryptonite - cryptonite-conduit - deepseq - directory - echo - exceptions - extra - file-embed - filelock - filepath - fsnotify - generic-deriving - hackage-security - hashable - hpack - hpc - http-client - http-client-tls - http-conduit - http-types - memory - microlens - mintty - monad-logger - mono-traversable - mtl - mustache - neat-interpolation - network-uri - open-browser - optparse-applicative - pantry - path - path-io - persistent - persistent-sqlite - persistent-template - pretty - primitive - process - project-template - regex-applicative-text - resourcet - retry >= 0.7 - rio - semigroups - split - stm - store-core - streaming-commons - tar - template-haskell - temporary - text - text-metrics - th-reify-many - time - tls - transformers - typed-process - unicode-transforms - unix-compat - unliftio >= - unordered-containers - vector - yaml - zip-archive - zlib when: condition: os(windows) then: cpp-options: - -DWINDOWS dependencies: - Win32 else: dependencies: - unix build-tools: - hsc2hs custom-setup: dependencies: - base >=4.10 && < 5 - Cabal >= 2.4 - filepath flags: disable-git-info: description: Disable compile-time inclusion of current git info in stack manual: true default: false hide-dependency-versions: description: Hides dependency versions from "stack --version", used only by building with stack.yaml manual: true default: false integration-tests: description: Run the integration test suite manual: true default: false static: description: Pass -static/-pthread to ghc when linking the stack binary. manual: true default: false supported-build: description: If false, causes "stack --version" to issue a warning about the build being unsupported. True only if building with stack.yaml manual: true default: false library: exposed-modules: - Control.Concurrent.Execute - Data.Attoparsec.Args - Data.Attoparsec.Combinators - Data.Attoparsec.Interpreter - Data.Monoid.Map - Network.HTTP.Download - Network.HTTP.Download.Verified - Network.HTTP.StackClient - Options.Applicative.Args - Options.Applicative.Builder.Extra - Options.Applicative.Complicated - Path.CheckInstall - Path.Extra - Path.Find - Stack.Build - Stack.Build.Cache - Stack.Build.ConstructPlan - Stack.Build.Execute - Stack.Build.Haddock - Stack.Build.Installed - Stack.Build.Source - Stack.Build.Target - Stack.BuildPlan - Stack.Clean - Stack.Config - Stack.Config.Build - Stack.Config.Urls - Stack.Config.Docker - Stack.Config.Nix - Stack.ConfigCmd - Stack.Constants - Stack.Constants.Config - Stack.Coverage - Stack.DefaultColorWhen - Stack.DefaultStyles - Stack.Docker - Stack.Docker.GlobalDB - Stack.Dot - Stack.FileWatch - Stack.Freeze - Stack.GhcPkg - Stack.Ghci - Stack.Ghci.Script - Stack.Hoogle - Stack.IDE - Stack.Image - Stack.Init - Stack.Ls - Stack.New - Stack.Nix - Stack.Options.BenchParser - Stack.Options.BuildMonoidParser - Stack.Options.BuildParser - Stack.Options.CleanParser - Stack.Options.ConfigParser - Stack.Options.Completion - Stack.Options.DockerParser - Stack.Options.DotParser - Stack.Options.ExecParser - Stack.Options.FreezeParser - Stack.Options.GhcBuildParser - Stack.Options.GhciParser - Stack.Options.GhcVariantParser - Stack.Options.GlobalParser - Stack.Options.HaddockParser - Stack.Options.HpcReportParser - Stack.Options.LogLevelParser - Stack.Options.NewParser - Stack.Options.NixParser - Stack.Options.PackageParser - Stack.Options.ResolverParser - Stack.Options.ScriptParser - Stack.Options.SDistParser - Stack.Options.SolverParser - Stack.Options.TestParser - Stack.Options.Utils - Stack.Package - Stack.PackageDump - Stack.Path - Stack.Prelude - Stack.PrettyPrint - Stack.Runners - Stack.Script - Stack.SDist - Stack.Setup - Stack.Setup.Installed - Stack.SetupCmd - Stack.Sig - Stack.Sig.GPG - Stack.Sig.Sign - Stack.Snapshot - Stack.Solver - Stack.StoreTH - Stack.Types.Build - Stack.Types.BuildPlan - Stack.Types.CompilerBuild - Stack.Types.Urls - Stack.Types.Compiler - Stack.Types.Config - Stack.Types.Config.Build - Stack.Types.Docker - Stack.Types.GhcPkgId - Stack.Types.Image - Stack.Types.NamedComponent - Stack.Types.Nix - Stack.Types.Package - Stack.Types.PackageDump - Stack.Types.PackageName - Stack.Types.PrettyPrint - Stack.Types.Resolver - Stack.Types.Runner - Stack.Types.Sig - Stack.Types.StylesUpdate - Stack.Types.TemplateName - Stack.Types.Version - Stack.Types.VersionIntervals - Stack.Unpack - Stack.Upgrade - Stack.Upload - Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Extended - System.Permissions - System.Process.PagerEditor - System.Terminal generated-exposed-modules: - Paths_stack source-dirs: src/ ghc-options: - -fwarn-identities when: condition: os(windows) then: source-dirs: - src/windows/ else: source-dirs: - src/unix/ c-sources: - src/unix/cbits/uname.c executables: stack: main: Main.hs generated-other-modules: - Build_stack - Paths_stack source-dirs: - src/main ghc-options: - -threaded - -rtsopts dependencies: - stack when: - condition: flag(static) cpp-options: [] ld-options: - -static - -pthread dependencies: [] - condition: '!(flag(disable-git-info))' cpp-options: - -DUSE_GIT_INFO ld-options: [] dependencies: - githash - optparse-simple - condition: flag(hide-dependency-versions) cpp-options: - -DHIDE_DEP_VERSIONS ld-options: [] dependencies: [] - condition: flag(supported-build) cpp-options: - -DSUPPORTED_BUILD ld-options: [] dependencies: [] tests: stack-integration-test: main: IntegrationSpec.hs source-dirs: - test/integration - test/integration/lib ghc-options: - -threaded - -rtsopts - -with-rtsopts=-N dependencies: - hspec when: condition: '!flag(integration-tests)' buildable: false stack-test: main: Spec.hs source-dirs: - src/test ghc-options: - -threaded dependencies: - QuickCheck - hspec - stack - smallcheck