/* * handler.c * Type handler management functions, the core of the handler system. * * Copyright (c) 2011 eSilo, LLC. All rights reserved. * This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is * NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. */ #include "libpqtypes-int.h" /* ------------------------- * Built-in handler defaults: * base_id, nattrs, freeAttDescs, attDescsBuf, attDescs */ #define __HANDLER_DEFAULTS__ -1, 0, 0, {{0}}, NULL /* id, schema, typname, typlen, oid, arroid, typput, typget, defaults */ static PGtypeHandler pg_handlers[] = { /* character types */ {0, "pg_catalog", "char", 1, CHAROID, 1002, pqt_put_char, pqt_get_char, __HANDLER_DEFAULTS__}, {1, "pg_catalog", "varchar", -1, VARCHAROID, 1015, pqt_put_text, pqt_get_text, __HANDLER_DEFAULTS__}, /* supports ptr */ {2, "pg_catalog", "bpchar", -1, BPCHAROID, 1014, pqt_put_text, pqt_get_text, __HANDLER_DEFAULTS__}, /* supports ptr */ {3, "pg_catalog", "text", -1, TEXTOID, 1009, pqt_put_text, pqt_get_text, __HANDLER_DEFAULTS__}, /* supports ptr */ /* boolean types */ {4, "pg_catalog", "bool", 1, BOOLOID, 1000, pqt_put_bool, pqt_get_bool, __HANDLER_DEFAULTS__}, /* numeric types */ {5, "pg_catalog", "int2", 2, INT2OID, 1005, pqt_put_int2, pqt_get_int2, __HANDLER_DEFAULTS__}, {6, "pg_catalog", "int4", 4, INT4OID, 1007, pqt_put_int4, pqt_get_int4, __HANDLER_DEFAULTS__}, {7, "pg_catalog", "int8", 8, INT8OID, 1016, pqt_put_int8, pqt_get_int8, __HANDLER_DEFAULTS__}, {8, "pg_catalog", "float4", 4, FLOAT4OID, 1021, pqt_put_float4, pqt_get_float4, __HANDLER_DEFAULTS__}, {9, "pg_catalog", "float8", 8, FLOAT8OID, 1022, pqt_put_float8, pqt_get_float8, __HANDLER_DEFAULTS__}, {10, "pg_catalog", "numeric", -1, NUMERICOID, 1231, pqt_put_numeric, pqt_get_numeric, __HANDLER_DEFAULTS__}, /* bytea types */ {11, "pg_catalog", "bytea", -1, BYTEAOID, 1001, pqt_put_bytea, pqt_get_bytea, __HANDLER_DEFAULTS__}, /* supports ptr */ /* geometric types */ {12, "pg_catalog", "point", 16, POINTOID, 1017, pqt_put_point, pqt_get_point, __HANDLER_DEFAULTS__}, {13, "pg_catalog", "lseg", 32, LSEGOID, 1018, pqt_put_lseg, pqt_get_lseg, __HANDLER_DEFAULTS__}, {14, "pg_catalog", "box", 32, BOXOID, 1020, pqt_put_box, pqt_get_box, __HANDLER_DEFAULTS__}, {15, "pg_catalog", "circle", 24, CIRCLEOID, 719, pqt_put_circle, pqt_get_circle, __HANDLER_DEFAULTS__}, {16, "pg_catalog", "path", -1, PATHOID, 1019, pqt_put_path, pqt_get_path, __HANDLER_DEFAULTS__}, {17, "pg_catalog", "polygon", -1, POLYGONOID, 1027, pqt_put_polygon, pqt_get_polygon, __HANDLER_DEFAULTS__}, /* monetary types */ {18, "pg_catalog", "money", 8, CASHOID, 791, pqt_put_money, pqt_get_money, __HANDLER_DEFAULTS__}, /* network address typess */ {19, "pg_catalog", "inet", -1, INETOID, 1041, pqt_put_inet, pqt_get_inet, __HANDLER_DEFAULTS__}, {20, "pg_catalog", "cidr", -1, CIDROID, 651, pqt_put_inet, pqt_get_cidr, __HANDLER_DEFAULTS__}, {21, "pg_catalog", "macaddr", 6, MACADDROID, 1040, pqt_put_macaddr, pqt_get_macaddr, __HANDLER_DEFAULTS__}, /* date & time types */ {22, "pg_catalog", "time", 8, TIMEOID, 1183, pqt_put_time, pqt_get_time, __HANDLER_DEFAULTS__}, {23, "pg_catalog", "timetz", 12, TIMETZOID, 1270, pqt_put_timetz, pqt_get_timetz, __HANDLER_DEFAULTS__}, {24, "pg_catalog", "date", 4, DATEOID, 1182, pqt_put_date, pqt_get_date, __HANDLER_DEFAULTS__}, {25, "pg_catalog", "timestamp", 8, TIMESTAMPOID, 1115, pqt_put_timestamp, pqt_get_timestamp, __HANDLER_DEFAULTS__}, {26, "pg_catalog", "timestamptz", 8, TIMESTAMPTZOID, 1185, pqt_put_timestamptz, pqt_get_timestamptz, __HANDLER_DEFAULTS__}, {27, "pg_catalog", "interval", 16, INTERVALOID, 1187, pqt_put_interval, pqt_get_interval, __HANDLER_DEFAULTS__}, /* object identifier types */ {28, "pg_catalog", "oid", 4, OIDOID, 1028, pqt_put_int4, pqt_get_int4, __HANDLER_DEFAULTS__}, /* UUID types */ {29, "pg_catalog", "uuid", 16, UUIDOID, 2951, pqt_put_uuid, pqt_get_uuid, __HANDLER_DEFAULTS__}, /* Record types (composites) */ {30, "pg_catalog", "record", -1, RECORDOID, 0, pqt_put_record, pqt_get_record, __HANDLER_DEFAULTS__}, /* pqt types */ {31, "pqt", "str", -1, InvalidOid, 0, pqt_put_str, NULL, __HANDLER_DEFAULTS__}, /* supports ptr */ {32, "pqt", "null", -1, InvalidOid, 0, pqt_put_null, NULL, __HANDLER_DEFAULTS__}, /* more character types */ {33, "pg_catalog", "name", -1, NAMEOID, 1003, pqt_put_text, pqt_get_text, __HANDLER_DEFAULTS__}, /* supports ptr */ /* text passed as bytea to avoid double copy with ByteStringS * and silent truncation of strings containting NULL characters */ {34, "pg_catalog", "btext", -1, TEXTOID, 1009, pqt_put_bytea, pqt_get_bytea, __HANDLER_DEFAULTS__}, {35, "pg_catalog", "xml", -1, XMLOID, 143, pqt_put_bytea, pqt_get_bytea, __HANDLER_DEFAULTS__}, /* supports ptr */ }; static int expandHandlers(PGtypeData *typeData, PGerror *err); static PGrecordAttDesc * initAttDescs(PGerror *err, PGtypeHandler *h, char *attrs); static char * parseType(PGerror *err, const char *spec, char *schema, char *typname, int typpos); static int getTypeParams(PGconn *conn, PGerror *err, PGregisterType *types, int count, PGarray *names, PGarray *schemas); static int checkTypeLookups(PGresult *res, PGerror *err, PGregisterType *types, int count); /* If res is NULL, non-blocking send is used, otherwise a blocking * exec is issued and *res contains the result. Returns zero on * error and non-zero on success. */ static int performRegisterQuery(PGconn *conn, PGerror *err, int which, PGregisterType *types, int count, PGresult **res); /* Called by PQregisterTypes() for each type provided. */ static int registerSubClass(PGtypeData *connData, PGerror *err, const char *type_name, PGtypeProc typput, PGtypeProc typget); int PQinitTypes(PGconn *conn) { return PQregisterEventProc(conn, pqt_eventproc, "pqtypes", NULL); } /* Deprecated */ int PQregisterSubClasses(PGconn *conn, PGerror *err, PGregisterType *types, int count) { return PQregisterTypes(conn, err, PQT_SUBCLASS, types, count, 0); } /* Deprecated */ int PQregisterUserDefinedTypes(PGconn *conn, PGerror *err, PGregisterType *types, int count) { return PQregisterTypes(conn, err, PQT_USERDEFINED, types, count, 0); } /* Deprecated */ int PQregisterComposites(PGconn *conn, PGerror *err, PGregisterType *types, int count) { return PQregisterTypes(conn, err, PQT_COMPOSITE, types, count, 0); } int PQregisterTypes(PGconn *conn, PGerror *err, int which, PGregisterType *types, int count, int async) { int n = FALSE; if (!conn) { PQseterror(err, "PGconn cannot be NULL"); return FALSE; } if (!types) { PQseterror(err, "PGregisterType[] cannot be NULL"); return FALSE; } if (count < 0) { PQseterror(err, "PGregisterType[] count cannot be less than zero"); return FALSE; } /* nothing to do, silently ignore it */ if (count == 0) return TRUE; if (which == PQT_SUBCLASS) { int i; PGtypeData *connData; if (!(connData = (PGtypeData *) PQinstanceData(conn, pqt_eventproc))) { PQseterror(err, "PGconn is missing event data"); return FALSE; } for (i=0; i < count; i++) { n = registerSubClass(connData, err, types[i].typname, types[i].typput, types[i].typget); if (!n) return FALSE; } } else { PGresult *res = NULL; n = performRegisterQuery(conn, err, which, types, count, async ? NULL : &res); /* If not async, register the result and clear it. */ if (n && !async) { n = PQregisterResult(conn, err, which, types, count, res); PQclear(res); } } return n; } int PQregisterResult(PGconn *conn, PGerror *err, int which, PGregisterType *types, int count, PGresult *res) { int i; PGtypeData *connData; char typname[PQT_MAXIDLEN + 1]; char typschema[PQT_MAXIDLEN + 1]; /* inherit typput and typget from record type */ PGtypeHandler *h_rec = pqt_gethandler(NULL, 0, "pg_catalog", "record"); if (!conn) { PQseterror(err, "PGconn cannot be NULL"); return FALSE; } if (!res) { PQseterror(err, "PGresult cannot be NULL"); return FALSE; } if (which == PQT_SUBCLASS) { PQseterror(err, "Cannot call PQregisterResult for a subclass registration."); return FALSE; } if (!(connData = (PGtypeData *) PQinstanceData(conn, pqt_eventproc))) { PQseterror(err, "PGconn is missing event data"); return FALSE; } if (!types) { PQseterror(err, "PGregisterType[] cannot be NULL"); return FALSE; } if (count < 0) { PQseterror(err, "PGregisterType[] count cannot be less than zero"); return FALSE; } if(!checkTypeLookups(res, err, types, count)) return FALSE; for (i=0; i < PQntuples(res); i++) { int flags; PGint2 typlen; PGtypeHandler *h; if (which == PQT_USERDEFINED && !types[i].typput && !types[i].typget) { PQseterror(err, "Must provide a put and/or a get routine: '%s'", types[i].typname); return FALSE; } /* make sure conn's type handlers array is large enough */ if (!expandHandlers(connData, err)) return FALSE; /* create the handler */ h = &connData->typhandlers[connData->typhcnt]; memset(h, 0, sizeof(PGtypeHandler)); if (!PQgetf(res, err, i, "%oid %oid %int2", 1, &h->typoid, 2, &h->typoid_array, 3, &typlen)) { return FALSE; } h->id = connData->typhcnt + countof(pg_handlers); h->typlen = (int) typlen; h->base_id = -1; if (which == PQT_USERDEFINED) { h->typput = types[i].typput; h->typget = types[i].typget; } else { h->typput = h_rec->typput; h->typget = h_rec->typget; } /* parse out type and schema names again */ (void ) pqt_parsetype(err, types[i].typname, typschema, typname, &flags, 1); pqt_strcpy(h->typschema, sizeof(h->typschema), typschema); pqt_strcpy(h->typname, sizeof(h->typname), typname); /* Process composite attributes */ if(which == PQT_COMPOSITE) { PGtext attrs; int nattrs; PGrecordAttDesc *attDescs; if (!PQgetf(res, err, i, "%text", 4, &attrs)) { return FALSE; } if (!(attDescs = initAttDescs(err, h, attrs))) return FALSE; for (nattrs=0; *attrs; nattrs++) { char *p; char *name; int len; /* Attribute Text Encoding: * "attoid,attlen,atttypmod,name_hex attoid,etc..." */ attDescs[nattrs].attoid = (int) strtol(attrs, &attrs, 10); attDescs[nattrs].attlen = (int) strtol(attrs + 1, &attrs, 10); attDescs[nattrs].atttypmod = (int) strtol(attrs + 1, &attrs, 10); /* skip comma before name */ attrs++; /* attribute name in hex */ if (!(p = strchr(attrs, ' '))) p = attrs + strlen(attrs); /* last attr, point at NUL */ /* truncate name if it exceeds buffer */ len = (int) (p - attrs); if (len >= (int) sizeof(attDescs[nattrs].attname)) len = (int) (sizeof(attDescs[nattrs].attname) - 1); /* hex decode and copy */ for (name = attDescs[nattrs].attname; attrs < p; attrs += 2) *name++ = (char) (pqt_hex_to_dec(attrs[0]) << 4) | pqt_hex_to_dec(attrs[1]); *name = 0; } h->nattrs = nattrs; h->attDescs = attDescs; } connData->typhcnt++; } return TRUE; } int PQclearTypes(PGconn *conn, PGerror *err) { PGtypeData *connData; if (!conn) { PQseterror(err, "PGconn cannot be NULL"); return FALSE; } if (!(connData = (PGtypeData *) PQinstanceData(conn, pqt_eventproc))) { PQseterror(err, "PGconn is missing event data"); return FALSE; } pqt_cleartypes(connData); return TRUE; } /* Do not call when hcnt is 0. This returns NULL when malloc fails. * Passing in 0 could only do the same thing (ambiguos), so it is simply * not handled and may dump core. */ PGtypeHandler * pqt_duphandlers(PGtypeHandler *handlers, int hcnt) { int i; PGtypeHandler *h = (PGtypeHandler *) malloc(hcnt * sizeof(PGtypeHandler)); if (!h) return NULL; /* In the most common cases, this is the total cost of the dup. * Previously, the handler had 4 inner strings that required a deep * copy. Surprisingly, this had a noticeable overhead. This was * solved by using fixed length buffers in the type handler struct. * Also, a fixed length attDescs buffer was added to avoid having * to perform a deep copy for the common cases, 16 or less attrs. */ memcpy(h, handlers, hcnt * sizeof(PGtypeHandler)); /* Possibly deep copy PGrecordAttDesc array. Otherwise, assign it * to the fixed length buffer. */ for (i=0; i < hcnt; i++) { if (h[i].nattrs == 0) continue; /* There are attributes but the attDescs buffer can be used rather * than allocating and copying. The data was copied during the * handlers memcpy prior to this loop. */ if (!h[i].freeAttDescs) { h[i].attDescs = h[i].attDescsBuf; continue; } /* ------------------------------ * Must allocate and copy. */ h[i].attDescs = (PGrecordAttDesc *) malloc( h[i].nattrs * sizeof(PGrecordAttDesc)); if (!h[i].attDescs) { pqt_freehandlers(h, i+1); return NULL; } memcpy(h[i].attDescs, handlers[i].attDescs, h[i].nattrs * sizeof(PGrecordAttDesc)); } return h; } void pqt_cleartypes(PGtypeData *typeData) { if (typeData) { pqt_freehandlers(typeData->typhandlers, typeData->typhcnt); typeData->typhandlers = NULL; typeData->typhcnt = 0; typeData->typhmax = 0; } } void pqt_freehandlers(PGtypeHandler *handlers, int hcnt) { int i; /* Free attDescs */ for (i=0; i < hcnt; i++) if (handlers[i].freeAttDescs && handlers[i].attDescs) free(handlers[i].attDescs); if (handlers) free(handlers); } PGtypeHandler * pqt_gethandler(PGtypeHandler *handlers, int hcnt, const char *schema, const char *typname) { int i; int noschema = !schema || !*schema; if (!typname || !*typname) return NULL; /* user registered types are searched first */ for (i=0; i < hcnt; i++) { if ((noschema || strcmp(handlers[i].typschema, schema)==0) && strcmp(handlers[i].typname, typname)==0) { return &handlers[i]; } } /* builtin types searched last */ for (i=0; i < countof(pg_handlers); i++) { if ((noschema || strcmp(pg_handlers[i].typschema, schema)==0) && strcmp(pg_handlers[i].typname, typname)==0) { return &pg_handlers[i]; } } return NULL; } PGtypeHandler * pqt_gethandlerbyid(PGtypeHandler *handlers, int hcnt, int id) { if (id <= -1) return NULL; if (id < countof(pg_handlers)) return &pg_handlers[id]; id -= countof(pg_handlers); if (id >= hcnt) return NULL; return &handlers[id]; } PGtypeHandler * pqt_gethandlerbyoid(PGtypeHandler *handlers, int hcnt, Oid oid) { int pg_handlers_count = countof(pg_handlers); for (int i = 0; i < pg_handlers_count; ++i) { if (pg_handlers[i].typoid == oid) return &pg_handlers[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < hcnt; ++i) { if (handlers[i].typoid == oid) return &handlers[i]; } return NULL; } int pqt_argssuper(PGtypeArgs *args, ...) { int r; va_list ap; PGtypeHandler *baseclass; PGtypeHandler *subclass = args->typhandler; PGtypeData *resData = NULL; if (!args->is_put) { resData = (PGtypeData *) PQresultInstanceData( args->get.result, pqt_eventproc); if (!resData) return args->errorf(args, "PGresult is missing event data"); } /* should always work, but play it safe */ baseclass = pqt_gethandlerbyid( args->is_put ? args->put.param->typhandlers : resData->typhandlers, args->is_put ? args->put.param->typhcnt : resData->typhcnt, subclass->base_id); if (!baseclass) return args->errorf(args, "type handler has no base type"); args->typhandler = baseclass; va_copy(ap, args->ap); va_start(args->ap, args); r = args->is_put ? baseclass->typput(args) : baseclass->typget(args); va_copy(args->ap, ap); args->typhandler = subclass; return r; } /* FQTN standards for Fully Qualified Type Name. Returns a pointer to out. * Only returns NULL if out is NULL or outl <= 0. */ char * pqt_fqtn(char *out, size_t outl, const char *schema, const char *typname) { int r; int have_schema = schema && *schema; if (!out || outl<=0) return NULL; *out = 0; if (!typname || !*typname) return out; r = pqt_snprintf(out, outl, "%s%s%s", have_schema ? schema : "", have_schema ? "." : "", typname); if (r < 0) { *out = 0; return out; } return out; } /* only checks builin types or pqt types. User registered types must * be checked by the user's handler functions. */ int pqt_allowsptr(PGtypeHandler *h) { /* pg_catalog.[bpchar, varchar, name, text, bytea] */ if (strcmp(h->typschema, "pg_catalog")==0) { if (strcmp(h->typname, "bpchar") && strcmp(h->typname, "varchar") && strcmp(h->typname, "text") && strcmp(h->typname, "bytea") && strcmp(h->typname, "name")) { return FALSE; } } /* pqt.str */ else if (strcmp(h->typschema, "pqt")==0 && strcmp(h->typname, "str")) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } void pqt_getfmtinfo(const PGconn *conn, PGtypeFormatInfo *info) { const char *value; memset(info, 0, sizeof(PGtypeFormatInfo)); if ((value = PQparameterStatus(conn, "DateStyle"))) pqt_strcpy(info->datestyle, sizeof(info->datestyle), value); if ((value = PQparameterStatus(conn, "integer_datetimes"))) info->integer_datetimes = strcmp(value, "on")==0 ? TRUE : FALSE; info->sversion = PQserverVersion(conn); info->pversion = PQprotocolVersion(conn); } static int registerSubClass(PGtypeData *connData, PGerror *err, const char *type_name, PGtypeProc typput, PGtypeProc typget) { char *s; PGtypeHandler *h_sub; PGtypeHandler *h_base; char sub_typschema[PQT_MAXIDLEN + 1]; char sub_typname[PQT_MAXIDLEN + 1]; char base_typschema[PQT_MAXIDLEN + 1]; char base_typname[PQT_MAXIDLEN + 1]; char sub_fqtn[200]; char base_fqtn[200]; if (!(s = parseType(err, type_name, sub_typschema, sub_typname, 1))) return FALSE; if (*s != '=') { PQseterror(err, "Missing inheritence operator '=': %s", type_name); return FALSE; } if (!parseType(err, s + 1, base_typschema, base_typname, 1)) return FALSE; /* lookup the base handler */ h_base = pqt_gethandler(connData->typhandlers, connData->typhcnt, base_typschema, base_typname); if (!h_base) { PQseterror(err, "typname '%s' does not exist, '%s' cannot sub-class it", pqt_fqtn(base_fqtn, sizeof(base_fqtn), base_typschema, base_typname), pqt_fqtn(sub_fqtn, sizeof(sub_fqtn), sub_typschema, sub_typname)); return FALSE; } /* cannot sub-class a record type */ if (h_base->typoid == RECORDOID) { PQseterror(err, "Cannot sub-class pg_catalog.record '%s'", pqt_fqtn(sub_fqtn, sizeof(sub_fqtn), sub_typschema, sub_typname)); return FALSE; } if (!expandHandlers(connData, err)) return FALSE; h_sub = &connData->typhandlers[connData->typhcnt]; memset(h_sub, 0, sizeof(PGtypeHandler)); h_sub->id = connData->typhcnt + countof(pg_handlers); h_sub->typlen = h_base->typlen; h_sub->typoid = h_base->typoid; h_sub->typoid_array = h_base->typoid_array; h_sub->typput = typput; h_sub->typget = typget; h_sub->base_id = h_base->id; pqt_strcpy(h_sub->typschema, sizeof(h_sub->typschema), sub_typschema); pqt_strcpy(h_sub->typname, sizeof(h_sub->typname), sub_typname); connData->typhcnt++; return TRUE; } static int expandHandlers(PGtypeData *typeData, PGerror *err) { int hmax; PGtypeHandler *h; if (typeData->typhcnt < typeData->typhmax) return TRUE; hmax = typeData->typhmax ? (typeData->typhmax * 3) / 2 : 8; h = (PGtypeHandler *) pqt_realloc( typeData->typhandlers, sizeof(PGtypeHandler) * hmax); if (!h) { PQseterror(err, PQT_OUTOFMEMORY); return FALSE; } typeData->typhandlers = h; typeData->typhmax = hmax; return TRUE; } static int checkTypeLookups(PGresult *res, PGerror *err, PGregisterType *types, int count) { int i; int ntups = PQntuples(res); /* The tuple count must match the requested count. The server omits * tuples for types it did not find. For those it did find, it returns * a sequenctial index. The first gap found is our missing type. This * only reports about the first missing type. */ if (ntups == count) return TRUE; for (i=0; i < ntups; i++) { int idx; if (!PQgetf(res, err, i, "%int4", 0, &idx)) return FALSE; /* 'i' should always match idx-1, postgresql arrays are 1-based. * This is a missing type, first gap in the sequence. */ if (i != idx-1) break; } PQseterror(err, "server type lookup failed: could not find '%s'", types[i].typname); return FALSE; } /* This is part of a performance enhancement for getting arrays * and/or composites. They require generating PGresults which * causes pqt_duphandlers() to run. Its amazing how much a simple * malloc+memcpy costs after around 10000 or so. The common case * avoids this by using a fixed length PGrecordAttDesc buffer. If * there are a large number of attributes, the slower path is used. * Again this is small, maybe 10% of the overall 63% win. */ static PGrecordAttDesc *initAttDescs(PGerror *err, PGtypeHandler *h, char *attrs) { char *p; int nattrs = 1; PGrecordAttDesc *attDescs; for(p = attrs; *p; nattrs++, ++p) if(!(p = strchr(p, ' '))) break; if (nattrs < (int) (sizeof(h->attDescsBuf) / sizeof(h->attDescsBuf[0]))) { h->freeAttDescs = 0; attDescs = h->attDescsBuf; } else { attDescs = (PGrecordAttDesc *) malloc(nattrs * sizeof(PGrecordAttDesc)); if (!attDescs) { PQseterror(err, PQT_OUTOFMEMORY); return NULL; } h->freeAttDescs = 1; } return attDescs; } /* wraps pqt_parsetype to toggle out illegal flags during a register */ static char *parseType(PGerror *err, const char *spec, char *typschema, char *typname, int typpos) { char *s; int flags; if (!(s = pqt_parsetype(err, spec, typschema, typname, &flags, typpos))) return NULL; if (flags & TYPFLAG_INVALID) return NULL; if (flags & TYPFLAG_ARRAY) { PQseterror(err, "Cannot use an array[] during a type handler registration."); return NULL; } if (flags & TYPFLAG_POINTER) { PQseterror(err, "Cannot use a type* during a type handler registration."); return NULL; } return s; } static int getTypeParams(PGconn *conn, PGerror *err, PGregisterType *types, int count, PGarray *names, PGarray *schemas) { int i; names->ndims = 0; schemas->ndims = 0; if (!(names->param = PQparamCreate(conn, err))) return FALSE; if (!(schemas->param = PQparamCreate(conn, err))) { PQparamClear(names->param); return FALSE; } for (i=0; i < count; i++) { char typname[PQT_MAXIDLEN + 1]; char typschema[PQT_MAXIDLEN + 1]; char *s = parseType(err, types[i].typname, typschema, typname, 1); if (!s) { PQparamClear(names->param); PQparamClear(schemas->param); return FALSE; } s = *typschema ? typschema : NULL; if (!PQputf(names->param, err, "%text", typname) || !PQputf(schemas->param, err, "%text", s)) { PQparamClear(names->param); PQparamClear(schemas->param); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /* Lookup types, including composites. Arguments are: * schemas text[], type_names text[], want_attrs bool */ #define LOOKUP_TYPES \ "WITH nspnames AS" \ "(" \ " SELECT * FROM information_schema._pg_expandarray(%text[])" \ ")," \ "typnames AS" \ "(" \ " SELECT * FROM information_schema._pg_expandarray(%text[])" \ ")," \ "curpath AS" \ "(" \ " SELECT * FROM information_schema._pg_expandarray(current_schemas(true))" \ ")," \ "composites AS" \ "(" \ " SELECT n.n AS idx, n.x AS nspname, t.x AS typname" \ " FROM nspnames n LEFT JOIN typnames t ON n.n = t.n" \ " AND n.x IS NOT NULL" \ " WHERE t.x IS NOT NULL" \ " UNION ALL" \ " SELECT n.n AS idx," \ " (" \ " SELECT n.nspname from pg_type nt JOIN pg_namespace n ON " \ "nt.typnamespace = n.oid" \ " JOIN curpath c ON c.x = n.nspname" \ " WHERE nt.typname = t.x" \ " ORDER BY c.n LIMIT 1" \ " ) AS nspname, t.x AS typname" \ " FROM nspnames n LEFT JOIN typnames t ON n.n = t.n" \ " AND n.x IS NULL" \ " WHERE t.x IS NOT NULL" \ ")" \ "SELECT idx, t.oid AS typoid, a.oid AS arroid, t.typlen," \ " (" \ " CASE WHEN %bool THEN (" \ " SELECT array_to_string" \ " (" \ " ARRAY" \ " (" \ " SELECT CASE WHEN tt.typtype = 'd' THEN tt.typbasetype " \ "ELSE a.atttypid END ||" \ " ',' || attlen || ',' || atttypmod || ',' || " \ "encode(attname::bytea, 'hex')" \ " FROM pg_type b" \ " JOIN pg_attribute a ON b.typrelid = a.attrelid" \ " JOIN pg_type tt ON a.atttypid = tt.oid" \ " WHERE b.oid = t.oid" \ " AND a.attnum > 0" \ " AND NOT a.attisdropped" \ " ORDER BY a.attnum" \ " ), ' ')" \ " ) ELSE NULL END) AS arr_props" \ " FROM composites c" \ " JOIN pg_type t ON t.typname = c.typname" \ " JOIN pg_namespace n ON t.typnamespace = n.oid AND n.nspname = c.nspname" \ " JOIN pg_type a ON a.oid = t.typarray" \ " ORDER BY idx;" /* Lookup types for pre 8.4 servers, including composites. Arguments are: * want_attrs bool, schemas text[], type_names text[] */ #define LOOKUP_TYPES_PRE_8_4 \ "SELECT idx, t.oid AS typoid, a.oid AS arroid, t.typlen," \ " (" \ " CASE WHEN %bool THEN (" \ " SELECT array_to_string" \ " (" \ " ARRAY" \ " (" \ " SELECT CASE WHEN tt.typtype = 'd' THEN tt.typbasetype " \ "ELSE a.atttypid END ||" \ " ',' || attlen || ',' || atttypmod || ',' || " \ "encode(attname::bytea, 'hex')" \ " FROM pg_type b" \ " JOIN pg_attribute a ON b.typrelid = a.attrelid" \ " JOIN pg_type tt ON a.atttypid = tt.oid" \ " WHERE b.oid = t.oid" \ " AND a.attnum > 0" \ " AND NOT a.attisdropped" \ " ORDER BY a.attnum" \ " ), ' ')" \ " ) ELSE NULL END) AS arr_props" \ " FROM" \ " (" \ " SELECT n.n AS idx, n.x AS nspname, t.x AS typname" \ " FROM" \ " (" \ " SELECT * FROM information_schema._pg_expandarray(%text[])" \ " ) n LEFT JOIN" \ " (" \ " SELECT * FROM information_schema._pg_expandarray(%text[])" \ " ) t ON n.n = t.n" \ " AND n.x IS NOT NULL" \ " WHERE t.x IS NOT NULL" \ " UNION ALL" \ " SELECT n.n AS idx," \ " (" \ " SELECT n.nspname from pg_type nt JOIN pg_namespace n ON " \ "nt.typnamespace = n.oid" \ " JOIN" \ " (" \ " SELECT * FROM information_schema._pg_expandarray(" \ "current_schemas(true))" \ " ) c ON c.x = n.nspname" \ " WHERE nt.typname = t.x" \ " ORDER BY c.n LIMIT 1" \ " ) AS nspname, t.x AS typname" \ " FROM" \ " (" \ " SELECT * FROM information_schema._pg_expandarray($2)" \ " ) n LEFT JOIN" \ " (" \ " SELECT * FROM information_schema._pg_expandarray($3)" \ " ) t ON n.n = t.n" \ " AND n.x IS NULL" \ " WHERE t.x IS NOT NULL" \ " ) c" \ " JOIN pg_type t ON t.typname = c.typname" \ " JOIN pg_namespace n ON t.typnamespace = n.oid AND n.nspname = c.nspname" \ " JOIN pg_type a ON a.oid = t.typarray" \ " ORDER BY idx" static PGresult * execLookupTypes(PGconn *conn, PGerror *err, PGtypeData *data, PGarray *schemas, PGarray *names, int want_attrs) { if(data->fmtinfo.sversion >= 80400) return PQexecf(conn, err, LOOKUP_TYPES, schemas, names, &want_attrs); return PQexecf(conn, err, LOOKUP_TYPES_PRE_8_4, &want_attrs, schemas, names); } static int sendLookupTypes(PGconn *conn, PGerror *err, PGtypeData *data, PGarray *schemas, PGarray *names, int want_attrs) { if(data->fmtinfo.sversion >= 80400) return PQsendf(conn, err, LOOKUP_TYPES, schemas, names, &want_attrs); return PQsendf(conn, err, LOOKUP_TYPES_PRE_8_4, &want_attrs, schemas, names); } static int performRegisterQuery(PGconn *conn, PGerror *err, int which, PGregisterType *types, int count, PGresult **res) { int n = FALSE; PGtypeData *connData; PGarray names; PGarray schemas; int want_attrs = which == PQT_COMPOSITE; if (!(connData = (PGtypeData *) PQinstanceData(conn, pqt_eventproc))) { PQseterror(err, "PGconn is missing event data"); return FALSE; } if (!getTypeParams(conn, err, types, count, &names, &schemas)) return FALSE; if (res) *res = execLookupTypes(conn, err, connData, &schemas, &names, want_attrs); else n = sendLookupTypes(conn, err, connData, &schemas, &names, want_attrs); PQparamClear(names.param); PQparamClear(schemas.param); if (res) return *res ? TRUE : FALSE; return n; }