module Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.SQL.Class ( SomeSQL(..) , IsSQL(..) , unsafeSQL ) where import Data.String import Foreign.C.String import Foreign.Ptr import Prelude import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.Internal.C.Types import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.ToSQL -- | Container for SQL-like type storage. data SomeSQL = forall sql. IsSQL sql => SomeSQL sql -- | Class representing \"SQLness\" of a given type. class Show sql => IsSQL sql where -- | Convert 'sql' to libpqtypes representation and pass -- it to supplied continuation (usually for execution). withSQL :: sql -> ParamAllocator -- ^ 'PGparam' allocator. -> (Ptr PGparam -> CString -> IO r) -- ^ Continuation which takes 'sql' -- converted to libpqtypes specific representation, ie. 'PGparam' object -- containing query parameters and C string containing the query itself. -> IO r ---------------------------------------- -- | Convert unsafely from 'String' to 'sql' (Note: reckless usage -- of this function may introduce security vulnerabilities such -- as proneness to SQL injection attacks). unsafeSQL :: (IsSQL sql, IsString sql) => String -> sql unsafeSQL = fromString