-- | Bezier functions.
module Graphics.PS.Bezier (bezier4) where

import Graphics.PS.Pt

bezier3 :: Pt -> Pt -> Pt -> Double -> Pt
bezier3 (Pt x1 y1) (Pt x2 y2) (Pt x3 y3) mu = (Pt x y)
    where a = mu*mu
          b = 1 - mu
          c = b*b
          x = x1*c + 2*x2*b*mu + x3*a
          y = y1*c + 2*y2*b*mu + y3*a

-- | Four-point bezier curve interpolation.  The index /mu/ is
--   in the range zero to one.
bezier4 :: Pt -> Pt -> Pt -> Pt -> Double -> Pt
bezier4 (Pt x1 y1) (Pt x2 y2) (Pt x3 y3) (Pt x4 y4) mu =
    let a = 1 - mu
        b = a*a*a
        c = mu*mu*mu
        x = b*x1 + 3*mu*a*a*x2 + 3*mu*mu*a*x3 + c*x4
        y = b*y1 + 3*mu*a*a*y2 + 3*mu*mu*a*y3 + c*y4
    in Pt x y