module QuantLib.Stochastic.Process
        ( module QuantLib.Stochastic.Process )

import Control.Monad (foldM)
import QuantLib.Stochastic.Random (NormalGenerator (..))

-- | Discretization of stochastic process over given interval
class Discretize b where
        dDrift :: StochasticProcess a => a->b->Dot->Double
        dDiff  :: StochasticProcess a => a->b->Dot->Double
        dDt    :: StochasticProcess a => a->b->Dot->Double

-- | 1D Stochastic process
class StochasticProcess a where
        drift  :: a->Dot->Double
        diff   :: a->Dot->Double
        evolve :: Discretize b=> b->a->Dot->Double->Dot
        evolve discr p dot dw = Dot newT newX
                where   newT = ((+) (getT dot) (dDt p discr dot))
                        newX = (getX dot) + (dDrift p discr dot) + (dDiff p discr dot)*dw
-- | Dot. t and x pair
data Dot = Dot { getT :: Double, getX :: Double }
        deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Path as list of Dots
type Path = [Dot]

-- | Generates sample path for given stochastic process under discretization and normal generator for given amount of steps, starting from x0
generatePath :: (StochasticProcess a, NormalGenerator b, Discretize c) => b->c->a->Int->Dot->IO Path
generatePath rnd discr sp steps x0 = do
        let s    = replicate steps (1 :: Int)
        (path, _) <- foldM intGenPath ([x0], rnd) s
        return path
        where   intGenPath (p, r) _ = do
                        (dw, newRnd) <- ngGetNext r
                        let newDot = evolve discr sp (last p) dw
                        return (p ++ [newDot], newRnd)

-- | Geometric Brownian motion
data GeometricBrownian = GeometricBrownian { 
        gbDrift :: Double, 
        gbDiff :: Double 
        } deriving (Show)

instance StochasticProcess GeometricBrownian where
        drift p (Dot _ x) = (gbDrift p) * x
        diff  p (Dot _ x) = (gbDiff p)  * x

-- | Ito process
data ItoProcess = ItoProcess { 
        ipDrift :: Dot->Double, 
        ipDiff :: Dot->Double 

instance StochasticProcess ItoProcess where
        drift p d = (ipDrift p) d
        diff  p d = (ipDiff  p) d

-- | Square-root process
data SquareRootProcess = SquareRootProcess { 
        srpSpeed        :: Double, 
        srpMean         :: Double,
        srpSigma        :: Double
        } deriving (Show)

instance StochasticProcess SquareRootProcess where
       drift p (Dot _ x) = (srpSpeed p)*((srpMean p) - x)
       diff  p (Dot _ x) = (srpSigma p)*(sqrt x)

-- | Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process
data OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess = OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess {
        oupSpeed        :: Double,
        oupLevel        :: Double,
        oupSigma        :: Double
        } deriving (Show)

instance StochasticProcess OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess where
        drift p (Dot _ x) = (oupSpeed p)*((oupLevel p) - x)
        diff  p _ = (oupSigma p)

-- | Generalized Black-Scholes process
data BlackScholesProcess = BlackScholesProcess {
        bspRiskFree     :: Double->Double,
        bspDividend     :: Double->Double,
        bspBlackVol     :: Dot->Double

instance StochasticProcess BlackScholesProcess where
        drift (BlackScholesProcess r q v) dot = (r $ getT dot) - (q $ getT dot) - 0.5*(v dot)**2 
        diff  p dot = (bspBlackVol p) dot