/* * latex.c * * convert between latex special chars and unicode * * Copyright (c) Chris Putnam 2004-2013 * * Source code released under the GPL version 2 * */ #include #include #include "latex.h" struct latex_chars { unsigned int unicode; char *bib1, *bib2, *bib3; }; static struct latex_chars latex_chars[] = { { 35, "\\#", "", "" }, /* Number/pound/hash sign */ { 36, "\\$", "", "" }, /* Dollar Sign */ { 37, "\\%", "", "" }, /* Percent Sign */ { 38, "\\&", "", "" }, /* Ampersand */ { 92, "{\\backslash}", "\\backslash", "" }, /* Backslash */ { 123, "\\{", "{\\textbraceleft}", "\\textbraceleft" }, /* Left Curly Bracket */ { 125, "\\}", "{\\textbraceright}", "\\textbraceright" }, /* Right Curly Bracket */ { 95, "\\_", "", "" }, /* Underscore alone indicates subscript */ { 176, "{\\textdegree}", "\\textdegree", "^\\circ" }, /* Degree sign */ /* fix sticky spaces in bibtex token cleaning--allows tokens to be parsed properly */ /* { 32, "~", "\\ ", "" }, */ /* "sticky" space */ { 32, "\\ ", "", "" }, /* escaping the space is used to avoid extra space after periods */ { 126, "{\\textasciitilde}", "\\textasciitilde", "\\~{}" }, /* Tilde in latex */ /* This is a cheat, should use "\verb" */ /* Need same for ^ character */ /* Latin Capital A */ { 192, "{\\`A}", "\\`{A}", "\\`A" }, /* with grave */ { 193, "{\\'A}", "\\'{A}", "\\'A" }, /* with acute */ { 194, "{\\^A}", "\\^{A}", "\\^A" }, /* with circumflex */ { 195, "{\\~A}", "\\~{A}", "\\~A" }, /* with tilde */ { 196, "{\\\"A}", "\\\"{A}", "\\\"A" }, /* with diuresis */ { 197, "{\\AA}", "{\\r{A}}","\\r{A}"}, /* with ring above */ { 256, "{\\={A}}","\\={A}", "\\=A" }, /* with macron */ { 258, "{\\u{A}}","\\u{A}", "\\u A" }, /* with breve */ { 260, "{\\k{A}}","\\k{A}", "\\k A" }, /* with ogonek */ { 461, "{\\v{A}}","\\v{A}", "\\v A" }, /* with caron */ /* Latin Small a */ { 224, "{\\`a}", "\\`{a}", "\\`a" }, /* with grave */ { 225, "{\\'a}", "\\'{a}", "\\'a" }, /* with acute */ { 226, "{\\^a}", "\\^{a}", "\\^a" }, /* with circumflex */ { 227, "{\\~a}", "\\~{a}", "\\~a" }, /* with tilde */ { 228, "{\\\"a}", "\\\"{a}", "\\\"a" }, /* with diuresis */ { 229, "{\\aa}", "{\\r{a}}","\\r{a}"}, /* with ring above */ { 257, "{\\={a}}","\\={a}", "\\=a" }, /* with macron */ { 259, "{\\u{a}}","\\u{a}", "\\u a" }, /* with breve */ { 261, "{\\k{a}}","\\k{a}", "\\k a" }, /* with ogonek */ { 462, "{\\v{a}}","\\v{a}", "\\v a" }, /* with caron */ { 198, "{\\AE}", "\\AE", "" }, /* Latin Capital AE */ { 230, "{\\ae}", "\\ae", "" }, /* Latin Small ae */ /* Latin Capital C */ { 199, "{\\c{C}}","\\c{C}", "" }, /* with cedilla */ { 262, "{\\'{C}}","\\'{C}", "\\'C" }, /* with acute */ { 264, "{\\^{C}}","\\^{C}", "\\^C" }, /* with circumflex */ { 266, "{\\.{C}}","\\.{C}", "\\.C" }, /* with dot above */ { 268, "{\\v{C}}","\\v{C}", "\\v C" }, /* with caron (hacek) */ /* Latin Small c */ { 231, "{\\c{c}}","\\c{c}", "" }, /* with cedilla*/ { 263, "{\\'{c}}","\\'{c}", "\\'c" }, /* with acute */ { 265, "{\\^{c}}","\\^{c}", "\\^c" }, /* with circumflex */ { 267, "{\\.{c}}","\\.{c}", "\\.c" }, /* with dot above */ { 269, "{\\v{c}}","\\v{c}", "\\v c" }, /* with caron (hacek) */ /* Latin Capital D */ { 270, "{\\v{D}}","\\v{D}", "\\v D" }, /* with caron */ { 272, "{\\DJ}", "", "" }, /* with stroke */ /* Latin Small d */ { 271, "{\\v{d}}","\\v{d}", "\\v d" }, /* with caron */ { 273, "{\\dj}", "", "" }, /* with stroke */ /* Latin Capital E */ { 200, "{\\`E}", "\\`{E}", "\\`E" }, /* with grave */ { 201, "{\\'E}", "\\'{E}", "\\'E" }, /* with acute */ { 202, "{\\^E}", "\\^{E}", "\\^E" }, /* with circumflex */ { 203, "{\\\"E}", "\\\"{E}", "\\\"E" }, /* with diuresis */ { 274, "{\\={E}}","\\={E}", "\\=E" }, /* with macron */ { 276, "{\\u{E}}","\\u{E}", "\\u E" }, /* with breve */ { 278, "{\\.{E}}","\\.{E}", "\\.E" }, /* with dot above */ { 280, "{\\k{E}}","\\k{E}", "\\k E" }, /* with ogonek */ { 282, "{\\v{E}}","\\v{E}", "\\v E" }, /* with caron */ /* Latin Small e */ { 232, "{\\`e}", "\\`{e}", "\\`e" }, /* with grave */ { 233, "{\\'e}", "\\'{e}", "\\'e" }, /* with acute */ { 234, "{\\^e}", "\\^{e}", "\\^e" }, /* with circumflex */ { 235, "{\\\"e}", "\\\"{e}", "\\\"e" }, /* with diuresis */ { 275, "{\\={e}}","\\={e}", "\\=e" }, /* with macron */ { 277, "{\\u{e}}","\\u{e}", "\\u e" }, /* with breve */ { 279, "{\\.{e}}","\\.{e}", "\\.e" }, /* with dot above */ { 281, "{\\k{e}}","\\k{e}", "\\k e" }, /* with ogonek */ { 283, "{\\v{e}}","\\v{e}", "\\v e" }, /* with caron */ /* Latin Capital G */ { 284, "{\\^{G}}","\\^{G}", "\\^G" }, /* with circumflex */ { 286, "{\\u{G}}","\\u{G}", "\\u G" }, /* with breve */ { 288, "{\\.{G}}","\\.{G}", "\\.G" }, /* with dot above */ { 290, "{\\c{G}}","\\c{G}", "\\c G" }, /* with cedilla */ { 486, "{\\v{G}}","\\v{G}", "\\v G" }, /* with caron */ { 500, "{\\'{G}}","\\'{G}", "\\'G" }, /* with acute */ /* Latin Small g */ { 285, "{\\^{g}}","\\^{g}", "\\^g" }, /* with circumflex */ { 287, "{\\u{g}}","\\u{g}", "\\u g" }, /* with breve */ { 289, "{\\.{g}}","\\.{g}", "\\.g" }, /* with dot above */ { 291, "{\\c{g}}","\\c{g}", "\\c g" }, /* with cedilla */ { 487, "{\\v{g}}","\\v{g}", "\\v g" }, /* with caron */ { 501, "{\\'{g}}","\\'{g}", "\\'g" }, /* with acute */ /* Latin Capital H */ { 292, "{\\^{H}}","\\^{H}", "\\^H" }, /* with circumflex */ /* { 294, "", "", "" },*//* with stroke */ /* Latin Capital h */ { 293, "{\\^{h}}","\\^{h}", "\\^h" }, /* with circumflex */ /* { 295, "", "", "" },*//* with stroke */ /* Latin Capital I */ { 204, "{\\`I}", "\\`{I}", "\\`I" }, /* with grave */ { 205, "{\\'I}", "\\'{I}", "\\'I" }, /* with acute */ { 206, "{\\^I}", "\\^{I}", "\\^I" }, /* with circumflex */ { 207, "{\\\"I}", "\\\"{I}", "\\\"I" }, /* with diuresis */ { 296, "{\\~{I}}","\\~{I}", "\\~I" }, /* with tilde */ { 298, "{\\={I}}","\\={I}", "\\=I" }, /* with macron */ { 300, "{\\u{I}}","\\u{I}", "\\u I" }, /* with breve */ { 302, "{\\k{I}}","\\k{I}", "\\k I" }, /* with ogonek */ { 304, "{\\.{I}}","\\.{I}", "\\. I" }, /* with dot above */ { 463, "{\\v{I}}","\\v{I}", "\\v I" }, /* with caron */ /* Latin Small i */ { 236, "{\\`i}", "\\`{i}", "\\`i" }, /* with grave */ { 237, "{\\'i}", "\\'{i}", "\\'i" }, /* with acute */ { 238, "{\\^i}", "\\^{i}", "\\^i" }, /* with circumflex */ { 239, "{\\\"i}", "\\\"{i}", "\\\"i" }, /* with diuresis */ { 236, "{\\`\\i}", "\\`{\\i}", "\\`\\i" }, /* with grave */ { 237, "{\\'\\i}", "\\'{\\i}", "\\'\\i" }, /* with acute */ { 238, "{\\^\\i}", "\\^{\\i}", "\\^\\i" }, /* with circumflex */ { 239, "{\\\"\\i}", "\\\"{\\i}", "\\\"\\i" }, /* with diuresis */ { 297, "{\\~{\\i}}","\\~{\\i}", "\\~\\i{}"}, /* with tilde */ { 299, "{\\={\\i}}", "\\={\\i}", "\\=\\i{}"}, /* with macron */ { 301, "{\\u{\\i}}","\\u{\\i}", "\\u\\i{}"}, /* with breve */ { 303, "{\\k{i}}","\\k{i}", "\\k i" }, /* with ogonek */ /* Latex \i has no dot on "i"*/ { 305, "{\\i}", "\\i{}", "" }, /* without dot above */ { 464, "{\\v \\i{}}", "\\v \\i{}", "" }, /* with caron */ /* { 306, "", "", "" },*/ /* Latin Capital IJ */ /* { 307, "" "", "" },*/ /* Latin Small ij */ /* Latin Capital J */ { 308, "{\\^{J}}","\\^{J}", "\\^J" }, /* with circumflex */ /* Latin Small j */ { 309, "{\\^{j}}","\\^{j}", "\\^j" }, /* with circumflex */ /* Latin Capital K */ { 310, "{\\c{K}}","\\c{K}", "\\c K" }, /* with cedilla */ { 488, "{\\v{K}}","\\v{K}", "\\v K" }, /* with caron */ /* Latin Small k */ { 311, "{\\c{k}}","\\c{k}", "\\c k" }, /* with cedilla */ { 489, "{\\v{k}}","\\v{k}", "\\v k" }, /* with caron */ /* Latin Capital L */ { 313, "{\\'{L}}","\\'{L}", "\\'L" }, /* with acute */ { 315, "{\\c{L}}","\\c{L}", "\\c L" }, /* with cedilla */ { 317, "{\\v{L}}","\\v{l}", "\\v L" }, /* with caron */ { 319, "{L\\hspace{-0.35em}$\\cdot$}","L\\hspace{-0.35em}$\\cdot$", "" }, /* with middle dot */ { 321, "{\\L}", "{\\L{}}", "\\L{}" }, /* with stroke */ /* Latin Small l */ { 314, "{\\'{l}}","\\'{l}", "\\'l" }, /* with acute */ { 316, "{\\c{l}}","\\c{l}", "\\c l" }, /* with cedilla */ { 318, "{\\v{l}}","\\v{l}", "\\v l" }, /* with caron */ { 320, "{l$\\cdot$}","l$\\cdot$", "" }, /* with middle dot */ { 322, "{\\l}", "{\\l{}}", "\\l{}" }, /* with stroke */ /* Latin Capital N */ { 209, "{\\~{N}}","\\~{N}", "\\~N" }, /* with tilde */ { 323, "{\\'{N}}","\\'{N}", "\\'N" }, /* with acute */ { 325, "{\\c{N}}","\\c{N}", "\\c N" }, /* with cedilla */ { 327, "{\\v{N}}","\\v{N}", "\\v N" }, /* with caron */ /* Latin Small n */ { 241, "{\\~{n}}","\\~{n}", "\\~n" }, /* with tilde */ { 324, "{\\'{n}}","\\'{n}", "\\'n" }, /* with acute */ { 326, "{\\c{n}}","\\c{n}", "\\c N" }, /* with cedilla */ { 328, "{\\v{n}}","\\v{n}", "\\v n" }, /* with caron */ { 329, "\n", "", "" }, /* preceeded by apostrophe */ /* Latin Capital O */ { 210, "{\\`O}", "\\`{O}", "\\`O" }, /* with grave */ { 211, "{\\'O}", "\\'{O}", "\\'O" }, /* with acute */ { 212, "{\\^O}", "\\^{O}", "\\^O" }, /* with circumflex */ { 213, "{\\~O}", "\\~{O}", "\\~O" }, /* with tilde */ { 214, "{\\\"O}", "\\\"{O}", "\\\"O" }, /* with diaeresis */ { 216, "{\\O}", "\\O", "" }, /* with stroke */ { 332, "{\\={O}}", "\\={O}", "\\=O" }, /* with macron */ { 334, "{\\u{O}}", "\\u{O}", "\\u O" }, /* with breve */ { 336, "{\\H{O}}", "\\H{O}", "\\H O" }, /* with double acute */ { 465, "{\\v{O}}", "\\v{O}", "\\v O" }, /* with caron */ { 490, "{\\k{O}}", "\\k{O}", "\\k O" }, /* with ogonek */ /* Latin Small o */ { 242, "{\\`o}", "\\`{o}", "\\`o" }, /* with grave */ { 243, "{\\'o}", "\\'{o}", "\\'o" }, /* with acute */ { 244, "{\\^o}", "\\^{o}", "\\^o" }, /* with circumflex */ { 245, "{\\~o}", "\\~{o}", "\\~o" }, /* with tilde */ { 246, "{\\\"o}", "\\\"{o}", "\\\"o" }, /* with diaeresis */ { 248, "{\\o}", "\\o", "" }, /* with stroke */ { 333, "{\\={o}}", "\\={o}", "\\=o" }, /* with macron */ { 335, "{\\u{o}}", "\\u{o}", "\\u o" }, /* with breve */ { 337, "{\\H{o}}", "\\H{o}", "\\H o" }, /* with double acute */ { 466, "{\\v{o}}", "\\v{o}", "\\v o" }, /* with caron */ { 491, "{\\k{o}}", "\\k{o}", "\\k o" }, /* with ogonek */ { 338, "{\\OE}", "\\OE", "" }, /* Latin Capital OE */ { 339, "{\\oe}", "\\oe", "" }, /* Latin Small oe */ /* Latin Capital R */ { 340, "{\\'{R}}", "\\'{R}", "\\'R" }, /* with acute */ { 342, "{\\c{R}}", "\\c{R}", "\\c R" }, /* with cedilla */ { 344, "{\\v{R}}", "\\v{R}", "\\v R" }, /* with caron */ /* Latin Small r */ { 341, "{\\'{r}}", "\\'{r}", "\\'r" }, /* with acute */ { 343, "{\\c{r}}", "\\c{r}", "\\c r" }, /* with cedilla */ { 345, "{\\v{r}}", "\\v{r}", "\\v r" }, /* with caron */ /* Latin Capital S */ { 346, "{\\'{S}}", "\\'{S}", "\\'S" }, /* with acute */ { 348, "{\\^{S}}", "\\^{S}", "\\^S" }, /* with circumflex */ { 350, "{\\c{S}}", "\\c{S}", "\\c S" }, /* with cedilla */ { 352, "{\\v{S}}", "\\v{S}", "\\v S" }, /* with caron */ /* Latin Small s */ { 347, "{\\'{s}}","\\'{s}", "\\'s" }, /* with acute */ { 349, "{\\^{s}}","\\^{s}", "\\^s" }, /* with circumflex */ { 351, "{\\c{s}}","\\c{s}", "\\c s" }, /* with cedilla */ { 353, "{\\v{s}}","\\v{s}", "\\v s" }, /* with caron */ /* Latin Capital T */ { 354, "{\\c{T}}", "\\c{T}", "" }, /* with cedilla */ { 356, "{\\v{T}}", "\\v{T}", "" }, /* with caron */ /* { 358, "", "", "" },*//* with stroke */ /* Latin Small t */ { 355, "{\\c{t}}", "\\c{t}", "" }, /* with cedilla */ { 357, "{\\v{t}}", "\\v{t}", "" }, /* with caron */ /* { 359, "", "", "" },*//* with stroke */ { 223, "{\\ss}", "\\ss", "" }, /* German sz ligature, "sharp s" */ /* Latin Capital U */ { 217, "{\\`U}", "\\`{U}", "\\`U" }, /* with grave */ { 218, "{\\'U}", "\\'{U}", "\\'U" }, /* with acute */ { 219, "{\\^U}", "\\^{U}", "\\^U" }, /* with circumflex */ { 220, "{\\\"U}", "\\\"{U}", "\\\"U" }, /* with diaeresis */ { 360, "{\\~{U}}","\\~{U}", "\\~U" }, /* with tilde */ { 362, "{\\={U}}","\\={U}", "\\=U" }, /* with macron */ { 364, "{\\u{U}}","\\u{U}", "\\u U" }, /* with breve */ { 366, "{\\r{U}}","\\r{U}", "\\r U" }, /* with ring above */ { 368, "{\\H{U}}","\\H{U}", "\\H U" }, /* with double acute */ { 370, "{\\k{U}}","\\k{U}", "\\k U" }, /* with ogonek */ { 467, "{\\v{U}}","\\v{U}", "\\v U" }, /* with caron */ /* Latin Small u */ { 249, "{\\`u}", "\\`{u}", "\\`u" }, /* with grave */ { 250, "{\\'u}", "\\'{u}", "\\'u" }, /* with acute */ { 251, "{\\^u}", "\\^{u}", "\\^u" }, /* with circumflex */ { 252, "{\\\"u}", "\\\"{u}", "\\\"u" }, /* with diaeresis */ { 361, "{\\~{u}}","\\~{u}", "" }, /* with tilde */ { 363, "{\\={u}}","\\={u}", "\\=u" }, /* with macron */ { 365, "{\\u{u}}","\\u{u}", "\\u u" }, /* with breve */ { 367, "{\\r{u}}","\\r{u}", "\\r u" }, /* with ring above */ { 369, "{\\H{u}}","\\H{u}", "\\H u" }, /* with double acute */ { 371, "{\\k{u}}","\\k{u}", "\\k u" }, /* with ogonek */ { 468, "{\\v{u}}","\\v{u}", "\\v u" }, /* with caron */ /* Latin Capital W */ { 372, "{\\^{W}}", "\\^{W}", "\\^W" }, /* with circumflex */ /* Latin Small w */ { 373, "{\\^{w}}", "\\^{w}", "\\^w" }, /* with circumflex */ /* Latin Capital Y */ { 221, "{\\'{Y}}","\\'{Y}", "\\'Y" }, /* with acute */ { 374, "{\\^{Y}}","\\^{Y}", "\\^Y" }, /* with circumflex */ { 376, "{\\\"{Y}}","\\\"{Y}","\\\"Y" }, /* with diaeresis */ /* Latin Small y */ { 253, "{\\'y}", "\\'{y}", "\\'y" }, /* with acute */ { 255, "{\\\"y}", "\\\"{y}","\\\"y" }, /* with diaeresis */ { 375, "{\\^{y}}","\\^{y}", "\\^y" }, /* with circumflex */ /* Latin Capital Z */ { 377, "{\\'{Z}}","\\'{Z}", "\\'Z" }, /* with acute */ { 379, "{\\.{Z}}","\\.{Z}", "\\.Z" }, /* with dot above */ { 381, "{\\v{Z}}","\\v{Z}", "\\v Z" }, /* with caron */ /* Latin Small z */ { 378, "{\\'{z}}","\\'{z}", "\\'z" }, /* with acute */ { 380, "{\\.{z}}","\\.{z}", "\\.z" }, /* with dot above */ { 382, "{\\v{z}}","\\v{z}", "\\v z" }, /* with caron */ /* Needs to be before \nu */ { 8203, "$\\null$", "\\null", "" }, /* No space ​ */ { 913, "$\\Alpha$", "\\Alpha", "" }, /*GREEKCAPITALLETTERALPHA*/ /* 902 = GREEKCAPITALLETTERALPHAWITHTONOS*/ { 914, "$\\Beta$", "\\Beta", "" }, /*GREEKCAPITALLETTERBETA*/ { 915, "$\\Gamma$", "\\Gamma", "" }, /*GREEKCAPITALLETTERGAMMA*/ { 916, "$\\Delta$", "\\Delta", "" }, /*GREEKCAPITALLETTERDELTA*/ { 917, "$\\Epsilon$", "\\Epsilon", "" }, /*GREEKCAPITALLETTEREPSILON*/ /* 904 = GREEKCAPITALLETTEREPSILONWITHTONOS*/ { 918, "$\\Zeta$", "\\Zeta", "" }, /*GREEKCAPITALLETTERZETA*/ { 919, "$\\Eta$", "\\Eta", "" }, /*GREEKCAPITALLETTERETA*/ /* 905 = GREEKCAPITALLETTERETAWITHTONOS*/ { 920, "$\\Theta$", "\\Theta", "" }, /*GREEKCAPITALLETTERTHETA*/ { 921, "$\\Iota$", "\\Iota", "" }, /*GREEKCAPITALLETTERIOTA*/ /* 938 = GREEKCAPITALLETTERIOTAWITHDIALYTIKA*/ /* 906 = GREEKCAPITALLETTERIOTAWITHTONOS*/ { 922, "$\\Kappa$", "\\Kappa", "" }, /*GREEKCAPITALLETTERKAPPA*/ { 923, "$\\Lambda$", "\\Lambda", "" }, /*GREEKCAPITALLETTERLAMDA*/ { 924, "$\\Mu$", "\\Mu", "" }, /*GREEKCAPITALLETTERMU*/ { 925, "$\\Nu$", "\\Nu", "" }, /*GREEKCAPITALLETTERNU*/ { 926, "$\\Xi$", "\\Xi", "" }, /*GREEKCAPITALLETTERXI*/ { 927, "$\\Omicron$", "\\Omicron", "" }, /*GREEKCAPITALLETTEROMICRON*/ /* 908 = GREEKCAPITALLETTEROMICRONWITHTONOS*/ { 928, "$\\Pi$", "\\Pi", "" }, /*GREEKCAPITALLETTERPI*/ { 929, "$\\Rho$", "\\Rho", "" }, /*GREEKCAPITALLETTERRHO*/ { 931, "$\\Sigma$", "\\Sigma", "" }, /*GREEKCAPITALLETTERSIGMA*/ { 932, "$\\Tau$", "\\Tau", "" }, /*GREEKCAPITALLETTERTAU*/ { 933, "$\\Upsilon$", "\\Upsilon", "" }, /*GREEKCAPITALLETTERUPSILON*/ /* 939 = GREEKCAPITALLETTERUPSILONWITHDIALYTIKA*/ /* 910 = GREEKCAPITALLETTERUPSILONWITHTONOS*/ { 934, "$\\Phi$", "\\Phi", "" }, /*GREEKCAPITALLETTERPHI*/ { 935, "$\\Chi$", "\\Chi", "" }, /*GREEKCAPITALLETTERCHI*/ { 936, "$\\Psi$", "\\Psi", "" }, /*GREEKCAPITALLETTERPSI*/ { 937, "$\\Omega$", "\\Omega", "" }, /*GREEKCAPITALLETTEROMEGA*/ /* 911, = GREEKCAPITALLETTEROMEGAWITHTONOS*/ { 945, "$\\alpha$", "\\alpha", "" }, /*GREEKSMALLLETTERALPHA*/ /* 940 = GREEKSMALLLETTERALPHAWITHTONOS*/ { 946, "$\\beta$", "\\beta", "" }, /*GREEKSMALLLETTERBETA*/ { 968, "$\\psi$", "\\psi", "" }, /*GREEKSMALLLETTERPSI*/ { 948, "$\\delta$", "\\delta", "" }, /*GREEKSMALLLETTERDELTA*/ { 949, "$\\epsilon$", "\\epsilon", "" }, /*GREEKSMALLLETTEREPSILON*/ /* 941 = GREEKSMALLLETTEREPSILONWITHTONOS*/ { 966, "$\\phi$", "\\phi", "" }, /*GREEKSMALLLETTERPHI*/ { 947, "$\\gamma$", "\\gamma", "" }, /*GREEKSMALLLETTERGAMMA*/ { 951, "$\\eta$", "\\eta", "" }, /*GREEKSMALLLETTERETA*/ /* 942 = GREEKSMALLLETTERETAWITHTONOS */ { 953, "$\\iota$", "\\iota", "" }, /*GREEKSMALLLETTERIOTA*/ /* 912 = GREEKSMALLLETTERIOTAWITHDIALYTIKAANDTONOS*/ /* 943 = GREEKSMALLLETTERIOTAWITHTONOS */ /* 970 = GREEKSMALLLETTERIOTAWITHDIALYTIKA */ { 958, "$\\xi$", "\\xi", "" }, /*GREEKSMALLLETTERXI*/ { 954, "$\\kappa$", "\\kappa" , "" }, /*GREEKSMALLLETTERKAPPA*/ { 955, "$\\lambda$", "\\lambda", "" }, /*GREEKSMALLLETTERLAMDA*/ { 956, "$\\mu$", "\\mu", "" }, /*GREEKSMALLLETTERMU*/ { 957, "$\\nu$", "\\nu", "" }, /*GREEKSMALLLETTERNU*/ { 959, "$\\omicron$", "\\omicron", "" }, /*GREEKSMALLLETTEROMICRON*/ /* 972 = GREEKSMALLLETTEROMICRONWITHTONOS*/ { 960, "$\\pi$", "\\pi", "" }, /*GREEKSMALLLETTERPI*/ { 961, "$\\rho$", "\\rho", "" }, /*GREEKSMALLLETTERRHO*/ { 963, "$\\sigma$", "\\sigma", "" }, /*GREEKSMALLLETTERSIGMA*/ { 964, "$\\tau$", "\\tau", "" }, /*GREEKSMALLLETTERTAU*/ { 952, "$\\theta$", "\\theta", "" }, /*GREEKSMALLLETTERTHETA*/ { 969, "$\\omega$", "\\omega", "" }, /*GREEKSMALLLETTEROMEGA*/ /* 974 = GREEKSMALLLETTEROMEGAWITHTONOS*/ { 967, "$\\chi$", "\\chi", "" }, /*GREEKSMALLLETTERCHI*/ { 965, "$\\upsilon$", "\\upsilon", "" }, /*GREEKSMALLLETTERUPSILON*/ /* 973 = GREEKSMALLLETTERUPSILONWITHTONOS*/ /* 971 = GREEKSMALLLETTERUPSILONWITHDIALYTIKA*/ /* 944 = GREEKSMALLLETTERUPSILONWITHDIALYTIKAANDTONOS*/ { 950, "$\\zeta$", "\\zeta", "" }, /*GREEKSMALLLETTERZETA*/ { 181, "{\\textmu}", "\\textmu", "$\\mu$" }, /* 181=micro sign, techically µ */ /* Make sure that these don't stomp on other latex things above */ { 8242, "{\\textasciiacutex}", "\\textasciiacutex", "$'$" }, /* Prime symbol ′ */ { 180, "{\\textasciiacute}", "\\textasciiacute", "\\'" }, /* acute accent ´ */ /* { 769, "\\'", "", "" },*/ /* Acute accent ́--apply to next char */ { 8243, "{\\textacutedbl}", "\\textacutedbl", "$''$" }, /* Double prime ″ */ { 8245, "{\\textasciigrave}", "\\textasciigrave", "\\`" }, /* Grave accent ‵ */ /* { 768, "\\`", "", "" },*/ /* Grave accent ̀--apply to next char */ { 8963, "{\\textasciicircum}", "\\textasciicircum", ""} , /* ⌃ */ { 184, "{\\textasciicedilla}", "\\textasciicedilla", "" }, /* cedilla ¸ */ { 168, "{\\textasciidieresis}", "\\textasciidieresis", "" }, /* dieresis ¨ */ { 175, "{\\textasciimacron}", "\\textasciimacron", "" }, /* macron ¯ */ { 8593, "{\\textuparrow}", "\\textuparrow", "" }, /* Up arrow ↑ */ { 8595, "{\\textdownarrow}", "\\textdownarrow", "" }, /* Down arrow ↓ */ { 8594, "{\\textrightarrow}", "\\textrightarrow", "" }, /* Right arrow → */ { 8592, "{\\textleftarrow}", "\\textleftarrow", "" }, /* Left arrow ← */ { 12296, "{\\textlangle}", "\\textlangle", "" } , /* L-angle 〈 */ { 12297, "{\\textrangle}", "\\textrangle", "" } , /* L-angle 〉 */ { 166, "{\\textbrokenbar}", "\\textbrokenbar", "" }, /* Broken vertical bar ¦ */ { 167, "{\\textsection}", "\\textsection", "\\S{}" }, /* Section sign, § */ { 170, "{\\textordfeminine}", "\\textordfeminine", "$^a$" }, /* ª */ { 172, "{\\textlnot}", "\\textlnot", "" }, /* Lnot ¬ */ { 182, "{\\textparagraph}", "\\textparagraph", "" }, /* Paragraph sign ¶ */ { 183, "{\\textperiodcentered}", "\\textperiodcentered", "" }, /* Period-centered · */ { 186, "{\\textordmasculine}", "\\textordmasculine", "" }, /* º */ { 8214, "{\\textbardbl}", "\\textbardbl", "" }, /* Double vertical bar ‖ */ { 8224, "{\\textdagger}", "\\textdagger", "" }, /* Dagger † */ { 8225, "{\\textdaggerdbl}", "\\textdaggerdbl", "" },/* Double dagger &x2021; */ { 8226, "{\\textbullet}", "\\textbullet", "" }, /* Bullet • */ { 8494, "{\\textestimated}", "\\textestimated", "" },/* Estimated ℮ */ { 9526, "{\\textopenbullet}", "\\textopenbullet", "" },/* ┶ */ { 8220, "``", "{\\textquotedblleft}", "\\textquotedblleft" }, /* Opening double quote “ */ { 8221, "''", "{\\textquotedblright}","\\textquotedblright" }, /* Closing double quote ” */ { 8216, "`", "{\\textquoteleft}", "\\textquoteleft" }, /* Opening single quote ‘ */ { 8217, "'", "{\\textquoteright}", "\\textquoteright" }, /* Closing single quote ’ */ { 8261, "{\\textlquill}", "\\textlquill", "" }, /* Left quill ⁅ */ { 8262, "{\\textrquill}", "\\textrquill", "" }, /* Right quill ⁆ */ { 8212, "---", "{\\textemdash}", "\\textemdash" }, /* Em-dash — */ { 8211, "--", "{\\textendash}", "\\textendash" }, /* En-dash – */ { 8230, "\\ldots", "{\\textellipsis}", "\\textellipsis" }, /* Ellipsis … */ { 8194, "\\enspace", "\\hspace{.5em}", "" }, /* En-space   */ { 8195, "\\emspace", "\\hspace{1em}", "" }, /* Em-space   */ { 8201, "\\thinspace", "", ""}, /* Thin space   */ { 8203, "{\\textnospace}", "\\textnospace", "" }, /* No space ​ */ { 9251, "{\\textvisiblespace}", "\\textvisiblespace", "" }, /* Visible space ␣ */ { 215, "{\\texttimes}", "\\texttimes", "" }, /* Multiplication symbol × */ { 247, "{\\textdiv}", "\\textdiv", "" }, /* Division symbol ÷ */ { 177, "{\\textpm}", "\\textpm", "" }, /* Plus-minus character &#B1; */ { 189, "{\\textonehalf}", "\\textonehalf", "" }, /* Vulgar fraction one half ½ */ { 188, "{\\textonequarter}", "\\textonequarter", "" }, /* Vulgar fraction one quarter ½ */ { 190, "{\\textthreequarters}", "\\textthreequarters", "" }, /* Vulgar fraction three quarters ¾ */ { 8240, "{\\texttenthousand}", "\\texttenthousand", "" }, /* Per thousand sign ‰ */ { 8241, "{\\textpertenthousand}", "\\textpertenthousand", "" }, /* Per ten thousand sign ‱*/ { 8260, "{\\textfractionsolidus}", "\\textfractionsolidus", "" }, /* &x8260; */ { 8451, "{\\textcelcius}", "\\textcelcius", "" }, /* Celcicus ℃ */ { 8470, "{\\textnumero}", "\\textnumero", "" }, /* Numero symbol № */ { 8486, "{\\textohm}", "\\textohm", "" }, /* Ohm symbol Ω */ { 8487, "{\\textmho}", "\\textmho", "" }, /* Mho symbol ℧ */ { 8730, "{\\textsurd}", "\\textsurd", "" }, /* √ */ { 185, "{\\textonesuperior}", "\\textonesuperior", "" }, /*Superscript 1 ¹ */ { 178, "{\\texttwosuperior}", "\\texttwosuperior", "" }, /*Superscript 2 ² */ { 179, "{\\textthreesuperior}", "\\textthreesuperior", "" }, /*Superscript 3 ³ */ { 161, "{\\textexclamdown}", "\\textexclamdown", "" }, /* Inverted exclamation mark ¡*/ { 191, "{\\textquestiondown}", "\\textquestiondown", "" }, /* Inverted question mark ¿ */ { 162, "{\\textcent}", "\\textcent", "" }, /* Cent sign ¢ */ { 163, "{\\textsterling}", "\\textsterling", "\\pounds" }, /* Pound sign £ */ { 165, "{\\textyen}", "\\textyen", "" }, /* Yen sign ¥ */ { 402, "{\\textflorin}", "\\textflorin", "" }, /* Florin sign ƒ */ { 3647, "{\\textbaht}", "\\textbaht", "" }, /* Thai currency ฿ */ { 8355, "{\\textfrenchfranc}", "\\textfrenchfranc", "" }, /* French franc ₣ */ { 8356, "{\\textlira}", "\\textlira", "" }, /* Lira ₤ */ { 8358, "{\\textnaira}", "\\textnaria", "" }, /* Naira ₦ */ { 8361, "{\\textwon}", "\\textwon", "" }, /* ₩ */ { 8363, "{\\textdong}", "\\textdong", "" }, /* Vietnamese currency ₫ */ { 8364, "{\\texteuro}", "\\texteuro", "" }, /* Euro sign */ { 169, "{\\textcopyright}", "\\textcopyright", "" }, /* Copyright (C) © */ { 175, "{\\textregistered}", "\\textregistered", "" }, /* Registered sign (R) ¯*/ { 8482, "{\\texttrademark}", "\\texttrademark", "$^{TM}$" }, /* Trademark (TM) ™ */ { 8480, "{\\textservicemark}", "\\textservicemark", "$^{SM}$" }, /* Servicemark (SM) ℠*/ { 8471, "{\\textcircledP}", "\\textcircledP", "" }, /* Circled P ࡅ */ }; static int nlatex_chars = sizeof(latex_chars)/sizeof(struct latex_chars); /* latex2char() * * Use the latex_chars[] lookup table to determine if any character * is a special LaTeX code. Note that if it is, then the equivalency * is a Unicode character and we need to flag (by setting *unicode to 1) * that we know the output is Unicode. Otherwise, we set *unicode to 0, * meaning that the output is whatever character set was given to us * (which could be Unicode, but is not necessarily Unicode). * */ unsigned int latex2char( char *s, unsigned int *pos, int *unicode ) { unsigned int value; char *p, *q[3]; int i, j, l[3]; p = &( s[*pos] ); value = (unsigned char) *p; if ( value=='{' || value=='\\' || value=='~' || value=='$' || value=='\'' || value=='`' || value=='-' || value=='^' ) { for ( i=0; i