# # Bamse MSI manifest file; gives the rules of # what's to be included in distro. # cbits$ cbits/HsInvoke.c -cbits/.* include$ include/DNInvoke.h include/HsDotnet.h include/InvokerClient.h include/RtsAPWrap.h tools$ tools/.*\.cs tools/README.txt tools/Makefile tools/hswrap.exe doc$ doc/.* dist$ dist/.* examples$ examples/xml$ examples/xml/books.xml -examples/xml/.* examples/.*\.hs examples/.*\.cs examples/.*\.dll examples/README # library code + wrappers: NET.hs NET$ NET/Base.hs NET/System NET/System/.* # Toplevel dir: gacInstaller.exe regasm.exe custWrap.exe README Makefile CHANGES ChangeLog LICENSE README.gac dotnet.manifest Setup.hs hs-dotnet.cabal bridge$ bridge/.*\.cs bridge/.*\.snk bridge/HsDotnetBridge\..* bridge/Makefile # Catch all at the end; exclude the rest. -.*