{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes, OverloadedStrings, UnicodeSyntax #-} module Scripting.DuktapeSpec (spec) where import Test.Hspec hiding (shouldBe) import Test.Hspec.Expectations.Pretty (shouldBe) import TestCommon import Data.Maybe import Data.Aeson hiding (json) import Scripting.Duktape spec ∷ Spec spec = do describe "evalDuktape" $ do it "evaluates ECMAScript expressions" $ do ctx ← createDuktapeCtx r0 ← evalDuktape (fromJust ctx) "" r0 `shouldBe` Right Nothing rE ← evalDuktape (fromJust ctx) "print('hello" rE `shouldBe` Left "SyntaxError: eof or line terminator in string literal (line 1)" rT ← evalDuktape (fromJust ctx) "1 == 1" rT `shouldBe` (Right $ Just $ Bool True) rF ← evalDuktape (fromJust ctx) "1 == 2" rF `shouldBe` (Right $ Just $ Bool False) rN ← evalDuktape (fromJust ctx) "12345" rN `shouldBe` (Right $ Just $ Number 12345) rS ← evalDuktape (fromJust ctx) "'string'" rS `shouldBe` (Right $ Just $ String "string") rA ← evalDuktape (fromJust ctx) "[1,2,'string',{what:'ever'}]" rA `shouldBe` (Right $ Just [json|[1,2,"string",{"what":"ever"}]|]) rO ← evalDuktape (fromJust ctx) "({what: ['ever', 1, 2, 3]})" rO `shouldBe` (Right $ Just [json|{"what":["ever", 1, 2, 3]}|]) describe "callDuktape" $ do it "calls ECMAScript functions" $ do ctx ← createDuktapeCtx _ ← evalDuktape (fromJust ctx) [r| function returnsObj () { return {hello: {from: [1, 2, 3]}} } function throwsErr () { throw new Error('hi') } |] rE ← callDuktape (fromJust ctx) Nothing "n0thing!" [] rE `shouldBe` (Left "TypeError: undefined not callable") rO ← callDuktape (fromJust ctx) Nothing "returnsObj" [] rO `shouldBe` (Right $ Just [json|{"hello": {"from": [1, 2, 3]}}|]) rT ← callDuktape (fromJust ctx) Nothing "throwsErr" [] rT `shouldBe` (Left "Error: hi") it "calls ECMAScript functions on objects" $ do ctx ← createDuktapeCtx _ ← evalDuktape (fromJust ctx) [r| var Stuff = { x: 'testFromThis' } Stuff.fun = function () { return this.x } |] rS ← callDuktape (fromJust ctx) (Just "Stuff") "fun" [] rS `shouldBe` (Right $ Just $ String "testFromThis") rE ← callDuktape (fromJust ctx) (Just "failNonExistent") "fun" [] rE `shouldBe` (Left "Nonexistent property of global object: \"failNonExistent\"") it "calls ECMAScript functions with args" $ do ctx ← createDuktapeCtx _ ← evalDuktape (fromJust ctx) [r| function double (x, y) { return x*2 + y*2 } function awesomeString (x) { return '-= ' + x + ' =-' } function boolTest (x, y, z) { return typeof(x) === 'boolean' && x && (y && !z) } function arrTest (a) { return a.map(function (el) { return typeof(el) }).join('') } function objTest (obj) { return obj.name + obj.stuff.filter(function (x) { return x != null && (typeof(x) == 'string' || typeof(x) == 'object') }) .map(function(x) { return typeof(x) == 'object' ? x.value : x } ).join('') } |] rN ← callDuktape (fromJust ctx) Nothing "double" [Number 7, Number 8] rN `shouldBe` (Right $ Just $ Number 30) rS ← callDuktape (fromJust ctx) Nothing "awesomeString" [String "hello"] rS `shouldBe` (Right $ Just $ String "-= hello =-") rB ← callDuktape (fromJust ctx) Nothing "boolTest" [Bool True, Bool True, Bool False] rB `shouldBe` (Right $ Just $ Bool True) rA ← callDuktape (fromJust ctx) Nothing "arrTest" [[json|[1, 2, "test", null]|]] rA `shouldBe` (Right $ Just $ String "numbernumberstringobject") rO ← callDuktape (fromJust ctx) Nothing "objTest" [[json|{"stuff": [1, 2, "hello", null, {"value": "world"}], "name": "test"}|]] rO `shouldBe` (Right $ Just $ String "testhelloworld") describe "exposeFnDuktape" $ do it "exposes Haskell functions to ECMAScript" $ do ctx ← createDuktapeCtx _ ← evalDuktape (fromJust ctx) "var X = {}" let dbl (Number x) = return $ Number $ x * 2 ∷ IO Value dbl _ = return $ String "wtf" cnst = return $ Number 123 ∷ IO Value _ ← exposeFnDuktape (fromJust ctx) Nothing "double" dbl _ ← exposeFnDuktape (fromJust ctx) (Just "X") "cnst" cnst rd ← evalDuktape (fromJust ctx) "double(7) + X.cnst()" rd `shouldBe` (Right $ Just $ Number 137) rD ← callDuktape (fromJust ctx) Nothing "double" [Number 7] rD `shouldBe` (Right $ Just $ Number 14) rE ← callDuktape (fromJust ctx) Nothing "double" [] rE `shouldBe` (Right $ Just $ String "wtf")