import Graphics.GChart {- Some examples to demonstrate usage of GChart. All examples are taken from this article : -} christmasPie = getChartUrl $ do setChartSize 600 300 setDataEncoding simple setChartType Pie addChartData dataSeries1 setChartTitle "Food and Drink Consumed Christmas 2007" setLabels labelSeries1 setColors ["00AF33", "4BB74C", "EE2C2C", "CC3232", "33FF33", "66FF66", "9AFF9A", "C1FFC1", "CCFFCC" ] barGraph = getChartUrl $ do setChartSize 600 300 setChartType BarHorizontalGrouped addChartData dataSeries1 setChartTitle "Food and Drink Consumed Christmas 2007" addAxis $ makeAxis { axisType = AxisBottom } addAxis $ makeAxis { axisType = AxisLeft, axisLabels = Just labelSeries1 } addColor "00AF33" linexyGraph1 = getChartUrl $ do setChartSize 800 300 setChartType LineXY setDataEncoding text setChartTitle "Projected Christmas Cheer for 2007" setGrid $ makeGrid { xAxisStep = 3.333, yAxisStep = 10, lineSegmentLength = Just 1, blankSegmentLength = Just 3 } addAxis $ makeAxis { axisType = AxisLeft, axisRange = Just $ Range (0,100) (Just 50) } addAxis $ makeAxis { axisType = AxisBottom, axisLabels = Just $ ["Dec 1st"] ++ blanks 4 ++ ["6th"] ++ blanks 18 ++ ["25th","26th"] ++ blanks 4 ++ ["Dec 31st"] } addChartDataXY dataSeries2 linexyGraph2 = getChartUrl $ do setChartSize 800 300 setChartType LineXY setDataEncoding text setChartTitle "Projected Christmas Cheer for 2007" setGrid $ makeGrid { xAxisStep = 3.333, yAxisStep = 10, lineSegmentLength = Just 1, blankSegmentLength = Just 3 } addAxis $ makeAxis { axisType = AxisLeft, axisRange = Just $ Range (0,100) (Just 50) } addAxis $ makeAxis { axisType = AxisBottom, axisLabels = Just $ ["Dec 1st"] ++ blanks 4 ++ ["6th"] ++ blanks 18 ++ ["25th","26th"] ++ blanks 4 ++ ["Dec 31st"] } addChartDataXY dataSeries3 addColor "458B00" addChartDataXY dataSeries4 addColor "CD2626" setLegend $ legendWithPosition ["2006","2007"] LegendRight blanks x = take x $ repeat "" dataSeries1 :: [Int] dataSeries1 = [10,20,8,25,5,3,15,9,5] dataSeries2 :: [(Float,Float)] dataSeries2 = [(0,0),(100,100)] dataSeries3 :: [(Float,Float)] dataSeries3 = zip [0,16.7,23.3,33.3,60,76.7,83.3,86.7,93.3,96.7,100] [30,45,20,50,15,80,60,70,40,55,80] dataSeries4 :: [(Float,Float)] dataSeries4 = zip [0,10,16.7,26.7,33.3] [50,10,30,55,60] labelSeries1 = ["Egg nog", "Christmas Ham", "Milk (not including egg nog)", "Cookies", "Roasted Chestnuts", "Chocolate", "Various Other Beverages", "Various Other Foods", "Snacks"] main = do putStrLn christmasPie putStrLn barGraph putStrLn linexyGraph1 putStrLn linexyGraph2