module Archiver.Twitter where import Archiver.Options import Archiver.Utils import Text.JSON import Text.JSON.Types import Text.JSON.String import Text.JSON.Pretty import Data.List import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad.Reader data Tweet = Tweet { tweetText :: String, tweetCreatedAt :: String , tweetId :: Integer } deriving Show -- Making Tweet typeclass of JSON to enable decode/encode instance JSON Tweet where showJSON (Tweet tweetText tweetCreatedAt tweetId) = makeObj [ ("text", showJSON tweetText), ("created_at", showJSON tweetCreatedAt), ("id", showJSON tweetId)] readJSON (JSObject obj) = let jsonObjAssoc = fromJSObject obj mLookup a = maybe (fail $ "No such element: " ++ a) return . lookup a lookupP p = mLookup p jsonObjAssoc >>= readJSON in do i <- lookupP "id" t <- lookupP "text" c <- lookupP "created_at" return $ Tweet t c i twitterUrl = "" -- extract array of JSON values from a string readJSONTweets tweetsJSONString = case runGetJSON readJSArray tweetsJSONString of Right (JSArray xs) -> xs _ -> [] -- read twitter stream page by page readTwitterStream page tweets | page >= 21 = return tweets | otherwise = do fullUrl <- constructFullUrl tweetsJSON <- readJSONTweets <$> readContentsURL fullUrl if not (null tweetsJSON) then readTwitterStream (page + 1) (tweets ++ tweetsJSON) else return tweets where url username = twitterUrl ++ "statuses/user_timeline/" ++ username ++ ".json" queryParams = [("count", "200"), ("page", show page)] concatQueryStr params = intercalate "&" $ map (\(k,v) -> k ++ "=" ++ v) params querystring Nothing = concatQueryStr queryParams querystring (Just tweetId) = concatQueryStr $ queryParams ++ [("since_id", show tweetId)] constructFullUrl = do username <- asks twitterUsername sinceId <- asks sinceId return $ url username ++ "?" ++ querystring sinceId -- read contents of URL w/ optional HTTP auth readContentsURL url = do liftIO $ putStrLn url username <- asks twitterUsername password <- asks twitterPassword liftIO $ readContentsURLWithAuth url username password -- calculate latest id for since_id param calculateSinceId pastTweets = if not (null pastTweets) then let (Ok tweetids) = forM pastTweets $ liftM tweetId . readJSON in Just (maximum tweetids) else Nothing -- get past tweets stored in file (if any) getPastTweets :: ReaderT Settings IO [JSValue] getPastTweets = do filename <- asks fileName fileContents <- liftIO $ readContentsArchiveFile filename return $ readJSONTweets fileContents -- read twitter stream getRecentTweets :: ReaderT Settings IO [JSValue] getRecentTweets = readTwitterStream 1 [] -- write Tweets to file writeTweetsToFile filename tweetsJSON = let (Ok tweets) = mapM readJSONTweet tweetsJSON readJSONTweet :: JSValue -> Result Tweet readJSONTweet = readJSON tweetsString = render $ pp_value $ showJSON tweets -- Encoding to JSON in writeToFile filename tweetsString