# Introduction This script will access your Twitter stream and create a text file with all the past tweets in JSON format. The Twitter API currently limits access to a maximum of 3200 tweets in your timeline. Hence if you have tweeted more often than that, you will not be able to retrieve beyond 3200 past tweets. # Installation You need to have Haskell (GHC 6.10 or 6.12 should do) and Cabal installed. cabal install hs-twitterarchiver # Examples For all options, run `hs-twitterarchiver -h` Here is an example of how I use the script to archive all my tweets from account `vyom` to a file called `vyom.json`. This is also the default behavior when `hs-twitterarchiver` is called without any arguments. runhaskell twitterarchiver.hs -u vyom -f vyom.json If you have a private stream, you can call the script with a `-p` argument and you will be prompted for a password. The script will then automatically use HTTP Basic authentication when calling the Twitter API. runhaskell twitterarchiver.hs -u divya -f divya.json -p Enter Twitter Password : # Feedback Mail me any feedback you have at deepak.jois@gmail.com