  Copyright (C) <2007-2009> <Evgeny Jukov>
  <If you contribute to Database.Sqlite3, please add your name here.>

  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later

module Database.Sqlite3
 ( sql, bind, fetch, runSimpleDb
 , Stack(..), Nil, (:.), Cell(..)
 ) where

import Foreign
import Foreign.C
import Data.Char
import Control.Monad
import Data.Int
import Bindings.Sqlite3
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Control.Arrow

import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy

import Data.Monoid

import qualified Codec.Binary.UTF8.String as UTF8

import Database.Sqlite3.Middle


fstT :: Stack (a, b) -> a
fstT _ = error "fstT"

sndT :: Stack (a, b) -> b
sndT _ = error "sndT"

headT :: [a] -> a
headT _ = error "headT"

performT :: Monad m => m a -> a
performT _ = error "performT"

derivT :: (Monad m, TypesStack a)
      => ([Int] -> m [Stack a]) -> m [Stack a]
derivT f = fix $ \self -> do
  f $ typesStack $ headT $ performT self

infixl 9 :.

type Nil = Stack ()
type a :. b = Stack (a, b)

data Stack a where
  Nil  :: Stack ()
  (:.) :: Stack a -> b -> Stack (Stack a, b)

instance (Show a, Show b) => Show (Stack (a, b)) where
  show (Nil :. a) = show a
  show (a :. b) = show a ++ "," ++ show b

class Length a where
  lengthT :: Stack a -> Int

instance Length () where
  lengthT _ = 0

instance Show (Stack ()) where
  show _ = []

instance Length a => Length (Stack a, b) where
  lengthT a = lengthT (fstT a) + 1

class Cell a where
  bindT   :: Int -> a -> Db ()
  columnT :: Int -> Db a
  idT     :: a -> Int

instance TypesStack () where
  typesStack _ = []

instance (TypesStack a, Cell b) => TypesStack (Stack a, b) where
  typesStack a = idT (sndT a) : typesStack (fstT a)

class Length a => ColumnStack a where
  columnStack :: Db (Stack a)

instance ColumnStack () where
  columnStack = return Nil

instance (ColumnStack a, Cell b) => ColumnStack (Stack a, b) where
  columnStack = fix $ \self -> do
    let stack = performT self
    a <- columnStack
    b <- columnT $ lengthT stack - 1
    return (a :. b)

class Length a => BindStack a where
  bindStack :: Stack a -> Db ()

instance (BindStack a, Cell b) => BindStack (Stack a, b) where
  bindStack o@(a :. b) = do
    bindStack a
    bindT (lengthT o) b

instance BindStack () where
  bindStack _ = return ()

sql :: String -> Db ()
sql sql = do
  prepare sql

class TypesStack a where
  typesStack :: Stack a -> [Int]


bind :: BindStack a => String -> [Stack a] -> Db ()
bind sql tab = do
  prepare sql
  mapM (\a -> bindStack a >> step >> reset) tab

fetch sql = do
  prepare sql
  a <- step
  if a
   then finalize >> return []
   else derivT fetchBody

fetchTail :: ColumnStack a => Db [Stack a]
fetchTail = do
  a <- step
  if a
   then return []
   else do
    x  <- columnStack
    xs <- fetchTail
    return (x:xs)

data SimpleState = SimpleState
 { database  :: Maybe (Ptr C'sqlite3)
 , statement :: Maybe (Ptr C'sqlite3_stmt ) }

type SimpleDb a =
 StateT SimpleState (ErrorT (Either CInt String) IO) a

instance Error (Either CInt String) where
  strMsg = Right

instance DbError (Either CInt a) where
  makeErr = Left
  castErr (Left a) = Just a
  castErr _ = Nothing

runSimpleDb :: SimpleDb a -> IO a
runSimpleDb a = do
  c <- runErrorT tupleM
  case c of
    (Left (Left a))  -> fail (show a)
    (Left (Right a)) -> fail a
    (Right (a,_))    -> return a
  tupleM = runStateT (errorHook a) $ SimpleState Nothing Nothing

instance MonadDb (StateT SimpleState (ErrorT (Either CInt String) IO)) where
  getDb = get >>= maybe (fail "Empty database")  return . database
  getSt = get >>= maybe (fail "Empty statement") return . statement
  putDb x = modify $ \a -> a { database  = Just x }
  putSt x = modify $ \a -> a { statement = Just x }
  cleanDb = modify $ \a -> a { database  = Nothing }
  cleanSt = modify $ \a -> a { statement = Nothing }
  isDbReady = get >>= return . maybe False (const True) . database
  isStReady = get >>= return . maybe False (const True) . statement

fetchBody derived = do
  cn <- columnCount
  dbTypes <- mapM columnType $ enumFromThenTo (cn-1) (cn-2) 0
  case dbTypes == derived of
   False -> fail "different database and haskell types"
   True  -> return ()
  x  <- columnStack
  xs <- fetchTail
  return (x:xs)

instance Cell Int where
  idT _    = 1
  columnT  = columnInt
  bindT    = bindInt

instance Cell Double where
  idT _    = 2
  columnT  = columnDouble
  bindT    = bindDouble