hsass-0.3.0: Integrating Sass into Haskell applications.

Safe HaskellNone




This module provides support for Sass, a CSS extension language. It supports basic compilation, functions, importers and headers, so it should suffice for most of the work.

Code used in this document is testable - see test/Text/Sass/TutorialSpec.hs.



Compilation of a Sass source is very easy - you only have to use compileFile or compileString and leave the work to hsass. compileFile a takes path to the file as a first parameter, while compileString takes a source code. Both functions take SassOptions as a second parameter, so if you want to customize compilation behaviour, you may use it.

The result of both functions is Either Left SassError, indicating that something went wrong, Right String with resulting code or Right SassExtendedResult with a compiled code, a list of included files and optionally a source map. Compilation functions are polymorphic in their return type (there are no separate functions based on return type), but the compiler should be able to infer the type easily. You can examine SassError to gain more knowledge about the error.

SassOptions is instance of Default class, so you may use def function to get defaults.

For example, this code:

compileString "foo { margin: 2 * 14px; }" def

Will result in something like

"foo { margin: 28px; }"

When you want to compile source code instead of file, consider setting sassIncludePaths - it will allow to resolve @includes without custom importers.

If you want access to the extended result, you have to use resultString, resultIncludes and resultSourcemap on the result to extract desirable information.


SassOptions wraps libsass context options. It does not try to be smarter than libsass, so it is mostly 1-1 mapping. See Text.Sass.Options documentation for more info.


Text.Sass.Values module wraps native values that libsass uses. It provides an easy way to manage them in pure Haskell code.

Functions, headers, importers

This is the most advanced stuff in the library (even though it is quite simple). It allows you to define functions in Haskell and use them from Sass source, provide custom resolution functions for @import statements and include custom headers in files.


Let's start with explanation of functions. For example, assume that we want to use function max3, that takes three numbers and returns the largest. In Haskell, we would write it like this:

max3 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
max3 a b c = max a $ max b c

Unfortunately, sass would not be able to use that. We must rewrite this function so that it operates on SassValues. If we want to use a function in sass, it has to have following signature:

func :: SassValue -> IO SassValue

It takes an argument that is SassList with all of its arguments and returns computed SassValue. With this in mind, we may write following code:

max3 (SassList (SassNumber a _:SassNumber b _:SassNumber c _:_) _) =
    return $ SassNumber (max a $ max b c) "px"
max3 _ = SassError "invalid arguments"

Having this function, we may proceed and define its signature:

max3sig = SassFunction "max3($a, $b, $c)" max3

This description allows the compiler to map Haskell function (max3) to a form that may be used in sass. Signature consists of function name (max3), an opening parenthesis, a list of arguments (dollar sign and its name) separated by commas and a closing parenthesis. It is the same as a function definition in sass code.

We can now tell the compiler to use our function. In order to do this, we must replace sassFunctions field in SassOptions:

opts = def { sassFunctions = Just [max3sig] }

Now, we may compile code that uses function max3:

compileString "foo { margin: max3(1px, 2px, 3px); }" opts

And we will get

"foo { margin: 3px; }"

There exists several functions that are special:

  • * - fallback implementation
  • @warn - overload warn statement
  • @error - overload error statement
  • @debug - overload debug statement

See libsass documentation for more information.

Headers and importers

Importers are functions that override default behaviour of @import statements For example, you may implement rewrite rules or even download stylesheets from remote server.

Headers leverage the same infrastructure as importers - they are just used not for @imports, but for every file being loaded. They allow you to inject arbitrary sass source in a file.

Let's say that we want to inject a path to currently compiled file. We may write the following header:

header src = return [makeSourceImport $ "$file: " ++ src ++ ";"]

It simply returns sass code that defines a $file variable set to a path to the current file (first argument of the function). Then, we must define header signature and override options:

headerSig = SassImporter 1 header
opts = def { sassHeaders = Just [headerSig], sassInputPath = Just "path" }

We set sassInputPath, because we will be compiling string and it won't be set automatically. Now, executing

compileString "foo { prop: $file; }" opts

Will produce following result:

"foo { prop: path; }"

Importers are defined and act similarly - they just take path to the file being imported instead of file being processed and are injected using sassImporters.

Additionally, importers support priorities - if two importers return source for some file, the one with higher priority wins. For example

importer1 src = return [makeSourceImport $ "$file: " ++ src ++ "1;"]
importer2 src = return [makeSourceImport $ "$file: " ++ src ++ "2;"]
importerSigs = [SassImporter 0.5 importer1, SassImporter 1 importer2]
opts = def { sassImporters = Just importerSigs }
compileString "@import \"file\";\nfoo { prop: $file; }" opts

Will result in

"foo { prop: file2; }"

Instead of providing source code for imports, you may provide a path to a file and leave loading to the library. This is done by settings only importPath and importBase in SassImport or using makePathImport instead of makeSourceImport. This may be useful to implement just rewrite rules and not full loading.