{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns, OverloadedStrings, ScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- | This module provides tools to time a sub-process (benchmark), including a
-- facility for self-reporting execution time and reporting garbage collector
-- overhead for GHC-compiled programs.

module HSBencher.Internal.MeasureProcess
       (measureProcess, measureProcessDBG,
        selftimedHarvester, jittimeHarvester,
        ghcProductivityHarvester, ghcAllocRateHarvester, ghcMemFootprintHarvester,

import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as A
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.Chan
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime, diffUTCTime)
import Data.IORef
import Data.Monoid
import System.Exit
import System.Directory
import System.IO (hClose, stderr, hGetContents, hPutStrLn)
import System.Process (system, waitForProcess, getProcessExitCode, runInteractiveCommand, terminateProcess)
import System.Process (createProcess, CreateProcess(..), CmdSpec(..), StdStream(..), readProcess, ProcessHandle)
import System.Posix.Process (getProcessStatus, getProcessID)
import qualified System.IO.Streams as Strm
import qualified System.IO.Streams.Concurrent as Strm
import qualified System.IO.Streams.Process as Strm
import qualified System.IO.Streams.Combinators as Strm
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Set as S
import System.Environment (getEnvironment)

import HSBencher.Types
import Debug.Trace
import Prelude hiding (fail)


-- | This runs a sub-process and tries to determine how long it took (real time) and
-- how much of that time was spent in the mutator vs. the garbage collector.
-- It is complicated by:
--   (1) An additional protocol for the process to report self-measured realtime (a
--     line starting in "SELFTIMED", ditto for "JITTIME:")
--   (2) Parsing the output of GHC's "+RTS -s" to retrieve productivity OR using 
--       lines of the form "PRODUCTIVITY: XYZ"
-- Note that "+RTS -s" is specific to Haskell/GHC, but the PRODUCTIVITY tag allows
-- non-haskell processes to report garbage collector overhead.
-- This procedure is currently not threadsafe, because it changes the current working
-- directory.
measureProcess :: Maybe (Int,CPUAffinity)
               -> LineHarvester -- ^ Stack of harvesters
               -> CommandDescr
               -> IO SubProcess
measureProcess (Just aff) hrv descr =
  -- The way we do things here is we set it before launching the
  -- subprocess and we don't worry about unsetting it.  The child
  -- process will inherit the affinity.
  do setCPUAffinity aff 
     measureProcess Nothing hrv descr
measureProcess Nothing (LineHarvester harvest)
               CommandDescr{command, envVars, timeout, workingDir, tolerateError} = do
  origDir <- getCurrentDirectory
  case workingDir of
    Just d  -> setCurrentDirectory d
    Nothing -> return ()

  -- Semantics of provided environment is to APPEND:
  curEnv <- getEnvironment
  startTime <- getCurrentTime
  (_inp,out,err,pid) <-
    case command of
      RawCommand exeFile cmdArgs -> Strm.runInteractiveProcess exeFile cmdArgs Nothing (Just$ envVars++curEnv)
      ShellCommand str           -> runInteractiveCommandWithEnv str (envVars++curEnv)

  setCurrentDirectory origDir  -- Threadsafety!?!
  out'  <- Strm.map OutLine =<< Strm.lines out
  err'  <- Strm.map ErrLine =<< Strm.lines err
  timeEvt <- case timeout of
               Nothing -> Strm.nullInput
               Just t  -> Strm.map (\_ -> TimerFire) =<< timeOutStream t

  -- Merging the streams is complicated because we want to catch when both stdout and
  -- stderr have closed (and not wait around until the timeout fires).
  merged0 <- Strm.concurrentMerge [out',err']
  merged1 <- reifyEOS merged0
  merged2 <- Strm.map (\x -> case x of
                              Nothing -> ProcessClosed
                              Just y -> y) merged1
  merged3 <- Strm.concurrentMerge [merged2, timeEvt]
  -- 'loop' below destructively consumes "merged" so we need fresh streams for output:
  relay_out <- newChan
  relay_err <- newChan  
  process_out <- Strm.chanToInput relay_out
  process_err <- Strm.chanToInput relay_err
  -- Process the input until there is no more, and then return the result.
      loop :: RunResult -> IO RunResult
      loop resultAcc = do
        x <- Strm.read merged3
        case x of
          Just ProcessClosed -> do
            writeChan relay_err Nothing
            writeChan relay_out Nothing
            code <- waitForProcess pid
            endtime <- getCurrentTime
            let retTime = 
                   -- TODO: we should probably make this a Maybe type:
                   if realtime resultAcc == realtime emptyRunResult
                   then -- If there's no self-reported time, we measure it ourselves: 
                        let d = diffUTCTime endtime startTime in
                        return$ resultAcc { realtime = fromRational$ toRational d }
                   else return resultAcc
            case code of
             ExitSuccess                   -> retTime
             ExitFailure c | tolerateError -> retTime 
                           | otherwise     -> return (ExitError c)

          Just TimerFire -> do
            B.hPutStrLn stderr $ " [hsbencher] Benchmark run timed out.  Killing process."
            terminateProcess pid
            B.hPutStrLn stderr $ " [hsbencher] Cleaning up io-streams."
            writeChan relay_err Nothing
            writeChan relay_out Nothing
            E.catch (dumpRest merged3) $ \ (exn::E.SomeException) ->
              B.hPutStrLn stderr $ " [hsbencher] ! Got an error while cleaning up: " `B.append` B.pack(show exn)
            B.hPutStrLn stderr $ " [hsbencher] Done with cleanup."
            return RunTimeOut
          -- Bounce the line back to anyone thats waiting:
          Just (ErrLine errLine) -> do 
            writeChan relay_err (Just errLine)
            -- Check for GHC-produced GC stats here:
            loop $ fst (harvest errLine) resultAcc
          Just (OutLine outLine) -> do
            writeChan relay_out (Just outLine)
            -- The SELFTIMED readout will be reported on stdout:
            loop $ fst (harvest outLine) resultAcc

          Nothing -> do 
            let err = "benchmark.hs: Internal error!  This should not happen."
            B.hPutStrLn stderr err
            writeChan relay_err (Just err)
            error (B.unpack err)
  fut <- A.async (loop emptyRunResult)
  return$ SubProcess {wait=A.wait fut, process_out, process_err}

-- | A simpler and SINGLE-THREADED alternative to `measureProcess`.
--   This is part of the process of trying to debug the HSBencher zombie state (Issue #32).
measureProcessDBG :: Maybe (Int,CPUAffinity)
                  -> LineHarvester -- ^ Stack of harvesters
                  -> CommandDescr
                  -> IO ([B.ByteString], RunResult)

measureProcessDBG (Just aff) hrv descr =
  -- The way we do things here is we set it before launching the
  -- subprocess and we don't worry about unsetting it.  The child
  -- process will inherit the affinity.
  do setCPUAffinity aff 
     measureProcessDBG Nothing hrv descr
measureProcessDBG Nothing (LineHarvester harvest)
               CommandDescr{command, envVars, timeout, workingDir, tolerateError} = do
  curEnv <- getEnvironment
  -- Create the subprocess:
  startTime <- getCurrentTime
  (Just hin, Just hout, Just herr, ph) <- createProcess 
     CreateProcess {
       cmdspec = command,
       env = Just (envVars++curEnv),
       std_in  = CreatePipe,
       std_out = CreatePipe,
       std_err = CreatePipe,
       cwd = workingDir,
       close_fds = False,
       create_group = False,
       delegate_ctlc = False
    -- TODO: implement timeout!
    -- TODO: Could sleep and flush the buffer inbetween sleeping so as
    -- to avoid forking extra threads here.
  -- Read stdout till it closes:
  out <- B.hGetContents hout
  err <- B.hGetContents herr
  code <- waitForProcess ph
  endtime <- getCurrentTime
  let outl, errl :: [B.ByteString]
      outl = B.lines out
      errl = B.lines err
      tagged = map (B.append " [stderr] ") errl ++
               map (B.append " [stdout] ") outl
      result = foldr (fst . harvest) emptyRunResult (errl++outl)

  let retTime = 
       if realtime result /= realtime emptyRunResult  -- Is it set to anything?
       then return (tagged,result)
       else -- If there's no self-reported time, we measure it ourselves:
            let d = diffUTCTime endtime startTime in
            return (tagged, result { realtime = fromRational$ toRational d })
  case code of
   ExitSuccess                   -> retTime
   ExitFailure c | tolerateError -> retTime 
                 | otherwise     -> return (tagged, ExitError c)

-- Dump the rest of an IOStream until we reach the end
dumpRest :: Strm.InputStream a -> IO ()
dumpRest strm = do 
  x <- Strm.read strm
  case x of
    Nothing -> return ()
    Just _  -> dumpRest strm

-- | Internal data type.
data ProcessEvt = ErrLine B.ByteString
                | OutLine B.ByteString
                | ProcessClosed
                | TimerFire 
  deriving (Show,Eq,Read)

-- Affinity

-- | Set the affinity of the *current* process.
setCPUAffinity :: (Int,CPUAffinity) -> IO ()
setCPUAffinity (numthreads,aff) = do
  pid <- getProcessID
  -- We use readProcess to error out if there is a non-zero exit code:
  dump <- readProcess "numactl" ["--hardware"] []
  let filt0 = filter (L.isInfixOf "cpus:") (lines dump)
      cpusets = [ rst | ("node":_:"cpus:":rst) <- map words filt0 ]
      numDomains = length cpusets
      allCPUs = concat cpusets
  hPutStrLn stderr $ " [hsbencher] numactl found  "++show numDomains++
            " NUMA domains: "++show (map (map readInt) cpusets)
--  __fin  "numactl --hardware | grep cpus:"
  let assertLen n l
        | length l == n = l
        | otherwise = error $ "setCPUAffinity: requested "++show n
                             ++" cpus, only got "++show (length l)
      subset = case aff of
                Default  -> concat cpusets
                Packed   -> assertLen numthreads $ take numthreads (concat cpusets)
                SpreadOut -> assertLen numthreads $ 
                  let (q,r) = numthreads `quotRem` numDomains
                      frsts = concat $ map (take q) cpusets
                      leftover = S.toList (S.difference (S.fromList allCPUs) (S.fromList frsts))
                  in frsts ++ take r leftover

  case subset of
    [] -> error "setCPUAffinity: internal error: zero cpus selected."
    _  -> do 
      let cmd = ("taskset -pc "++L.intercalate "," subset++" "++show pid)
      hPutStrLn stderr $ " [hsbencher] Attempting to set CPU affinity: "++cmd
      cde <- system cmd
      -- TODO: Having problems with hyperthreading.  Read back the
      -- affinity set and make sure it MATCHES!      
      case cde of
        ExitSuccess -> return ()
        ExitFailure c -> error $ "setCPUAffinity: taskset command returned error code: "++show c

-- TODO: parse strings like 0-3,10 or parse the hex representation
-- parse taskset  

readInt :: String -> Int
readInt = read

-- Hacks for looking for particular bits of text in process output:

-- | Check for a SELFTIMED line of output.
selftimedHarvester :: LineHarvester
selftimedHarvester = taggedLineHarvester "SELFTIMED" (\d r -> r{realtime=d})

jittimeHarvester :: LineHarvester
jittimeHarvester = taggedLineHarvester "JITTIME" (\d r -> r{jittime=Just d})

-- | Check for a line of output of the form "TAG NUM" or "TAG: NUM".
--   Take a function that puts the result into place (the write half of a lens).
taggedLineHarvester :: Read a => B.ByteString -> (a -> RunResult -> RunResult) -> LineHarvester
taggedLineHarvester tag stickit = LineHarvester $ \ ln ->
  let fail = (id, False) in 
  case B.words ln of
    [] -> fail
    -- Match either "TAG" or "TAG:"
    hd:tl | hd == tag || hd == (tag `B.append` ":") ->
      case tl of
        [time] ->
          case reads (B.unpack time) of
            (dbl,_):_ -> (stickit dbl, True)
            _ -> error$ "[taggedLineHarvester] Error: line tagged with "++B.unpack tag++", but couldn't parse number: "++B.unpack ln
        _ -> error$ "[taggedLineHarvester] Error: tagged line followed by more than one token: "++B.unpack ln
    _ -> fail

-- GHC-specific Harvesters:
-- All three of these are currently using the human-readable "+RTS -s" output format.
-- We should switch them to "--machine-readable -s", but that would require combining
-- information harvested from multiple lines, because GHC breaks up the statistics.
-- (Which is actually kind of weird since its specifically a machine readable format.)

-- | Retrieve productivity (i.e. percent time NOT garbage collecting) as output from
-- a Haskell program with "+RTS -s".  Productivity is a percentage (double between
-- 0.0 and 100.0, inclusive).
ghcProductivityHarvester :: LineHarvester
ghcProductivityHarvester =
  -- This variant is our own manually produced productivity tag (like SELFTIMED):  
  (taggedLineHarvester "PRODUCTIVITY" (\d r -> r{productivity=Just d})) `orHarvest`
  (LineHarvester $ \ ln ->
   let nope = (id,False) in
   case words (B.unpack ln) of
     [] -> nope
     -- EGAD: This is NOT really meant to be machine read:
     ("Productivity": prod: "of": "total": "user," : _) ->
       case reads (filter (/= '%') prod) of
          ((prodN,_):_) -> (\r -> r{productivity=Just prodN}, True)
          _ -> nope
    -- TODO: Support  "+RTS -t --machine-readable" as well...          
     _ -> nope)

ghcAllocRateHarvester :: LineHarvester
ghcAllocRateHarvester =
  (LineHarvester $ \ ln ->
   let nope = (id,False) in
   case words (B.unpack ln) of
     [] -> nope
     -- EGAD: This is NOT really meant to be machine read:
     ("Alloc":"rate": rate: "bytes":"per":_) ->
       case reads (filter (/= ',') rate) of
          ((n,_):_) -> (\r -> r{allocRate=Just n}, True)
          _ -> nope
     _ -> nope)

ghcMemFootprintHarvester :: LineHarvester
ghcMemFootprintHarvester =
  (LineHarvester $ \ ln ->
   let nope = (id,False) in
   case words (B.unpack ln) of
     [] -> nope
     -- EGAD: This is NOT really meant to be machine read:
--   "       5,372,024 bytes maximum residency (6 sample(s))",
     (sz:"bytes":"maximum":"residency":_) ->
       case reads (filter (/= ',') sz) of
          ((n,_):_) -> (\r -> r{memFootprint=Just n}, True)
          _ -> nope
     _ -> nope)


-- | Fire a single event after a time interval, then end the stream.
timeOutStream :: Double -> IO (Strm.InputStream ())
timeOutStream time = do
  s1 <- Strm.makeInputStream $ do
         threadDelay (round$ time * 1000 * 1000)
         return$ Just ()
  Strm.take 1 s1

-- | This makes the EOS into an /explicit/, penultimate message. This way it survives
-- `concurrentMerge`.  It represents this end of stream by Nothing, but beware the
-- doubly-nested `Maybe` type.
reifyEOS :: Strm.InputStream a -> IO (Strm.InputStream (Maybe a))
reifyEOS ins =
  do flag <- newIORef True
     Strm.makeInputStream $ do
       x   <- Strm.read ins
       flg <- readIORef flag
       case x of
         Just y -> return (Just (Just y))
         Nothing | flg -> do writeIORef flag False
                             return (Just Nothing)
                 | otherwise -> return Nothing

-- | Alternatioe to the io-streams version which does not allow setting the
-- environment.
runInteractiveCommandWithEnv :: String
                      -> [(String,String)]
                      -> IO (Strm.OutputStream B.ByteString,
                             Strm.InputStream  B.ByteString,
                             Strm.InputStream  B.ByteString,
runInteractiveCommandWithEnv scmd env = do
    (Just hin, Just hout, Just herr, ph) <- createProcess 
       CreateProcess {
         cmdspec = ShellCommand scmd,
         env = Just env,
         std_in  = CreatePipe,
         std_out = CreatePipe,
         std_err = CreatePipe,
         cwd = Nothing,
         close_fds = False,
         create_group = False,
         delegate_ctlc = False
    sIn  <- Strm.handleToOutputStream hin >>=
            Strm.atEndOfOutput (hClose hin) >>=
    sOut <- Strm.handleToInputStream hout >>=
            Strm.atEndOfInput (hClose hout) >>=
    sErr <- Strm.handleToInputStream herr >>=
            Strm.atEndOfInput (hClose herr) >>=
    return (sIn, sOut, sErr, ph)