{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns, RecordWildCards, ScopedTypeVariables, CPP, BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

-- | Google Fusion Table upload of benchmark data.
--   This module must be used in conjunction with the main "hsbencher" package,
--   e.g. "import HSBencher".

module HSBencher.Backend.Fusion
       ( -- * The plugin itself, what you probably want 

         -- * Details and configuration options.
       , FusionConfig(..), stdRetry, getTableId
       , fusionSchema, resultToTuple
       , uploadBenchResult
       , FusionPlug(), FusionCmdLnFlag(..),

import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe)
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.Default (Default(..))
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Format ()
import Network.Google.OAuth2 (getCachedTokens, refreshTokens, OAuth2Client(..), OAuth2Tokens(..))
import Network.Google.FusionTables (createTable, createColumn, listTables, listColumns,
                                    TableId, CellType(..), TableMetadata(..), ColumnMetadata(..))
import Network.HTTP.Conduit (HttpException)
import HSBencher.Types
import HSBencher.Internal.Logging (log)
import HSBencher.Internal.Fusion
import Prelude hiding (log)
import System.Console.GetOpt (OptDescr(Option), ArgDescr(..))

-- | A default plugin.  This binding provides future-proof way to get
--   a default instance of the plugin, in the eventuality that more
--   configuration options are added in the future.
defaultFusionPlugin :: FusionPlug
defaultFusionPlugin = FusionPlug

-- | This is the same as defaultFusionPlugin
instance Default FusionPlug where
  def = defaultFusionPlugin

-- import Network.Google.OAuth2 (getCachedTokens, refreshTokens, OAuth2Client(..), OAuth2Tokens(..))
-- import Network.Google.FusionTables (createTable, listTables, listColumns, insertRows,
--                                     TableId, CellType(..), TableMetadata(..))
-- import HSBencher.Fusion (getTableId, fusionPlugin)
-- #endif


-- defaultColumns =
--   ["Program","Args","Threads","Sched","Threads",
--    "MinTime","MedianTime","MaxTime", "MinTime_Prod","MedianTime_Prod","MaxTime_Prod"]

-- | The standard retry behavior when receiving HTTP network errors.  Note that this
-- can retry for quite a long while so it is only to be usedfrom batch applications.
stdRetry :: String -> OAuth2Client -> OAuth2Tokens -> IO a ->
            BenchM (Maybe a)
stdRetry msg client toks action = do
  conf <- ask
  let retryHook num exn = runReaderT (do
        datetime <- lift$ getDateTime
        log$ " [fusiontable] Retry #"++show num++" during <"++msg++"> due to HTTPException: " ++ show exn
        log$ " [fusiontable] ("++datetime++") Retrying, but first, attempt token refresh..."
        -- QUESTION: should we retry the refresh itself, it is NOT inside the exception handler.
        -- liftIO$ refreshTokens client toks
        -- liftIO$ retryIORequest (refreshTokens client toks) (\_ -> return ()) [1,1]
        stdRetry "refresh tokens" client toks (refreshTokens client toks)
        return ()
                                     ) conf
  liftIO$ retryIORequest action retryHook $
          [1,2,4,4,4,4,4,4,8,16] --- 32,64,
          ++ replicate 30 5

getDateTime :: IO String
getDateTime = do 
  utc <- getCurrentTime
  -- let day  = utctDay utc
  --     secs = utctDayTime utc
--  return $ show day ++" "++show secs
  return $ show utc

-- | Takes an idempotent IO action that includes a network request.  Catches
-- `HttpException`s and tries a gain a certain number of times.  The second argument
-- is a callback to invoke every time a retry occurs.
-- Takes a list of *seconds* to wait between retries.  A null list means no retries,
-- an infinite list will retry indefinitely.  The user can choose whatever temporal
-- pattern they desire (e.g. exponential backoff).
-- Once the retry list runs out, if it has not been successful, this function returns Nothing.
retryIORequest :: IO a -> (Int -> HttpException -> IO ()) -> [Double] -> IO (Maybe a)
retryIORequest req retryHook times = loop 0 times
    loop _ [] = return Nothing
    loop !num (delay:tl) = 
      E.catch (fmap Just req) $ \ (exn::HttpException) -> do 
        retryHook num exn
        threadDelay (round$ delay * 1000 * 1000) -- Microseconds
        loop (num+1) tl

fromJustErr :: String -> Maybe t -> t
fromJustErr msg Nothing  = error msg
fromJustErr _   (Just x) = x

-- | Get the table ID that has been cached on disk, or find the the table in the users
-- Google Drive, or create a new table if needed.
-- In the case of a preexisting table, this function also performs sanity checking
-- comparing the expected schema (including column ordering) to the sserver side one.
-- It returns the permutation of columns found server side.
getTableId :: OAuth2Client -> String -> BenchM (TableId, [String])
getTableId auth tablename = do
  log$ " [fusiontable] Fetching access tokens, client ID/secret: "++show (clientId auth, clientSecret auth)
  toks      <- liftIO$ getCachedTokens auth
  log$ " [fusiontable] Retrieved: "++show toks
  let atok  = B.pack $ accessToken toks
  allTables <- fmap (fromJustErr "[fusiontable] getTableId, API call to listTables failed.") $
               stdRetry "listTables" auth toks $ listTables atok
  log$ " [fusiontable] Retrieved metadata on "++show (length allTables)++" tables"

  let ourSchema = map fst fusionSchema
      ourSet    = S.fromList ourSchema
  case filter (\ t -> tab_name t == tablename) allTables of
    [] -> do log$ " [fusiontable] No table with name "++show tablename ++" found, creating..."
             Just TableMetadata{tab_tableId} <- stdRetry "createTable" auth toks $
                                                createTable atok tablename fusionSchema
             log$ " [fusiontable] Table created with ID "++show tab_tableId
             -- TODO: IF it exists but doesn't have all the columns, then add the necessary columns.
             return (tab_tableId, ourSchema)
    [t] -> do let tid = (tab_tableId t)
              log$ " [fusiontable] Found one table with name "++show tablename ++", ID: "++show tid
              log$ " [fusiontable] Checking columns... "              
              targetSchema <- fmap (map col_name) $ liftIO$ listColumns atok tid
              let targetSet = S.fromList targetSchema
                  missing   = S.difference ourSet targetSet
                  misslist  = L.filter (`S.member` missing) ourSchema -- Keep the order.
                  extra     = S.difference targetSet ourSet
              unless (targetSchema == ourSchema) $ 
                log$ "WARNING: HSBencher upload schema (1) did not match server side schema (2):\n (1) "++
                     show ourSchema ++"\n (2) " ++ show targetSchema
                     ++ "\n HSBencher will try to make do..."
              unless (S.null missing) $ do                
                log$ "WARNING: These fields are missing server-side, creating them: "++show misslist
                forM_ misslist $ \ colname -> do
                  Just ColumnMetadata{col_name, col_columnId} <- stdRetry "createColumn" auth toks $
                                                                 createColumn atok tid (colname, STRING)
                  log$ "   -> Created column with name,id: "++show (col_name, col_columnId)
              unless (S.null extra) $ do
                log$ "WARNING: The fusion table has extra fields that HSBencher does not know about: "++
                     show (S.toList extra)
                log$ "         Expect null-string entries in these fields!  "
              -- For now we ASSUME that new columns are added to the end:
              -- TODO: We could do another read from the list of columns to confirm.
              return (tid, targetSchema ++ misslist)
    ls  -> error$ " More than one table with the name '"++show tablename++"' !\n "++show ls

-- | Upload the raw data, which had better be in the right format.
-- uploadRawTuple :: [(String,String)] -> BenchM ()
-- uploadRawTuple tuple = do

-- | Push the results from a single benchmark to the server.
uploadBenchResult :: BenchmarkResult -> BenchM ()
uploadBenchResult  br@BenchmarkResult{..} = do
    conf <- ask
    let fusionConfig = getMyConf FusionPlug conf
--    fusionConfig <- error "FINISHME - acquire config dynamically"
    let FusionConfig{fusionClientID, fusionClientSecret, fusionTableID, serverColumns} = fusionConfig
    let (Just cid, Just sec) = (fusionClientID, fusionClientSecret)
        authclient = OAuth2Client { clientId = cid, clientSecret = sec }

    -- FIXME: it's EXTREMELY inefficient to authenticate on every tuple upload:
    toks  <- liftIO$ getCachedTokens authclient
    let atok  = B.pack $ accessToken toks
    let tid = fromJust fusionTableID 
-- ////// Enable working with Custom tags

    let ourSchema = map fst $ benchmarkResultToSchema br
        ourSet    = S.fromList ourSchema 
    if null _CUSTOM 
     then log$ " [fusiontable] Computed schema, no custom fields."
     else log$ " [fusiontable] Computed schema, including these custom fields: " ++ show _CUSTOM
    targetSchema <- fmap (map col_name) $ liftIO$ listColumns atok tid      
    let targetSet = S.fromList targetSchema
        missing   = S.difference  ourSet targetSet
        misslist  = L.filter (`S.member` missing) ourSchema
    log$ " [fusiontable] There were " ++ show (length misslist) ++ " columns missing"
    unless (S.null missing) $ do
      forM_ misslist $ \ colname -> do
        stdRetry "createColumn" authclient toks $
                createColumn atok tid (colname, STRING)
        -- Create with the correct type !? Above just states STRING. 
--- ////// END

    let ourData = M.fromList $ resultToTuple br
        -- Any field HSBencher doesn't know about just gets an empty string:
        tuple   = [ (key, fromMaybe "" (M.lookup key ourData))
                  | key <- serverColumns ++ misslist ]
        (cols,vals) = unzip tuple
    log$ " [fusiontable] Uploading row with "++show (length cols)++
         " columns containing "++show (sum$ map length vals)++" characters of data"
    log$ " [fusiontable] Full row contents: "++show ourData
    -- It's easy to blow the URL size; we need the bulk import version.
    -- stdRetry "insertRows" authclient toks $ insertRows
    res <- stdRetry "bulkImportRows" authclient toks $ bulkImportRows
            (B.pack$ accessToken toks) (fromJust fusionTableID) cols [vals]
    case res of 
      Just _  -> log$ " [fusiontable] Done uploading, run ID "++ (fromJust$ lookup "RUNID" tuple)
                      ++ " date "++ (fromJust$ lookup "DATETIME" tuple)
      Nothing -> log$ " [fusiontable] WARNING: Upload failed the maximum number of times.  Continuing with benchmarks anyway"
-- TODO/FIXME: Make this configurable.
    return ()           

-- | A representaton used for creating tables.  Must be isomorphic to
-- `BenchmarkResult`.  This could perhaps be generated automatically
-- (e.g. from a Generic instance, or even by creating a default
-- benchmarkResult and feeding it to resultToTuple).
-- Note, order is important here, because this is the preferred order we'd like to
-- have it in the Fusion table.
fusionSchema :: [(String, CellType)]
fusionSchema =
  , ("ARGS",STRING)    
  -- The run is identified by hostname_secondsSinceEpoch:
--  , ("OS",STRING)
  , ("WHO",STRING)
  , ("LSPCI",STRING)    
  -- New fields: [2013.12.01]
  -- New field: [2014.02.19]
  , ("ALLJITTIMES", STRING) -- In order of trials like ALLTIMES.

-- FIMXE: at least test that resultToTuple returns lits the same
-- length as fusionSchema.

benchmarkResultToSchema :: BenchmarkResult -> [(String, CellType)]
benchmarkResultToSchema bm = fusionSchema ++ map custom (_CUSTOM bm) 
    custom (tag, IntResult _) = (tag,NUMBER)
    custom (tag, DoubleResult _) = (tag,NUMBER)
    custom (tag, StringResult _) = (tag, STRING) 

-- | The type of Fusion table plugins.  Currently this is a singleton type; there is
-- really only one fusion plugin.
data FusionPlug = FusionPlug
  deriving (Eq,Show,Ord,Read)

instance Plugin FusionPlug where
  type PlugConf FusionPlug = FusionConfig
  type PlugFlag FusionPlug = FusionCmdLnFlag

  -- | Better be globally unique!  Careful.
  plugName _ = "fusion" 
  --  plugName _ = "Google_FusionTable_Backend"

  plugCmdOpts _ = fusion_cli_options

  plugUploadRow _ cfg row = runReaderT (uploadBenchResult row) cfg

  plugInitialize p gconf = do 
   putStrLn " [fusiontable] Fusion table plugin initializing.. First, find config."
   gc2 <- let fc@FusionConfig{fusionClientID, fusionClientSecret, fusionTableID} =
                  getMyConf p gconf in 
          case (benchsetName gconf, fusionTableID) of
            (Nothing,Nothing) -> error "No way to find which fusion table to use!  No name given and no explicit table ID."
            (_, Just _tid)     -> return gconf
            (Just name,_) -> do
              case (fusionClientID, fusionClientSecret) of
                (Just cid, Just sec ) -> do
                  let auth = OAuth2Client { clientId=cid, clientSecret=sec }
                  (tid,cols) <- runReaderT (getTableId auth name) gconf
                  putStrLn$ " [fusiontable] -> Resolved name "++show name++" to table ID " ++show tid
                  return $! setMyConf p fc{ fusionTableID= Just tid, serverColumns= cols } gconf 
                (_,_) -> error "When --fusion-upload is activated --clientid and --clientsecret are required (or equiv ENV vars)"
   let fc2 = getMyConf p gc2
   let (Just cid, Just sec) = (fusionClientID fc2, fusionClientSecret fc2)
       authclient = OAuth2Client { clientId = cid, clientSecret = sec }
   putStrLn " [fusiontable] Second, lets retrieved cached auth tokens on the file system..."
   _toks <- getCachedTokens authclient

   -- TEMP: This should become another command line flag: --fusion-list to list the tables.
   putStrLn " [fusiontable] Next, to test our connections, attempt to list tables:"
   strs <- fmap (map tab_name) (listTables (B.pack (accessToken toks)))
   putStrLn$" [fusiontable] All of users tables:\n"++ unlines (map ("   "++) strs)
   return gc2

  foldFlags _p flgs cnf0 = 
      foldr ($) cnf0 (map doFlag flgs)
      -- TODO: Move this one to the global config
      doFlag FusionTest r = r
      doFlag (ClientID cid) r = r { fusionClientID = Just cid } 
      doFlag (ClientSecret s) r = r { fusionClientSecret = Just s } 
      doFlag (FusionTables m) r = 
--         let r2 = r { doFusionUpload = True } in
         case m of 
           Just tid -> r { fusionTableID = Just tid } 
           Nothing  -> r

-- | All the command line options understood by this plugin.
fusion_cli_options :: (String, [OptDescr FusionCmdLnFlag])
fusion_cli_options =
  ("Fusion Table Options:",
      [ Option [] ["fusion-upload"] (OptArg FusionTables "TABLEID")
        "enable fusion table upload.  Optionally set TABLEID; otherwise create/discover it."
      , Option [] ["clientid"]     (ReqArg ClientID "ID")     "Use (and cache) Google client ID"
      , Option [] ["clientsecret"] (ReqArg ClientSecret "STR") "Use (and cache) Google client secret"
      , Option [] ["fusion-test"]  (NoArg FusionTest)   "Test authentication and list tables if possible." 

-- | Parsed command line options provided by the user initiating benchmarking.
data FusionCmdLnFlag = 
   FusionTables (Maybe TableId)
 | ClientID     String
 | ClientSecret String
 | FusionTest
 deriving (Show,Read,Ord,Eq, Typeable)