bufRd numChannels rate bufnum phase loop interpolation Plays the content of a buffer. The number of channels must be a fixed integer. The architechture of the SynthDef cannot change after it is compiled. NOTE: if you supply a bufnum of a buffer that has a different numChannels then you have specified to the BufRd, it will fail silently. The interpolation value should be either NoInterpolation, LinearInterpolation, CubicInterpolation or (Interpolation UGen). > withSC3 (\fd -> send fd (b_allocRead 0 "/home/rohan/audio/metal.wav" 0 0)) > let phase = (sinOsc AR 0.1 0 * bufFrames KR 0) > audition (out 0 (bufRd 1 AR 0 phase Loop NoInterpolation)) There are constructors, bufRdN, bufRdL, and bufRdC for the fixed cases. > let x = mouseX KR (MCE [5, 10]) 100 Linear 0.1 > n <- lfNoise1 AR x > audition (out 0 (bufRdL 1 AR 0 (n * bufFrames KR 0) Loop))