indexInBetween bufnum in Interpolating index search into a sorted table with a signal. Allocate and set values at buffer 10. > withSC3 (\fd -> do send fd (b_alloc 10 6 1) > wait fd "/done" > send fd (b_setn 10 [(0, [200, 210, 400, 430, 600, 800])])) Index into the above buffer for frequency values. > let f0 = mouseX KR 200 900 Linear 0.1 > i = indexInBetween 10 f0 > l0 = index 10 i > l1 = index 10 (i + 1) > f1 = linLin (frac i) 0 1 l0 l1 > audition (out 0 (sinOsc AR (MCE [f0, f1]) 0 * 0.1)) Free buffer. > withSC3 (\fd -> send fd (b_free 10))