fft buffer in Fast fourier transform. The fast fourier transform analyzes the frequency content of a signal. fft uses a local buffer for holding the buffered audio. The inverse transform, ifft, reconstructs an audio signal. The fft and pv_* UGens run at control rate, the ifft UGen at audio rate. > withSC3 (\fd -> do send fd (b_alloc 10 2048 1) > wait fd "/done") > n <- whiteNoise AR > audition (out 0 (ifft' (fft' 10 (n * 0.05)))) > withSC3 (\fd -> do send fd (b_alloc 10 2048 1) > wait fd "/done") > let s0 = sinOsc KR 0.08 0 * 6 + 6.2 > s1 = sinOsc KR (squared s0) 0 * 100 + 800 > s2 = sinOsc AR s1 0 > audition (out 0 (ifft' (fft' 10 s2) * 0.25))