bpf in freq rq Second order Butterworth bandpass filter in - input signal to be processed freq - cutoff frequency in Hertz rq - the reciprocal of Q, ie. bandwidth / cutoffFreq > let f = fSinOsc KR (xLine KR 0.7 300 20 RemoveSynth) 0 * 3600 + 4000 > audition (out 0 (bpf (saw AR 200 * 0.5) f 0.3 )) > n <- whiteNoise AR > let x = mouseX KR 220 440 Exponential 0.1 > let y = mouseY KR 0 0.01 Linear 0.1 > audition (out 0 (bpf n (MCE [x, 550 - x]) y))