hsc3-0.11: Haskell SuperCollider



Basic user interaction with the scsynth server.



stop :: Transport t => t -> IO ()Source

Free all nodes (g_freeAll) at group 1.

reset :: Transport t => t -> IO ()Source

Free all nodes (g_freeAll) at group 0 and re-create groups 1 and 2.

send :: Transport t => t -> OSC -> IO ()

Encode and send an OSC packet.

async :: Transport t => t -> OSC -> IO OSCSource

Send an OSC message and wait for a /done reply.

withSC3 :: (UDP -> IO a) -> IO aSource

Bracket SC3 communication.

class Audible e whereSource

Class for values that can be encoded and send to scsynth for audition.


play :: Transport t => t -> e -> IO ()Source

audition :: e -> IO ()Source

perform :: [OSC] -> IO ()Source

Perform an OSC score (as would be rendered by writeNRT). In particular note that: (1) all OSC must be Bundles and (2) timestamps must be in NTPr form.