> Sound.SC3.UGen.Help.viewSC3Help "FSinOsc" > Sound.SC3.UGen.DB.ugenSummary "FSinOsc" # SC2 The initial phase argument was not in the SC2 variant. > import Sound.SC3 > audition (out 0 (fSinOsc AR (mce2 440 550) 0 * 0.05)) Modulate frequency > audition (out 0 (fSinOsc AR (xLine KR 200 4000 1 RemoveSynth) 0 * 0.1)) Loses amplitude towards the end > let f = fSinOsc AR (xLine KR 4 401 8 RemoveSynth) > in audition (out 0 (fSinOsc AR (f 0 * 200 + 800) 0 * 0.1)) sin grain with sine envelope (see also 'sine_grain_ugen_graph') > let sine = let {b = control IR "out" 0 > ;f = control IR "freq" 440 > ;d = control IR "dur" 0.2 > ;a = control IR "amp" 0.1 > ;p = control IR "pan" 0 > ;o = fSinOsc AR f 0 > ;s = envSine d a > ;e = envGen AR 1 1 0 1 RemoveSynth s > ;u = offsetOut b (pan2 o p e)} > in synthdef "sine" u > import Sound.SC3.Lang.Pattern {- hsc3-lang -} granular synthesis > audition (pbind [(K_instr,psynth sine) > ,(K_midinote,fmap roundE (pbrown 'α' 72 84 1 inf)) > ,(K_detune,pwhite 'β' 0 10 inf) > ,(K_dur,pbrown 'γ' 0.005 0.15 0.05 inf) > ,(K_legato,pbrown 'δ' 1 2 0.1 inf) > ,(K_amp,pbrown 'ε' 0.05 0.25 0.05 inf) > ,(K_param "pan",pbrown 'ζ' (-1) 1 0.2 inf)])