> Sound.SC3.UGen.Help.viewSC3Help "LFSaw" > Sound.SC3.UGen.DB.ugenSummary "LFSaw" # SC2 SC2 LFSaw did not have an initial phase argument. > import Sound.SC3 > audition (out 0 (lfSaw AR 500 1 * 0.1)) Used as both Oscillator and LFO. > audition (out 0 (lfSaw AR (lfSaw KR 4 0 * 400 + 400) 0 * 0.1)) Output range is bi-polar. > let {f = mce [linLin (lfSaw KR 0.5 0) (-1) 1 200 1600, 200, 1600] > ;a = mce [0.1,0.05,0.05]} > in audition (out 0 (mix (sinOsc AR f 0 * a)))