> Sound.SC3.UGen.Help.viewSC3Help "Vibrato" > Sound.SC3.UGen.DB.ugenSummary "Vibrato" > import Sound.SC3.ID vibrato at 1 Hz, note the use of DC.ar {SinOsc.ar(Vibrato.ar(DC.ar(400.0),1,0.02))*0.1}.play > let v = vibrato AR (dc AR 400) 1 0.02 0 0 0.04 0.1 0 > in audition (out 0 (sinOsc AR v 0 * 0.1)) compare: k-rate freq input can be a constant {SinOsc.ar(Vibrato.kr(400.0,1,0.02))}.play > let v = vibrato KR 400 1 0.02 0 0 0.04 0.1 0 > in audition (out 0 (sinOsc AR v 0 * 0.1)) control rate and rateVariation {x=MouseX.kr(2.0,100.0) ;y=MouseY.kr(0.0,1.0) ;v=Vibrato.ar(DC.ar(400.0),x,0.1,1.0,1.0,y,0.1) ;SinOsc.ar(v)}.play > let {x = mouseX KR 2 100 Linear 0.2 > ;y = mouseY KR 0 1 Linear 0.2 > ;v = vibrato AR (dc AR 400) x 0.1 1 1 y 0.1 0} > in audition (out 0 (sinOsc AR v 0 * 0.1)) control depth and depthVariation {n=LFNoise1.kr(1,3,7) ;x=MouseX.kr(0.0,1.0) ;y=MouseY.kr(0.0,1.0) ;v=Vibrato.ar(DC.ar(400.0),n,x,1.0,1.0,y,0.1) ;SinOsc.ar(v)}.play > let {n = lfNoise1 'a' KR 1 * 3 + 7 > ;x = mouseX KR 0 1 Linear 0.2 > ;y = mouseY KR 0 1 Linear 0.2 > ;v = vibrato AR (dc AR 400) n x 1 1 y 0.1 0} > in audition (out 0 (sinOsc AR v 0 * 0.1))