hsc3 - haskell supercollider ---------------------------- [hsc3][hsc3] provides Sound.SC3, a module that facilitates using [Haskell][hs] as a client to the [SuperCollider][sc3] synthesis server. hsc3 requires [hosc](?t=hosc). For installation and configuration information please consult the [tutorial][tutorial] at [hsc3-texts][hsc3-texts]. There are a number of related projects: - [hsc3-dot](?t=hsc3-dot): UGen Graph Drawing - [hsc3-graphs](?t=hsc3-graphs): UGen Graphs - [hsc3-lang](?t=hsc3-lang): SC3 Language - [hsc3-cairo](?t=hsc3-cairo) & [hsc3-plot](?t=hsc3-plot): Drawing & Plotting - [hsc3-rec](?t=hsc3-rec) & [hsc3-unsafe](?t=hsc3-rec): UGen Variants - [hsc3-db](?t=hsc3-db): UGen Database - [hsc3-rw](?t=hsc3-rw): UGen Graph Re-writing The hsc3 interaction environment is written for [GNU][gnu] [Emacs][emacs]. © [rohan drape][rd] and others, 2006-2013, [gpl][gpl]. with contributions by: - henning thielemann - stefan kersten - alex mclean - brent yorgey - shae erisson see the [darcs][darcs] [history][hsc3-history] for details [rd]: http://rd.slavepianos.org/ [hsc3]: http://rd.slavepianos.org/?t=hsc3 [hs]: http://haskell.org/ [sc3]: http://audiosynth.com/ [tutorial]: http://rd.slavepianos.org/?t=hsc3-texts&l=lhs/hsc3-tutorial.lhs [hsc3-texts]: http://rd.slavepianos.org/?t=hsc3-texts [gnu]: http://gnu.org/ [emacs]: http://gnu.org/software/emacs/ [darcs]: http://darcs.net/ [gpl]: http://gnu.org/copyleft/ [hsc3-history]: http://rd.slavepianos.org/r/d/darcsweb.cgi?r=hsc3