> Sound.SC3.Server.Help.viewServerHelp "/b_getn" > import Sound.OSC {- hosc -} > import Sound.SC3 {- hsc3 -} > import Sound.SC3.Plot {- hsc3-plot -} Allocate and generate wavetable buffer (256 frames) > withSC3 (do {_ <- async (b_alloc 0 256 1) > ;let f = [Normalise,Clear] > in send (b_gen_sine1 0 f [1,1/2,1/3,1/4,1/5])}) Run simple read... > d0 <- withSC3 (b_getn1_data 0 (0,255)) and draw buffer > plotTable [d0] Load sound file > let fn = "/home/rohan/data/audio/pf-c5.aif" > in withSC3 (async (b_allocRead 1 fn 0 0)) Run segmented read (2^15 frames in 1024 frame segments)... > d1 <- withSC3 (b_getn1_data_segment 1024 1 (0,2^15)) and draw buffer > plotTable [d1]