> import Sound.SC3 {- hsc3 -} Graph with the three types of non-audio controls. > let u = let {freq = control KR "freq" 440 > ;phase = control IR "phase" 0 > ;gate = tr_control "gate" 1 > ;amp = control KR "amp" 0.1 > ;e = envGen KR gate amp 0 1 DoNothing (envASR 0.01 0.1 1 EnvLin)} > in sinOsc AR freq phase * e Make a drawing > import Sound.SC3.UGen.Dot {- hsc3-ugen -} > draw (out 0 u) Listen > audition_at (10,AddToHead,1) (out 0 u) Set frequency and the trigger gate. > withSC3 (send (n_set1 10 "freq" 2200)) > withSC3 (send (n_set1 10 "gate" 1)) Make a control rate graph to write freq and gate values. > let c = out 0 (mce2 (tRand 'α' 220 2200 (dust 'β' KR 1)) (dust 'γ' KR 3)) Add it _before_ the node it will map to, the trigger is only on the bus for the current cycle. > audition_at (-1,AddBefore,10) c Map the control values at the audio graph. > withSC3 (send (n_map 10 [("freq",0),("gate",1)]))