> Sound.SC3.UGen.Help.viewSC3Help "Phasor" > Sound.SC3.UGen.DB.ugenSummary "Phasor" > import Sound.SC3 phasor controls sine frequency, end frequency matches second sine. > let {rate = mouseX KR 0.2 2 Exponential 0.1 > ;tr = impulse AR rate 0 > ;sr = sampleRate > ;x = phasor AR tr (rate / sr) 0 1 0 > ;f = mce [linLin x 0 1 600 1000, 1000]} > in audition (out 0 (sinOsc AR f 0 * 0.2)) Load sound file to buffer zero > let fn = "/home/rohan/data/audio/pf-c5.aif" > in withSC3 (async (b_allocRead 0 fn 0 0)) Phasor as phase input to bufRd > let ph = phasor AR 0 (bufRateScale KR 0) 0 (bufFrames KR 0) 0 > in audition (out 0 (bufRdN 1 AR 0 ph Loop)) Allocate and generate (non-wavetable) buffer at index one (see osc for wavetable oscillator) > withSC3 (do {_ <- async (b_alloc 1 256 1) > ;let f = [Normalise,Clear] > in send (b_gen_sine1 1 f [1])}) Audio rate phasor oscillator as phase input to bufRd > let {b = 1 > ;f = 440 > ;fr = bufFrames KR b > ;rt = f * (fr / sampleRate) > ;ph = phasor AR b (rt * bufRateScale KR b) 0 fr 0} > in audition (out 0 (bufRdL 1 AR b ph Loop * 0.1)) Phasor as impulse with reset > let {impulse_reset freq reset = > let ph = phasor AR reset (freq / sampleRate) 0 1 0 > in hpz1 ph <* 0 > ;x = mouseX KR 0 1 Linear 0.2 >* 0.5 > ;ck = impulse AR 3 0 > ;im = impulse_reset 3 x > ;x' = sinOsc AR 440 0 * x * 0.05 > ;im' = sinOsc AR 220 0 * decay2 (ck + im) 0.01 0.5 * 0.1} > in audition (out 0 (mce2 x' im'))