sendTrig in id value On receiving a trigger (0 to non-zero transition), send a trigger message from the server back to all registered clients. Clients register by sending a /notify message to the server. input - the trigger id - an integer that will be passed with the trigger message. This is useful if you have more than one SendTrig in a SynthDef value - a UGen or float that will be polled at the time of trigger, and its value passed with the trigger message > withSC3 (\fd -> async fd (notify True)) > do { s <- lfNoise0 KR 10 > ; let o = sinOsc AR (s * 200 + 500) 0 * 0.1 > in audition (mrg [sendTrig s 0 s, out 0 o]) } > withSC3 (\fd -> do { tr <- wait fd "/tr" > ; putStrLn (show tr) }) > withSC3 (\fd -> async fd (notify False))