partConv in fft_size ir_bufnum Partitioned convolution. Various additional buffers must be supplied. Mono impulse response only! If inputting multiple channels, you'll need independent PartConvs, one for each channel. But the charm is: impulse response can be as large as you like (CPU load increases with IR size. Various tradeoffs based on fftsize choice, due to rarer but larger FFTs. This plug-in uses amortisation to spread processing and avoid spikes). Normalisation factors difficult to anticipate; convolution piles up multiple copies of the input on top of itself, so can easily overload. in - processing target fftsize - spectral convolution partition size (twice partition size). You must ensure that the blocksize divides the partition size and there are at least two blocks per partition (to allow for amortisation) irbufnum - Prepared buffer of spectra for each partition of the impulse response preparation; essentially, allocate an impulse response buffer, then follow some special buffer preparation steps below to set up the data the plugin needs. > import Sound.SC3 > let { fft_size = 2048 > ; ir_file = "/home/rohan/audio/" > ; ir_length = 82756 > ; accum_size = pc_calcAccumSize fft_size ir_length > ; ir_td_b = 10 {- time domain -} > ; ir_fd_b = 11 {- frequency domain -} > ; target_b = 12 {- source signal -} > ; target_file = "/home/rohan/audio/text.snd" > ; c = constant > ; g = let { i = playBuf 1 (c target_b) 1 0 0 Loop DoNothing > ; pc = partConv i (c fft_size) (c ir_fd_b) } > in out 0 (pc * 0.1) } > in withSC3 (\fd -> do > { async fd (b_allocRead ir_td_b ir_file 0 ir_length) > ; async fd (b_alloc ir_fd_b accum_size 1) > ; send fd (pc_preparePartConv ir_fd_b ir_td_b fft_size) > ; async fd (b_allocRead target_b target_file 0 0) > ; play fd g })