henonN rate freq a b x0 x1 henonL rate freq a b x0 x1 henonC rate freq a b x0 x1 Henon map chaotic generator. freq - iteration frequency in Hertz -- 22050 a, b - equation variables -- 1.4, 0.3 x0, x1 - initial and second values of x -- 0, 0 A non-interpolating sound generator based on the difference equation: xn + 2 = 1 - axn + 12 + bxn This equation was discovered by French astronomer Michel Henon while studying the orbits of stars in globular clusters. With default initial parameters. > import Sound.SC3 > let x = mouseX KR 20 sampleRate Linear 0.1 > in audition (out 0 (henonN AR x 1.4 0.3 0 0 * 0.1)) With mouse-control of parameters. > let { x = mouseX KR 1 1.4 Linear 0.1 > ; y = mouseY KR 0 0.3 Linear 0.1 } > in audition (out 0 (henonN AR (sampleRate / 4) x y 0 0 * 0.1)) With randomly modulated parameters. > import Sound.SC3.Monadic > do { n0 <- return . (+ 1.20) . (* 0.20) =<< lfNoise2 KR 1 > ; n1 <- return . (+ 0.15) . (* 0.15) =<< lfNoise2 KR 1 > ; audition (out 0 (henonN AR (sampleRate / 8) n0 n1 0 0 * 0.1)) } As a frequency control. > let { x = mouseX KR 1 1.4 Linear 0.1 > ; y = mouseY KR 0 0.3 Linear 0.1 > ; f0 = 40 > ; f = henonN AR f0 x y 0 0 * 800 + 900 } > in audition (out 0 (sinOsc AR f 0 * 0.4))