ringz in freq decayTime Ringing filter. This is the same as Resonz, except that instead of a resonance parameter, the bandwidth is specified in a 60dB ring decay time. One Ringz is equivalent to one component of the Klank UGen. > import Sound.SC3.Monadic > do { n <- dust AR 3 > ; audition (out 0 (ringz (n * 0.3) 2000 2)) } > do { n <- whiteNoise AR > ; audition (out 0 (ringz (n * 0.005) 2000 0.5)) } Modulate frequency > do { n <- whiteNoise AR > ; let f = xLine KR 100 3000 10 RemoveSynth > in audition (out 0 (ringz (n * 0.005) f 0.5)) } > let f = xLine KR 100 3000 10 RemoveSynth > in audition (out 0 (ringz (impulse AR 6 0.3) f 0.5)) Modulate ring time > let rt = xLine KR 4 0.04 8 RemoveSynth > in audition (out 0 (ringz (impulse AR 6 0.3) 2000 rt)) Modulate ring time opposite direction > let rt = xLine KR 0.04 4 8 RemoveSynth > in audition (out 0 (ringz (impulse AR 6 0.3) 2000 rt))