a >* b a >=* b a <* b a <=* b a ==* b Greater than, written '>*'. The star extensions are because the result of the operatros is not of type Bool, as is required by the signature for the class Ord. The resulting signal is 1.0 if a > b, otherwise it is 0.0. Similarly less than is <*, greater than or equal to is >=*, and so on. These operators can be useful for triggering purposes, among other things. > import Sound.SC3 > let { o = sinOsc KR 1 0 > ; t = [o >* 0, o >=* 0, o <* 0, o <=* 0, o ==* 0 > ,(o <* 0.001) * (o >* (-0.001))] > ; f = [220, 330, 440, 550, 660, 770] > ; p = envPerc 0.01 1 > ; e = envGen KR (mce t) 0.1 0 1 DoNothing p } > in audition (out 0 (mix (sinOsc AR (mce f) 0 * e)))