hsc3-0.9: Haskell SuperCollider




This module provides variations of the asynchronous server commands that expect a completion packet as the first argument. The completion packet is executed by the server when the asynchronous command has finished. Note that this mechanism is for synchronizing server side processes only, for client side synchronization use /done message notification or the /sync barrier.


Synthdef handling

d_recv' :: OSC -> [Word8] -> OSCSource

Install a bytecode instrument definition. (Asynchronous)

d_load' :: OSC -> String -> OSCSource

Load an instrument definition from a named file. (Asynchronous)

d_loadDir' :: OSC -> String -> OSCSource

Load a directory of instrument definitions files. (Asynchronous)

Buffer allocation

b_alloc' :: OSC -> Int -> Int -> Int -> OSCSource

Allocates zero filled buffer to number of channels and samples. (Asynchronous)

b_allocRead' :: OSC -> Int -> String -> Int -> Int -> OSCSource

Allocate buffer space and read a sound file. (Asynchronous)

b_allocReadChannel' :: OSC -> Int -> String -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> OSCSource

Allocate buffer space and read a sound file, picking specific channels. (Asynchronous)

b_free' :: OSC -> Int -> OSCSource

Free buffer data. (Asynchronous)

b_close' :: OSC -> Int -> OSCSource

Close attached soundfile and write header information. (Asynchronous)

Buffer reading

b_read' :: OSC -> Int -> String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> OSCSource

Read sound file data into an existing buffer. (Asynchronous)

b_readChannel' :: OSC -> Int -> String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> OSCSource

Read sound file data into an existing buffer. (Asynchronous)

Buffer writing

b_write' :: OSC -> Int -> String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> OSCSource

Write sound file data. (Asynchronous)

Buffer operations

b_zero' :: OSC -> Int -> OSCSource

Zero sample data. (Asynchronous)