-- http://www.fredrikolofsson.com/f0blog/?q=node/617 (f0) module Sound.SC3.Graph.F0_f0_tw0220 where import Sound.SC3 {- hsc3 -} f0_tw0220 :: UGen f0_tw0220 = let c = inFeedback 1 0 b = clearBuf (localBuf 'α' 1 90000) g = tGrains 2 (sinOsc AR 3 0) b (c + 3) 2 12 0 0.1 4 r = recordBuf AR b 0 1 0 1 Loop 1 DoNothing c in mrg2 (hpf (sinOsc AR 99 (c * 6) / 9 + g) 9) r main :: IO () main = withSC3 (play (out 0 f0_tw0220)) {- 2014-10-11: tgrains needs a patch to work with localbuf http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.audio.supercollider.user/110110 main = withSC3 (async (b_alloc bufnum 90000 1) >> play (out 0 f0_tw0220)) -}