-- metal plate (jmcc) #4 import Sound.SC3 {- hsc3 -} mp :: UGen mp = let sr = 48000 -- number of delay lines n = 4 -- maximum delay time maxdt = ceiling (sr * 0.03) -- allocate buffers for delay lines buf = map (\k -> asLocalBuf k (replicate maxdt 0)) [0 .. n - 1] -- assign random tap times tap_tm = uclone' 'a' n (rand 'a' 0.015 0.03) -- excitation exc_freq = mouseY KR 10 8000 Linear 0.2 exc_trig = impulse AR 0.5 0 * 0.2 exc = decay2 exc_trig 0.01 0.2 * lfNoise2 'a' AR exc_freq -- tap the delay lines del = zipWith (tap 1) buf tap_tm -- filter the taps flt_freq = mouseX KR 10 5000 Linear 0.2 flt = map (\i -> lpf i flt_freq * 0.98) del -- write to delay lines wr = zipWith (\b f -> recordBuf AR b 0 1 0 1 Loop 1 DoNothing (f + exc)) buf flt in mrg (sum flt : wr) main :: IO () main = audition (out 0 mp)