-- | Data set giving formant locations for 'Vowel's.
module Sound.SC3.Lang.Data.Vowel where

import Data.List
import Data.Maybe

-- * Lookup functions

-- | Extract 'Fn'th formant triple of an 'Fdata'.
-- > formant F1 (fdata Bass I) == (1750,-30,90)
formant :: Num n => Fn -> Fdata n -> (n,n,n)
formant n v = formants v !! fromEnum n

-- | Lookup formant 'Fdata' given 'Voice' and 'Vowel'.
-- > fdata Bass I == (Bass,I,[250,1750,2600,3050,3340]
-- >                        ,[0,-30,-16,-22,-28]
-- >                        ,[60,90,100,120,120])
fdata :: Num n => Voice -> Vowel -> Fdata n
fdata v i =
    let f (p,q,_,_,_) = p == v && q == i
    in fromMaybe (error "fdata") (find f fdata_table)

-- | Formant triples of an 'Fdata'.
-- > formants (fdata Bass I) == [(250,0,60)
-- >                            ,(1750,-30,90)
-- >                            ,(2600,-16,100)
-- >                            ,(3050,-22,120)
-- >                            ,(3340,-28,120)]
formants :: Num n => Fdata n -> [(n,n,n)]
formants (_,_,f,a,bw) = map triple' (transpose [f,a,bw])

-- * Data types

-- | Enumeration of voices.
data Voice = Soprano | Alto | CounterTenor | Tenor | Bass
           deriving (Enum,Bounded,Eq,Read,Show)

-- | Enumeration of vowels.
data Vowel = A | E | I | O | U
             deriving (Enum,Bounded,Eq,Read,Show)

-- | Vowel tuple of form ('Voice','Vowel',/freq/,/db/,/bw/).
type Fdata n = (Voice,Vowel,[n],[n],[n])

-- | Enumeration of formant indices.
data Fn = F0 | F1 | F2 | F3 | F4
        deriving (Enum,Bounded,Eq,Read,Show)

-- * Table

-- | 'Fdata' table.
fdata_table :: Num n => [Fdata n]
fdata_table =
     ,[0,-4  ,-20,-36,-60]
     ,[0,-9  ,-16,-28,-55]
     ,[0,-6  ,-23,-24,-38]
     ,[0,-6   ,-7  ,-8,-22]
     ,[0,-7   ,-9  ,-9,-20]
     ,[0,-12  ,-9,-12,-18]

-- * Tuple/List functions

-- | Construct a triple from a three element list.
-- > triple [1..3] == Just (1,2,3)
triple :: [a] -> Maybe (a,a,a)
triple x =
    case x of
      [p,q,r] -> Just (p,q,r)
      _ -> Nothing

-- | Partial variant of 'triple'.
-- > triple' [1..3] == (1,2,3)
triple' :: [a] -> (a,a,a)
triple' = fromJust . triple