{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Sound.SC3.Server.State.Monad.Request (
, runRequest
, exec
, exec_
, Result
, extract
, AllocT
, after
, after_
, waitFor
, finally
, mkAsync
, mkAsync_
, mkSync
) where

import           Control.Applicative (Applicative)
import           Control.Monad (when)
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Class as Trans
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as State
import           Data.IORef (newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
import           Sound.OSC.Transport.Monad (SendOSC(..))
import qualified Sound.SC3.Server.Command.Generic as C
import           Sound.SC3.Server.Notification (Notification)
import qualified Sound.SC3.Server.Notification as N
import           Sound.SC3.Server.State.Monad.Class (MonadIdAllocator(..), RequestOSC, MonadServer)
import qualified Sound.SC3.Server.State.Monad.Class as M
import           Sound.OSC (Bundle(..), Message(..), OSC(..), Time, immediately, packetMessages)

data Builder =
  | BuildSync Message Builder
  | BuildAsync (Maybe Bundle -> Message) Builder

compile :: Time -> Builder -> Bundle
compile t rs = go t rs []
    go t BuildDone ps = Bundle t ps
    go t (BuildSync osc rs') ps = go t rs' (osc : ps)
    go t (BuildAsync f rs') ps =
      case ps of
        [] -> let ps' = [f Nothing]
              in go t rs' ps'
        _  -> let ps' = [f (Just (Bundle t ps))]
              in go immediately rs' ps'

-- | Internal state used for constructing bundles from 'Request' actions.
data State m = State {
    requests      :: Builder                -- ^ Current list of OSC messages.
  , notifications :: [Notification (m ())]  -- ^ Current list of notifications to synchronise on.
  , cleanup       :: m ()                   -- ^ Cleanup action to deallocate resources.
  , needsSync     :: Bool                   -- ^ Whether last bundle needs a synchronisation barrier.

-- | The empty state.
emptyState :: Monad m => State m
emptyState = State BuildDone [] (return ()) False

-- | Server-side action (or sequence of actions).
newtype Request m a = Request (State.StateT (State m) m a)
                        deriving (Applicative, Functor, Monad)

-- | Lift a ServerT action into Request.
-- This is potentially unsafe and should only be used for the allocation of
-- server resources. Lifting actions that rely on communication and
-- synchronisation primitives will not work as expected.
lift :: Monad m => m a -> Request m a
lift = Request . Trans.lift

-- | Get a value from the state.
gets :: Monad m => (State m -> a) -> Request m a
gets = Request . State.gets

-- | Modify the state in a Request action.
modify :: Monad m => (State m -> State m) -> Request m ()
modify = Request . State.modify

instance MonadServer m => MonadServer (Request m) where
  serverOptions = lift M.serverOptions
  rootNodeId = lift M.rootNodeId

instance MonadIdAllocator m => MonadIdAllocator (Request m) where
  newtype Allocator (Request m) a = Request_Allocator (Allocator m a)

  nodeIdAllocator       = Request_Allocator nodeIdAllocator
  syncIdAllocator       = Request_Allocator syncIdAllocator
  bufferIdAllocator     = Request_Allocator bufferIdAllocator
  audioBusIdAllocator   = Request_Allocator audioBusIdAllocator
  controlBusIdAllocator = Request_Allocator controlBusIdAllocator

  alloc (Request_Allocator a)      = lift $ M.alloc a
  free (Request_Allocator a)       = lift . M.free a
  statistics (Request_Allocator a) = lift $ M.statistics a
  allocRange (Request_Allocator a) = lift . M.allocRange a
  freeRange (Request_Allocator a)  = lift . M.freeRange a

-- | Bundles are flattened into the resulting bundle because @scsynth@ doesn't
-- support nested bundles.
instance Monad m => SendOSC (Request m) where
  sendOSC osc = modify $ \s ->
                 s { requests = build
                                (requests s)
                                (packetMessages (toPacket osc)) }
    where build bs [] = bs
          build bs (a:as) = build (BuildSync a bs) as

-- | Allocation action newtype wrapper.
newtype AllocT m a = AllocT (m a)
                     deriving (Applicative, Functor, Monad)

instance MonadIdAllocator m => MonadIdAllocator (AllocT m) where
  newtype Allocator (AllocT m) a = AllocT_Allocator (Allocator m a)

  nodeIdAllocator       = AllocT_Allocator nodeIdAllocator
  syncIdAllocator       = AllocT_Allocator syncIdAllocator
  bufferIdAllocator     = AllocT_Allocator bufferIdAllocator
  audioBusIdAllocator   = AllocT_Allocator audioBusIdAllocator
  controlBusIdAllocator = AllocT_Allocator controlBusIdAllocator

  alloc (AllocT_Allocator a)      = AllocT $ M.alloc a
  free (AllocT_Allocator a)       = AllocT . M.free a
  statistics (AllocT_Allocator a) = AllocT $ M.statistics a
  allocRange (AllocT_Allocator a) = AllocT . M.allocRange a
  freeRange (AllocT_Allocator a)  = AllocT . M.freeRange a

-- | Representation of a deferred server resource.
-- Resource resource values can only be observed with 'extract' after the
-- surrounding 'Request' action has been executed with 'exec'.
newtype Result a = Result (IO a)
                   deriving (Applicative, Functor, Monad)

-- | Extract a 'Result'\'s value.
extract :: MonadIO m => Result a -> m a
extract (Result a) = liftIO a

-- | Register a cleanup action that is executed after the notification has been
-- received and return the notification result.
after :: MonadIO m => Notification a -> AllocT m () -> Request m (Result a)
after n (AllocT m) = do
  v <- lift $ liftIO $ newIORef (error "BUG: after: uninitialized IORef")
  modify $ \s -> s { notifications = fmap (liftIO . writeIORef v) n : notifications s
                   , cleanup = cleanup s >> m }
  return $ Result (readIORef v)

-- | Register a cleanup action, to be executed after a notification has been
-- received and ignore the notification result.
after_ :: Monad m => Notification a -> AllocT m () -> Request m ()
after_ n (AllocT m) =
  modify $ \s -> s { notifications = fmap (const (return ())) n : notifications s
                   , cleanup = cleanup s >> m }

-- | Wait for a notification and return the result.
waitFor :: MonadIO m => Notification a -> Request m (Result a)
waitFor n = after n (return ())

-- | Register a cleanup action that is executed after all asynchronous commands
-- and notifications have been performed.
finally :: Monad m => AllocT m () -> Request m ()
finally (AllocT m) = modify $ \s -> s { cleanup = cleanup s >> m }

-- | Create an asynchronous command from an allocation action.
-- The first return value should be a server resource allocated on the client,
-- the second a function that, given a completion packet, returns an OSC packet
-- that asynchronously allocates the resource on the server.
mkAsync :: Monad m => AllocT m (a, (Maybe Bundle -> Message)) -> Request m a
mkAsync (AllocT m) = do
  (a, f) <- lift m
  modify $ \s -> s { requests = BuildAsync f (requests s)
                   , needsSync = True }
  return a

-- | Create an asynchronous command from an OSC function that has side effects
--   only on the server.
mkAsync_ :: Monad m => (Maybe Bundle -> Message) -> Request m ()
mkAsync_ f = mkAsync $ return ((), f)

-- | Create a synchronisation barrier message.
mkSync :: MonadIdAllocator m => Request m Message
mkSync = do
  sid <- lift $ M.alloc M.syncIdAllocator
  after_ (N.synced sid) (M.free M.syncIdAllocator sid)
  return $ C.sync (fromIntegral sid)

-- | Add a synchronisation barrier to a request if needed.
finish :: MonadIdAllocator m => Request m a -> Request m a
finish m = do
  a <- m
  b <- gets needsSync
  when b $ mkSync >>= sendOSC
  return a

-- | Run a request, returning the action's result, an OSC packet,
--   a list of notifications to synchronise on and a cleanup action.
runRequest :: (MonadIdAllocator m, RequestOSC m) => Time -> Request m a -> m (a, Maybe (Bundle, [Notification (m ())]), m ())
runRequest t r = do
  let Request m = finish r
  (a, s) <- State.runStateT m emptyState
  let osc = case requests s of
              BuildDone -> Nothing
              rs -> Just (compile t rs, notifications s)
  return (a, osc, cleanup s)

-- | Execute a request.
-- The commands after the last asynchronous command will be scheduled at the given time.
exec :: (MonadIdAllocator m, RequestOSC m) => Time -> Request m a -> m a
exec t r = do
  let Request m = finish r
  (a, s) <- State.runStateT m emptyState
  case requests s of
    BuildDone -> return ()
    rs -> let osc = compile t rs
              ns = notifications s
          in M.requestAll osc ns >>= sequence_
  cleanup s
  return a

-- | Execute a request immediately.
exec_ :: (MonadIdAllocator m, RequestOSC m) => Request m a -> m a
exec_ = exec immediately