{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}

module Hscaffold.EDSL where

import           Control.Monad.Writer
import           Data.Text            (Text)
import           System.Directory

import           Hscaffold.Types

-- | Create a directory with the nested contents
directory :: MonadWriter (ScaffoldAction e) m
          => FilePath
          -> WriterT (ScaffoldAction e) m b
          -> m b
directory fp nested = do
    (x, nested') <- runWriterT nested
    tell [ Directory fp nested' ]
    return x

-- | Create a directory with the nested contents and permissions
directoryWith :: MonadWriter (ScaffoldAction e) m
              => Permissions
              -> FilePath
              -> WriterT (ScaffoldAction e) m b
              -> m b
directoryWith perms fp nested = do
    x <- directory fp nested
    tell [ SetPermissions perms fp ]
    return x

-- | Create a file with the given contents
file :: MonadWriter (ScaffoldAction e) m => FilePath -> Text -> m ()
file fp txt = tell [ File fp txt ]

-- | Create a file with the given contents and permissions
fileWith :: MonadWriter (ScaffoldAction e) m
         => Permissions
         -> FilePath
         -> Text
         -> m ()
fileWith perms fp txt = do
    file fp txt
    tell [ SetPermissions perms fp ]

-- | Set permissions on a filepath
permissions :: MonadWriter (ScaffoldAction e) m
            => FilePath
            -> Permissions
            -> m ()
permissions fp perms = tell [ SetPermissions perms fp ]

-- | Create a symbolic link between two filepaths
link :: MonadWriter (ScaffoldAction e) m => FilePath -> FilePath -> m ()
link fp1 fp2 = tell [ Link fp1 fp2 ]

-- | Write the empty string to a file
touch :: MonadWriter (ScaffoldAction e) m => FilePath -> m ()
touch fp = file fp ""

-- | Write the empty string to a file with given permissions
touchWith :: MonadWriter (ScaffoldAction e) m => Permissions -> FilePath -> m ()
touchWith perms fp = fileWith perms fp ""

-- | Copy a file from A to B
-- Non-absolute paths are treated relative to the *current* root, nested blocks
-- change the root
copy :: MonadWriter (ScaffoldAction e) m => FilePath -> FilePath -> m ()
copy fp1 fp2 = tell [ Copy fp1 fp2 ]

-- | Copy a file from A to B and set permissions on B, see 'copy'
copyWith :: MonadWriter (ScaffoldAction e) m
         => Permissions
         -> FilePath
         -> FilePath
         -> m ()
copyWith perms fp1 fp2 = do
    copy fp1 fp2
    permissions fp2 perms