{- | Module: Network.SoundCloud.Const Copyright: (c) 2012 Sebastián Ramírez Magrí License: BSD3 Maintainer: Sebastián Ramírez Magrí Stability: experimental Constants and URLs of the SoundCloud API resources -} module Network.SoundCloud.Const where -- | HScD SoundCloud API client ID clientId :: String clientId = "934a79db328a60a0ea459ab9e45c1735" -- | Base URL of the SoundCloud API apiURL :: String apiURL = "http://api.soundcloud.com" -- | Base URL of the SoundCloud API (Secure) apiURLS :: String apiURLS = "https://api.soundcloud.com" -- | Base URL for the authenticated user resources apiMeURLS :: String apiMeURLS = apiURLS ++ "/me" -- | URL for the authentication interface authURLS :: String authURLS = "https://soundcloud.com/connect" -- | URL of the OAuth2 token handler tokenURLS :: String tokenURLS = apiURLS ++ "/oauth2/token" -- | Base URL for Tracks tracksURL :: String tracksURL = apiURL ++ "/tracks" -- | Base URL for Users usersURL :: String usersURL = apiURL ++ "/users" -- | Base URL for Sets/Playlists playlistsURL :: String playlistsURL = apiURL ++ "/playlists" -- | Base URL for Groups groupsURL :: String groupsURL = apiURL ++ "/groups" -- | Base URL for Comments commentsURL :: String commentsURL = apiURL ++ "/comments" -- | URL of the authenticated user connections meConnectionsURLS :: String meConnectionsURLS = apiMeURLS ++ "/connections" -- | URL of the authenticated user activities, AKA dashboard meActivitiesURLS :: String meActivitiesURLS = apiMeURLS ++ "/activities" -- | Base URL for Applications appsURLS :: String appsURLS = apiURL ++ "/apps" -- | URL to the resource resolver resolveURL :: String resolveURL = apiURL ++ "/resolve"