ColourPrefs { keyword = [Foreground (Rgb 255 255 150 ), Background (Rgb 0 0 0)] , keyglyph = [Foreground (Rgb 255 255 150 ), Background (Rgb 0 0 0)] , layout = [Foreground (Rgb 150 255 150 ), Background (Rgb 0 0 0 ), Bold] , comment = [Foreground (Rgb 0 0 0 ), Background (Rgb 150 255 150 ), Italic] , conid = [Foreground (Rgb 150 150 255 ), Background (Rgb 0 0 0 ), Bold] , varid = [Foreground (Rgb 150 150 255 ), Background (Rgb 0 0 0)] , conop = [Foreground (Rgb 255 150 150 ), Background (Rgb 0 0 0 ), Bold] , varop = [Foreground (Rgb 255 150 150 ), Background (Rgb 0 0 0)] , string = [Foreground (Rgb 0 0 0 ), Background (Rgb 150 150 255)] , char = [Foreground (Rgb 0 0 0 ), Background (Rgb 150 150 255)] , number = [Foreground (Rgb 255 255 150 ), Background (Rgb 0 0 0)] , cpp = [Foreground (Rgb 0 0 0 ), Background (Rgb 255 150 150)] , selection = [Foreground (Rgb 150 255 150 ), Background (Rgb 0 0 0)] , variantselection = [Dim, Foreground Red, Underscore] , definition = [Foreground (Rgb 150 255 150 ), Background (Rgb 0 0 0)] } -- This example configuration file would take effect if you moved it to ~/.hscolour. -- Note: Comments currently have to come *after* the above block -- vim: ft=haskell