{-# LINE 1 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LINE 2 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
-- glaexts needed for newtype deriving

-- Copyright (c) 2002-2004 John Meacham (john at repetae dot net)
-- Copyright (c) 2004 Don Stewart - http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~dons
-- Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Stefan Wehr - http://www.stefanwehr.de
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- Lesser General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

-- | Binding to the [wn]curses library. From the ncurses man page:
-- >      The curses library routines give the user a terminal-inde-
-- >      pendent method of updating character screens with  reason-
-- >      able  optimization.
-- Sections of the quoted documentation are from the OpenBSD man pages, which
-- are distributed under a BSD license.
-- A useful reference is:
--        /Writing Programs with NCURSES/, by Eric S. Raymond and Zeyd
--        M. Ben-Halim, <http://dickey.his.com/ncurses/>
-- N.B attrs don't work with Irix curses.h. This should be fixed.

module UI.HSCurses.Curses (

    -- * Basic Functions
    stdScr,             -- :: Window
    initScr,            -- :: IO Window
    initCurses,         -- :: IO ()
    endWin,             -- :: IO ()
    scrSize,            -- :: IO (Int, Int)

    -- * Windows and Pads
    Window,             -- data Window deriving Eq
    newPad, pRefresh, delWin, newWin,

    -- * Refresh Routines
    refresh,            -- :: IO ()
    timeout,            -- :: Int -> IO ()
    noqiflush,           -- :: IO ()

    -- * Navigation
    move,               -- :: Int -> Int -> IO ()

    -- * Input
    getCh, getch, decodeKey, ungetCh, keyResizeCode,

    -- * Input Options
    cBreak,             -- :: Bool -> IO ()
    raw,                -- :: Bool -> IO ()
    echo,               -- :: Bool -> IO ()
    intrFlush,          -- :: Bool -> IO ()
    keypad,             -- :: Window -> Bool -> IO ()
    noDelay,            -- :: Window -> Bool -> IO ()

    -- * Output
    wAddStr,       -- :: Window -> String -> IO ()
    addLn,         -- :: IO ()
    mvAddCh,       -- :: Int -> Int -> ChType -> IO ()
    bkgrndSet,     -- :: Attr -> Pair -> IO ()
    erase,         -- :: IO ()
    wclear,        -- :: Window -> IO ()
    clrToEol,      -- :: IO ()
    waddchnstr,    -- :: Window -> CString -> CInt -> IO CInt

    -- * Output Options
    nl,                 -- :: Bool -> IO ()

    -- * Cursor Routines
    CursorVisibility(..), cursSet,

    -- * Color Support
    hasColors,      -- :: IO Bool
    startColor,     -- :: IO ()
    useDefaultColors,   -- :: IO ()
    Pair(..),       -- newtype Pair = Pair Int deriving (Eq, Ord, Ix)
    colorPairs,     -- :: IO Int
    Color(..),      -- newtype Color = Color Int deriving (Eq, Ord, Ix)
    colors,         -- :: IO Int
    color,          -- :: String -> Maybe Color
--    black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white, -- :: Color
    initPair,       -- :: Pair -> Color -> Color -> IO ()
    pairContent,    -- :: Pair -> IO (Color, Color)
    canChangeColor, -- :: IO Bool
    initColor,      -- :: Color -> (Int, Int, Int) -> IO ()
    colorContent,   -- :: Color -> IO (Int, Int, Int)
    defaultBackground, defaultForeground,

    -- * Attributes
    attr0, -- :: Attr

    isAltCharset, isBlink, isBold, isDim, isHorizontal, isInvis,
    isLeft, isLow, isProtect, isReverse, isRight, isStandout, isTop,
    isUnderline, isVertical,
        -- :: Attr -> Bool

    setAltCharset, setBlink, setBold, setDim, setHorizontal, setInvis,
    setLeft, setLow, setProtect, setReverse, setRight, setStandout,
    setTop, setUnderline, setVertical,
        -- :: Attr -> Bool -> Attr

    attrSet, -- :: Attr -> Pair -> IO ()
    attrOn, attrOff,

    attrDim, attrBold,
    attrDimOn, attrDimOff,
    attrBoldOn, attrBoldOff,
    wAttrSet, wAttrGet,

    -- * Mouse Routines

    -- * Keys
--    cACS_BLOCK,

    -- * Lines
    ulCorner, llCorner, urCorner, lrCorner, rTee, lTee, bTee, tTee, hLine,
    vLine, plus, s1, s9, diamond, ckBoard, degree, plMinus, bullet,
    lArrow, rArrow, dArrow, uArrow, board, lantern, block,
    s3, s7, lEqual, gEqual, pi, nEqual, sterling,

    -- * Signals

    -- * Misc
    throwIfErr, throwIfErr_,
    errI,       -- :: IO CInt -> IO ()

  ) where

{-# LINE 181 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 183 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 184 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 185 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

import UI.HSCurses.CWString       ( withLCStringLen )
import UI.HSCurses.Logging

import Prelude hiding           ( pi )
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Ix                  ( Ix )

import Control.Monad ( when, liftM )
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Chan

import Foreign
import Foreign.C.String
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.C.Error

{-# LINE 205 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
import System.Posix.Signals

{-# LINE 207 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 211 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

-- | @initCurses fn@ does all initialization necessary for a Curses
--   application.
initCurses :: IO ()
initCurses = do
    b <- hasColors
    when b $ startColor >> useDefaultColors

resetParams :: IO ()
resetParams = do
    raw True    -- raw mode please
    echo False
    nl False
    intrFlush True
    leaveOk False
    keypad stdScr True

{-# LINE 233 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    defineKey (259) "\x1b[1;2A"
{-# LINE 234 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    defineKey (258) "\x1b[1;2B"
{-# LINE 235 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    defineKey (393) "\x1b[1;2D"
{-# LINE 236 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    defineKey (402) "\x1b[1;2C"
{-# LINE 237 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 238 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}


fi :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fi = fromIntegral

throwIfErr :: Num a => String -> IO a -> IO a
--throwIfErr name act = do
--    res <- act
--    if res == (cERR)
--        then ioError (userError ("Curses: "++name++" failed"))
--        else return res
throwIfErr s = throwIf (== (-1)) (\a -> "Curses[" ++ show a ++ "]:"  ++ s)
{-# LINE 251 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

throwIfErr_ :: Num a => String -> IO a -> IO ()
throwIfErr_ name act = void $ throwIfErr name act

errI :: IO CInt -> IO ()
errI f = do r <- f
            if r == cERR then do _ <- endwin
                                 error "curses returned an error"
             else return ()


type WindowTag = ()
type Window = Ptr WindowTag
type ChType = Word32
{-# LINE 266 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
type NBool = Word8
{-# LINE 267 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

-- | The standard screen
stdScr :: Window
stdScr = unsafePerformIO (peek stdscr)
foreign import ccall "static HSCurses.h &stdscr"
    stdscr :: Ptr Window

-- | initscr is normally the first curses routine to call when
-- initializing a program. curs_initscr(3):
-- >     To initialize the routines, the routine initscr or newterm
-- >     must be called before any of the other routines that  deal
-- >     with  windows  and  screens  are used.
-- >     The initscr code determines the terminal type and initial-
-- >     izes all curses data structures.  initscr also causes  the
-- >     first  call  to  refresh  to  clear the screen.  If errors
-- >     occur, initscr writes  an  appropriate  error  message  to
-- >     standard error and exits; otherwise, a pointer is returned
-- >     to stdscr.
initScr :: IO Window
initScr = throwIfNull "initscr" initscr
foreign import ccall unsafe "HSCurses.h initscr" initscr :: IO Window

-- | > The cbreak routine
--   > disables line buffering and erase/kill  character-process-
--   > ing  (interrupt  and  flow  control  characters  are unaf-
--   > fected), making characters typed by the  user  immediately
--   > available  to  the  program.  The nocbreak routine returns
--   > the terminal to normal (cooked) mode.
cBreak :: Bool -> IO ()
cBreak True  = throwIfErr_ "cbreak"   cbreak
cBreak False = throwIfErr_ "nocbreak" nocbreak

foreign import ccall unsafe "HSCurses.h cbreak"     cbreak :: IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HSCurses.h nocbreak" nocbreak :: IO CInt

-- |>    The  raw and noraw routines place the terminal into or out
-- >     of raw mode.  Raw mode is similar to cbreak mode, in  that
-- >     characters  typed  are  immediately  passed through to the
-- >     user program.  The differences are that in raw  mode,  the
-- >     interrupt,  quit, suspend, and flow control characters are
-- >     all passed through uninterpreted, instead of generating  a
-- >     signal.   The  behavior  of the BREAK key depends on other
-- >     bits in the tty driver that are not set by curses.
raw :: Bool -> IO ()
raw False = throwIfErr_ "noraw" noraw
raw True  = throwIfErr_ "raw"   raw_c

foreign import ccall unsafe "HSCurses.h noraw" noraw :: IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HSCurses.h raw"   raw_c :: IO CInt

-- |>      The  echo  and  noecho routines control whether characters
-- >       typed by the user are echoed by getch as they  are  typed.
-- >       Echoing  by  the  tty  driver is always disabled, but ini-
-- >       tially getch is in echo  mode,  so  characters  typed  are
-- >       echoed.  Authors of most interactive programs prefer to do
-- >       their own echoing in a controlled area of the  screen,  or
-- >       not  to  echo  at  all, so they disable echoing by calling
-- >       noecho.  [See curs_getch(3) for a discussion of how  these
-- >       routines interact with cbreak and nocbreak.]
-- >
echo :: Bool -> IO ()
echo False = throwIfErr_ "noecho" noecho
echo True  = throwIfErr_ "echo"   echo_c

foreign import ccall unsafe "HSCurses.h noecho" noecho :: IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HSCurses.h echo" echo_c :: IO CInt

-- |>       The  nl  and  nonl routines control whether the underlying
-- >        display device translates the return key into  newline  on
-- >        input,  and  whether it translates newline into return and
-- >        line-feed on output (in either case, the call  addch('\n')
-- >        does the equivalent of return and line feed on the virtual
-- >        screen).  Initially, these translations do occur.  If  you
-- >        disable  them using nonl, curses will be able to make bet-
-- >        ter use of the line-feed capability, resulting  in  faster
-- >        cursor  motion.   Also, curses will then be able to detect
-- >        the return key.
-- >
nl :: Bool -> IO ()
nl True  = throwIfErr_ "nl"   nl_c
nl False = throwIfErr_ "nonl" nonl

foreign import ccall unsafe "HSCurses.h nl" nl_c :: IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HSCurses.h nonl" nonl :: IO CInt

-- |>       If  the intrflush option is enabled, (bf is TRUE), when an
-- >        interrupt key  is  pressed  on  the  keyboard  (interrupt,
-- >        break,  quit)  all  output in the tty driver queue will be
-- >        flushed, giving the  effect  of  faster  response  to  the
-- >        interrupt,  but  causing  curses to have the wrong idea of
-- >        what is on the  screen.   Disabling  (bf  is  FALSE),  the
-- >        option  prevents the flush.
-- >
intrFlush :: Bool -> IO ()
intrFlush bf =
    throwIfErr_ "intrflush" $ intrflush stdScr (if bf then 1 else 0)
foreign import ccall unsafe "HSCurses.h intrflush" intrflush :: Window -> (Word8) -> IO CInt
{-# LINE 378 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

-- | Enable the keypad of the user's terminal.
keypad :: Window -> Bool -> IO ()
keypad win bf = throwIfErr_ "keypad" $ keypad_c win (if bf then 1 else 0)
foreign import ccall unsafe "HSCurses.h keypad"
    keypad_c :: Window -> (Word8) -> IO CInt
{-# LINE 386 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

noDelay :: Window -> Bool -> IO ()
noDelay win bf =
    throwIfErr_ "nodelay" $ nodelay win (if bf then 1 else 0)

foreign import ccall unsafe "HSCurses.h nodelay"
    nodelay :: Window -> (Word8) -> IO CInt
{-# LINE 393 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

-- |   Normally, the hardware cursor is left at the  location  of
--     the  window  cursor  being  refreshed.  The leaveok option
--     allows the cursor to be left wherever the  update  happens
--     to leave it.  It is useful for applications where the cur-
--     sor is not used, since it  reduces  the  need  for  cursor
--     motions.   If  possible, the cursor is made invisible when
--     this option is enabled.
leaveOk  :: Bool -> IO CInt
leaveOk True  = leaveok_c stdScr 1
leaveOk False = leaveok_c stdScr 0

foreign import ccall unsafe "HSCurses.h leaveok"
    leaveok_c :: Window -> (Word8) -> IO CInt
{-# LINE 409 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

clearOk :: Bool -> IO CInt
clearOk True  = clearok_c stdScr 1
clearOk False = clearok_c stdScr 0

foreign import ccall unsafe "HSCurses.h clearok"
    clearok_c :: Window -> (Word8) -> IO CInt
{-# LINE 416 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}


foreign import ccall unsafe "HSCurses.h use_default_colors"
    useDefaultColors :: IO ()

defaultBackground, defaultForeground :: Color
defaultBackground = Color (-1)
defaultForeground = Color (-1)


{-# LINE 429 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
defineKey :: CInt -> String -> IO ()
defineKey k s =  withCString s (\s' -> define_key s' k) >> return ()

foreign import ccall unsafe "HSCurses.h define_key"
    define_key :: Ptr CChar -> CInt -> IO ()

{-# LINE 435 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

-- | >  The program must call endwin for each terminal being used before
--   >  exiting from curses.
endWin :: IO ()
endWin = throwIfErr_ "endwin" endwin
foreign import ccall unsafe "HSCurses.h endwin" endwin :: IO CInt


-- | get the dimensions of the screen
scrSize :: IO (Int, Int)
scrSize = do
    lnes <- peek linesPtr
    cols <- peek colsPtr
    return (fromIntegral lnes, fromIntegral cols)

foreign import ccall "HSCurses.h &LINES" linesPtr :: Ptr CInt
foreign import ccall "HSCurses.h &COLS"  colsPtr  :: Ptr CInt

-- | refresh curses windows and lines. curs_refresh(3)
refresh :: IO ()
refresh = throwIfErr_ "refresh" refresh_c

foreign import ccall unsafe "HSCurses.h refresh"
    refresh_c :: IO CInt

-- | Do an actual update. Used after endWin on linux to restore the terminal
update :: IO ()
update = throwIfErr_ "update" update_c

foreign import ccall unsafe "HSCurses.h doupdate" update_c :: IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe "static curses.h timeout" timeout_c :: CInt -> IO ()

-- | Set a delay in milliseconds.
timeout :: Int -> IO ()
timeout = timeout_c . fromIntegral


hasColors :: IO Bool
hasColors = liftM (/= 0) has_colors
foreign import ccall unsafe "HSCurses.h has_colors" has_colors :: IO (Word8)
{-# LINE 486 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

-- | Initialise the color settings, also sets the screen to the
-- default colors (white on black)
startColor :: IO ()
startColor = throwIfErr_ "start_color" start_color
foreign import ccall unsafe start_color :: IO CInt

newtype Pair = Pair Int deriving (Eq, Ord, Ix, Show)

-- | colorPairs defines the maximum number of color-pairs the terminal
-- can support).
colorPairs :: IO Int
colorPairs = fmap fromIntegral $ peek colorPairsPtr

foreign import ccall "HSCurses.h &COLOR_PAIRS"
        colorPairsPtr :: Ptr CInt

newtype Color = Color Int deriving (Eq, Ord, Ix)

colors :: IO Int
colors = liftM fromIntegral $ peek colorsPtr

foreign import ccall "HSCurses.h &COLORS" colorsPtr :: Ptr CInt

--black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white :: Color

color :: String -> Maybe Color
color "default"  = Just $ Color (-1)
color "black"    = Just $ Color (0)
{-# LINE 519 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
color "red"      = Just $ Color (1)
{-# LINE 520 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
color "green"    = Just $ Color (2)
{-# LINE 521 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
color "yellow"   = Just $ Color (3)
{-# LINE 522 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
color "blue"     = Just $ Color (4)
{-# LINE 523 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
color "magenta"  = Just $ Color (5)
{-# LINE 524 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
color "cyan"     = Just $ Color (6)
{-# LINE 525 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
color "white"    = Just $ Color (7)
{-# LINE 526 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
color _ =  Nothing

-- |   curses support color attributes  on  terminals  with  that
--     capability.   To  use  these  routines start_color must be
--     called, usually right after initscr.   Colors  are  always
--     used  in pairs (referred to as color-pairs).  A color-pair
--     consists of a foreground  color  (for  characters)  and  a
--     background color (for the blank field on which the charac-
--     ters are displayed).  A programmer  initializes  a  color-
--     pair  with  the routine init_pair.  After it has been ini-
--     tialized, COLOR_PAIR(n), a macro  defined  in  <curses.h>,
--     can be used as a new video attribute.
--     If  a  terminal  is capable of redefining colors, the pro-
--     grammer can use the routine init_color to change the defi-
--     nition   of   a   color.
--     The init_pair routine changes the definition of  a  color-
--     pair.   It takes three arguments: the number of the color-
--     pair to be changed, the foreground color number,  and  the
--     background color number.  For portable applications:
--     -    The value of the first argument must be between 1 and
--          COLOR_PAIRS-1.
--     -    The value of the second and third arguments  must  be
--          between  0  and  COLORS (the 0 color pair is wired to
--          white on black and cannot be changed).
initPair :: Pair -> Color -> Color -> IO ()
initPair (Pair p) (Color f) (Color b) =
    throwIfErr_ "init_pair" $
        init_pair (fromIntegral p) (fromIntegral f) (fromIntegral b)

foreign import ccall unsafe
    init_pair :: CShort -> CShort -> CShort -> IO CInt

pairContent :: Pair -> IO (Color, Color)
pairContent (Pair p) =
    alloca $ \fPtr ->
    alloca $ \bPtr -> do
        throwIfErr "pair_content" $ pair_content (fromIntegral p) fPtr bPtr
        f <- peek fPtr
        b <- peek bPtr
        return (Color (fromIntegral f), Color (fromIntegral b))

foreign import ccall unsafe pair_content :: CShort -> Ptr CShort -> Ptr CShort -> IO CInt

canChangeColor :: IO Bool
canChangeColor = liftM (/= 0) can_change_color

foreign import ccall unsafe can_change_color :: IO (Word8)
{-# LINE 582 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

initColor :: Color -> (Int, Int, Int) -> IO ()
initColor (Color c) (r, g, b) =
    throwIfErr_ "init_color" $
        init_color (fromIntegral c) (fromIntegral r) (fromIntegral g) (fromIntegral b)
foreign import ccall unsafe init_color :: CShort -> CShort -> CShort -> CShort -> IO CInt

colorContent :: Color -> IO (Int, Int, Int)
colorContent (Color c) =
    alloca $ \rPtr ->
    alloca $ \gPtr ->
    alloca $ \bPtr -> do
        throwIfErr "color_content" $ color_content (fromIntegral c) rPtr gPtr bPtr
        r <- peek rPtr
        g <- peek gPtr
        b <- peek bPtr
        return (fromIntegral r, fromIntegral g, fromIntegral b)

foreign import ccall unsafe
    color_content :: CShort -> Ptr CShort -> Ptr CShort -> Ptr CShort -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe "HSCurses.h hs_curses_color_pair" colorPair :: Pair -> ChType

-- Attributes

foreign import ccall unsafe "HSCurses.h attr_set"
    attr_set :: Attr -> CShort -> Ptr a -> IO Int

-- foreign import ccall unsafe "HSCurses.h attr_get" :: Attr -> CShort -> Ptr a -> IO Int

foreign import ccall unsafe "HSCurses.h wattr_set"
    wattr_set :: Window -> Attr -> CInt -> Ptr a -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe "HSCurses.h wattr_get"
    wattr_get :: Window -> Ptr Attr -> Ptr CShort -> Ptr a -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall "HSCurses.h attr_on" attr_on :: (Word32) -> Ptr a -> IO Int
{-# LINE 621 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "HSCurses.h attr_off" attr_off :: (Word32) -> Ptr a -> IO Int
{-# LINE 622 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "HSCurses.h attron" attron :: Int -> IO Int
foreign import ccall "HSCurses.h attroff" attroff :: Int -> IO Int
foreign import ccall unsafe "HSCurses.h wattron" wattron :: Window -> CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HSCurses.h wattroff" wattroff :: Window -> CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall standout :: IO Int
foreign import ccall standend :: IO Int

-- |
wAttrSet :: Window -> (Attr,Pair) -> IO ()
wAttrSet w (a,(Pair p)) = throwIfErr_ "wattr_set" $
    wattr_set w a (fromIntegral p) nullPtr

-- | manipulate the current attributes of the named window. see curs_attr(3)
wAttrGet :: Window -> IO (Attr,Pair)
wAttrGet w =
    alloca $ \pa ->
        alloca $ \pp -> do
            throwIfErr_ "wattr_get" $ wattr_get w pa pp nullPtr
            a <- peek pa
            p <- peek pp
            return (a,Pair $ fromIntegral p)

newtype Attr = Attr (Word32) deriving (Eq,Storable,Bits, Num, Show)
{-# LINE 650 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

-- | Normal display (no highlight)
attr0 :: Attr

{-# LINE 656 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
attr0 = Attr (0)
{-# LINE 657 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 660 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

isAltCharset, isBlink, isBold, isDim, isHorizontal, isInvis, isLeft,
    isLow, isProtect, isReverse, isRight, isStandout, isTop,
    isUnderline, isVertical :: Attr -> Bool

isAltCharset = isAttr (4194304)
{-# LINE 666 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
isBlink      = isAttr (524288)
{-# LINE 667 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
isBold       = isAttr (2097152)
{-# LINE 668 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
isDim        = isAttr (1048576)
{-# LINE 669 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
isHorizontal = isAttr (33554432)
{-# LINE 670 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
isInvis      = isAttr (8388608)
{-# LINE 671 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
isLeft       = isAttr (67108864)
{-# LINE 672 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
isLow        = isAttr (134217728)
{-# LINE 673 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
isProtect    = isAttr (16777216)
{-# LINE 674 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
isReverse    = isAttr (262144)
{-# LINE 675 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
isRight      = isAttr (268435456)
{-# LINE 676 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
isStandout   = isAttr (65536)
{-# LINE 677 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
isTop        = isAttr (536870912)
{-# LINE 678 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
isUnderline  = isAttr (131072)
{-# LINE 679 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
isVertical   = isAttr (1073741824)
{-# LINE 680 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

isAttr :: (Word32) -> Attr -> Bool
{-# LINE 682 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
isAttr b (Attr a) = a .&. b /= 0

-- | Setting attributes
setAltCharset, setBlink, setBold, setDim, setHorizontal, setInvis,
    setLeft, setLow, setProtect, setReverse, setRight, setStandout,
    setTop, setUnderline, setVertical :: Attr -> Bool -> Attr

setAltCharset = setAttr (4194304)
{-# LINE 692 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
setBlink      = setAttr (524288)
{-# LINE 693 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
setBold       = setAttr (2097152)
{-# LINE 694 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
setDim        = setAttr (1048576)
{-# LINE 695 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
setHorizontal = setAttr (33554432)
{-# LINE 696 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
setInvis      = setAttr (8388608)
{-# LINE 697 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
setLeft       = setAttr (67108864)
{-# LINE 698 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
setLow        = setAttr (134217728)
{-# LINE 699 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
setProtect    = setAttr (16777216)
{-# LINE 700 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
setReverse    = setAttr (262144)
{-# LINE 701 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
setRight      = setAttr (268435456)
{-# LINE 702 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
setStandout   = setAttr (65536)
{-# LINE 703 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
setTop        = setAttr (536870912)
{-# LINE 704 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
setUnderline  = setAttr (131072)
{-# LINE 705 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
setVertical   = setAttr (1073741824)
{-# LINE 706 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

setAttr :: (Word32) -> Attr -> Bool -> Attr
{-# LINE 708 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
setAttr b (Attr a) False = Attr (a .&. complement b)
setAttr b (Attr a) True  = Attr (a .|.            b)

attrPlus :: Attr -> Attr -> Attr
attrPlus (Attr a) (Attr b) = Attr (a .|. b)

attrSet :: Attr -> Pair -> IO ()
attrSet attr (Pair p) = throwIfErr_ "attrset" $
    attr_set attr (fromIntegral p) nullPtr

attrOn :: Attr -> IO ()
attrOn (Attr attr) = throwIfErr_ "attr_on" $
    attr_on attr nullPtr

attrOff :: Attr -> IO ()
attrOff (Attr attr) = throwIfErr_ "attr_off" $
    attr_off attr nullPtr

wAttrOn :: Window -> Int -> IO ()
wAttrOn w x = throwIfErr_ "wattron" $ wattron w (fi x)

wAttrOff :: Window -> Int -> IO ()
wAttrOff w x = throwIfErr_ "wattroff" $ wattroff w (fi x)

attrDimOn :: IO ()
attrDimOn  = throwIfErr_ "attron A_DIM" $
    attron (1048576)
{-# LINE 738 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

attrDimOff :: IO ()
attrDimOff = throwIfErr_ "attroff A_DIM" $
    attroff (1048576)
{-# LINE 742 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

attrBoldOn :: IO ()
attrBoldOn  = throwIfErr_ "attron A_BOLD" $
    attron (2097152)
{-# LINE 746 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

attrBoldOff :: IO ()
attrBoldOff = throwIfErr_ "attroff A_BOLD" $
    attroff (2097152)
{-# LINE 750 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

attrDim :: Int
attrDim = (1048576)
{-# LINE 754 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
attrBold :: Int
attrBold = (2097152)
{-# LINE 756 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}


foreign import ccall safe
    waddch :: Window -> ChType -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall safe
    waddchnstr :: Window -> CString -> CInt -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall safe "static curses.h mvaddch" mvaddch_c :: CInt -> CInt -> ChType -> IO ()

mvWAddStr :: Window -> Int -> Int -> String -> IO ()
mvWAddStr w y x str = wMove w y x >> wAddStr w str

mvAddCh :: Int -> Int -> ChType -> IO ()
mvAddCh l m n = mvaddch_c (fromIntegral l) (fromIntegral m) (fromIntegral n)

addLn :: IO ()
addLn = wAddStr stdScr "\n"

-- | normalise the string, stripping \\r and making control chars
-- printable. Called over all output(?)

normalise :: String -> String
normalise []        = []
normalise ('\r':cs) = normalise cs
normalise (c:cs) | isControl c   = '@' : normalise cs
                 | otherwise     = c   : normalise cs
{-# INLINE normalise #-}

normalise s = map f . filter (/= '\r') s
        f c | isPrint c  = c
        f c = '@'


{-# LINE 799 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

--wAddStr :: Window -> String -> IO ()
--wAddStr w str = throwIfErr_ ("waddnwstr: " ++ show str) $ withCWStringLen (normalise str) (\(ws,len) -> waddnwstr w ws (fi len))

foreign import ccall unsafe
    waddnwstr :: Window -> CWString -> CInt -> IO CInt

wAddStr :: Window -> String -> IO ()
wAddStr win str = do
        convStr f = case f [] of
            [] -> return ()
            s  -> throwIfErr_ "waddnstr" $
                withCWStringLen  (s) (\(ws,len) ->  (waddnwstr win ws (fi len)))
        loop []        acc = convStr acc
        loop (ch:str') acc = recognize
            (loop str' (acc . (ch:)))
            (\ch' -> do
                convStr acc
                throwIfErr "waddch" $ waddch win ch'
                loop str' id)
    loop str id

{-# LINE 846 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

foreign import ccall safe
    vline  :: Char -> Int -> IO ()


-- what ?

{-# LINE 859 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

bkgrndSet :: Attr -> Pair -> IO ()
bkgrndSet (Attr a) p = bkgdset $
    fromIntegral (ord ' ') .|.
    (if a .&. 4194304 /= 0 then 4194304 else 0) .|.
{-# LINE 864 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (if a .&. 524288 /= 0 then 524288 else 0) .|.
{-# LINE 865 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (if a .&. 2097152 /= 0 then 2097152 else 0) .|.
{-# LINE 866 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (if a .&. 1048576 /= 0 then 1048576 else 0) .|.
{-# LINE 867 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (if a .&. 8388608 /= 0 then 8388608 else 0) .|.
{-# LINE 868 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (if a .&. 16777216 /= 0 then 16777216 else 0) .|.
{-# LINE 869 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (if a .&. 262144 /= 0 then 262144 else 0) .|.
{-# LINE 870 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (if a .&. 65536 /= 0 then 65536 else 0) .|.
{-# LINE 871 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (if a .&. 131072 /= 0 then 131072 else 0) .|.
{-# LINE 872 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    colorPair p

foreign import ccall unsafe bkgdset :: ChType -> IO ()

erase :: IO ()
erase = throwIfErr_ "erase" $ werase_c  stdScr
foreign import ccall unsafe "werase" werase_c :: Window -> IO CInt

wclear :: Window -> IO ()
wclear w = throwIfErr_ "wclear" $ wclear_c  w
foreign import ccall unsafe "wclear" wclear_c :: Window -> IO CInt

clrToEol :: IO ()
clrToEol = throwIfErr_ "clrtoeol" clrtoeol
foreign import ccall unsafe clrtoeol :: IO CInt

-- | >    move the cursor associated with the window
--   >    to line y and column x.  This routine does  not  move  the
--   >    physical  cursor  of the terminal until refresh is called.
--   >    The position specified is relative to the upper  left-hand
--   >    corner of the window, which is (0,0).
-- Note that 'move_c' may be a macro.
move :: Int -> Int -> IO ()
move y x = throwIfErr_ "move" $ move_c (fromIntegral y) (fromIntegral x)

foreign import ccall unsafe "move"
    move_c :: CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | >    move the cursor associated with the window
--   >    to line y and column x.  This routine does  not  move  the
--   >    physical  cursor  of the terminal until refresh is called.
--   >    The position specified is relative to the upper  left-hand
--   >    corner of the window, which is (0,0).
wMove :: Window -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
wMove w y x = throwIfErr_ "wmove" $ wmove w (fi y) (fi x)

foreign import ccall unsafe
    wmove :: Window -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- Cursor routines

data CursorVisibility = CursorInvisible | CursorVisible | CursorVeryVisible

vis_c :: CursorVisibility -> CInt
vis_c vis = case vis of
    CursorInvisible   -> 0
    CursorVisible     -> 1
    CursorVeryVisible -> 2

c_vis :: CInt -> CursorVisibility
c_vis 0 = CursorInvisible
c_vis 1 = CursorVisible
c_vis 2 = CursorVeryVisible
c_vis n = error ("Illegal C value for cursor visibility: " ++ show n)

-- | Set the cursor state
-- >       The curs_set routine sets  the  cursor  state  is  set  to
-- >       invisible, normal, or very visible for visibility equal to
-- >       0, 1, or 2 respectively.  If  the  terminal  supports  the
-- >       visibility   requested,   the  previous  cursor  state  is
-- >       returned; otherwise, ERR is returned.
cursSet :: CursorVisibility -> IO CursorVisibility
cursSet CursorInvisible =
    do leaveOk True
       old <- curs_set 0
       return $ c_vis old
cursSet v =
    do leaveOk False
       old <- curs_set (vis_c v)
       return $ c_vis old

foreign import ccall unsafe "HSCurses.h curs_set"
    curs_set :: CInt -> IO CInt

-- | Get the current cursor coordinates
getYX :: Window -> IO (Int, Int)
getYX w =
    alloca $ \py ->                 -- allocate two ints on the stack
        alloca $ \px -> do
            nomacro_getyx w py px   -- writes current cursor coords
            y <- peek py
            x <- peek px
            return (fromIntegral y, fromIntegral x)

-- | Get the current cursor coords, written into the two argument ints.
-- >    The getyx macro places the current cursor position of the given
-- >    window in the two integer variables y and x.
--      void getyx(WINDOW *win, int y, int x);
foreign import ccall unsafe "HSCursesUtils.h hscurses_nomacro_getyx"
        nomacro_getyx :: Window -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()


touchWin :: Window -> IO ()
touchWin w = throwIfErr_ "touchwin" $ touchwin w
foreign import ccall touchwin :: Window -> IO CInt

newPad :: Int -> Int -> IO Window
newPad nlines ncols = throwIfNull "newpad" $
    newpad (fromIntegral nlines) (fromIntegral ncols)

pRefresh :: Window -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
pRefresh pad pminrow pmincol sminrow smincol smaxrow smaxcol =
    throwIfErr_ "prefresh" $
        prefresh pad (fromIntegral pminrow)
                     (fromIntegral pmincol)
                     (fromIntegral sminrow)
                     (fromIntegral smincol)
                     (fromIntegral smaxrow)
                     (fromIntegral smaxcol)

delWin :: Window -> IO ()
delWin w = throwIfErr_ "delwin" $ delwin w

foreign import ccall unsafe
    prefresh :: Window -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe
    newpad :: CInt -> CInt -> IO Window

foreign import ccall unsafe
    delwin :: Window -> IO CInt

newWin :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO Window
newWin nlines ncolumn begin_y begin_x = throwIfNull "newwin" $
    newwin (fi nlines) (fi ncolumn) (fi begin_y) (fi begin_x)

foreign import ccall unsafe
    newwin :: CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO Window

wClrToEol :: Window -> IO ()
wClrToEol w = throwIfErr_ "wclrtoeol" $ wclrtoeol w

foreign import ccall unsafe wclrtoeol :: Window -> IO CInt

-- | >      The getch, wgetch, mvgetch and mvwgetch, routines read a
--   >      character  from the window.

{-# LINE 1032 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall unsafe "HSCurses.h getch" getch :: IO CInt

{-# LINE 1034 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

--foreign import ccall unsafe def_prog_mode :: IO CInt
--foreign import ccall unsafe reset_prog_mode :: IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe flushinp :: IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe "HSCurses.h noqiflush" noqiflush :: IO ()

foreign import ccall unsafe "HSCurses.h beep" c_beep :: IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HSCurses.h flash" c_flash :: IO CInt

beep :: IO ()
beep = do
    br <- c_beep
    when (br /= (0)) (c_flash >> return ())
{-# LINE 1048 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

-- | Map curses keys to key abstraction

data Key
    = KeyChar Char | KeyBreak | KeyDown | KeyUp | KeyLeft | KeyRight
    | KeyHome | KeyBackspace | KeyF Int | KeyDL | KeyIL | KeyDC
    | KeyIC | KeyEIC | KeyClear | KeyEOS | KeyEOL | KeySF | KeySR
    | KeyNPage | KeyPPage | KeySTab | KeyCTab | KeyCATab | KeyEnter
    | KeySReset | KeyReset | KeyPrint | KeyLL | KeyA1 | KeyA3
    | KeyB2 | KeyC1 | KeyC3 | KeyBTab | KeyBeg | KeyCancel | KeyClose
    | KeyCommand | KeyCopy | KeyCreate | KeyEnd | KeyExit | KeyFind
    | KeyHelp | KeyMark | KeyMessage | KeyMove | KeyNext | KeyOpen
    | KeyOptions | KeyPrevious | KeyRedo | KeyReference | KeyRefresh
    | KeyReplace | KeyRestart | KeyResume | KeySave | KeySBeg
    | KeySCancel | KeySCommand | KeySCopy | KeySCreate | KeySDC
    | KeySDL | KeySelect | KeySEnd | KeySEOL | KeySExit | KeySFind
    | KeySHelp | KeySHome | KeySIC | KeySLeft | KeySMessage | KeySMove
    | KeySNext | KeySOptions | KeySPrevious | KeySPrint | KeySRedo
    | KeySReplace | KeySRight | KeySRsume | KeySSave | KeySSuspend
    | KeySUndo | KeySuspend | KeyUndo | KeyResize | KeyMouse | KeyUnknown Int
    deriving (Eq,Show)

decodeKey :: CInt -> Key
decodeKey key = case key of
    _ | key >= 0 && key <= 255 -> KeyChar (chr (fromIntegral key))
    (257)         -> KeyBreak
{-# LINE 1077 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (258)          -> KeyDown
{-# LINE 1078 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (259)            -> KeyUp
{-# LINE 1079 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (260)          -> KeyLeft
{-# LINE 1080 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (261)         -> KeyRight
{-# LINE 1081 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (262)          -> KeyHome
{-# LINE 1082 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (263)     -> KeyBackspace
{-# LINE 1083 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    _ | key >= (264) && key <= (327)
{-# LINE 1084 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
                               -> KeyF (fromIntegral (key - 264))
{-# LINE 1085 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (328)            -> KeyDL
{-# LINE 1086 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (329)            -> KeyIL
{-# LINE 1087 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (330)            -> KeyDC
{-# LINE 1088 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (331)            -> KeyIC
{-# LINE 1089 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (332)           -> KeyEIC
{-# LINE 1090 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (333)         -> KeyClear
{-# LINE 1091 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (334)           -> KeyEOS
{-# LINE 1092 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (335)           -> KeyEOL
{-# LINE 1093 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (336)            -> KeySF
{-# LINE 1094 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (337)            -> KeySR
{-# LINE 1095 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (338)         -> KeyNPage
{-# LINE 1096 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (339)         -> KeyPPage
{-# LINE 1097 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (340)          -> KeySTab
{-# LINE 1098 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (341)          -> KeyCTab
{-# LINE 1099 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (342)         -> KeyCATab
{-# LINE 1100 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (343)         -> KeyEnter
{-# LINE 1101 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (344)        -> KeySReset
{-# LINE 1102 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (345)         -> KeyReset
{-# LINE 1103 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (346)         -> KeyPrint
{-# LINE 1104 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (347)            -> KeyLL
{-# LINE 1105 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (348)            -> KeyA1
{-# LINE 1106 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (349)            -> KeyA3
{-# LINE 1107 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (350)            -> KeyB2
{-# LINE 1108 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (351)            -> KeyC1
{-# LINE 1109 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (352)            -> KeyC3
{-# LINE 1110 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (353)          -> KeyBTab
{-# LINE 1111 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (354)           -> KeyBeg
{-# LINE 1112 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (355)        -> KeyCancel
{-# LINE 1113 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (356)         -> KeyClose
{-# LINE 1114 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (357)       -> KeyCommand
{-# LINE 1115 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (358)          -> KeyCopy
{-# LINE 1116 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (359)        -> KeyCreate
{-# LINE 1117 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (360)           -> KeyEnd
{-# LINE 1118 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (361)          -> KeyExit
{-# LINE 1119 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (362)          -> KeyFind
{-# LINE 1120 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (363)          -> KeyHelp
{-# LINE 1121 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (364)          -> KeyMark
{-# LINE 1122 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (365)       -> KeyMessage
{-# LINE 1123 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (366)          -> KeyMove
{-# LINE 1124 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (367)          -> KeyNext
{-# LINE 1125 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (368)          -> KeyOpen
{-# LINE 1126 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (369)       -> KeyOptions
{-# LINE 1127 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (370)      -> KeyPrevious
{-# LINE 1128 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (371)          -> KeyRedo
{-# LINE 1129 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (372)     -> KeyReference
{-# LINE 1130 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (373)       -> KeyRefresh
{-# LINE 1131 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (374)       -> KeyReplace
{-# LINE 1132 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (375)       -> KeyRestart
{-# LINE 1133 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (376)        -> KeyResume
{-# LINE 1134 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (377)          -> KeySave
{-# LINE 1135 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (378)          -> KeySBeg
{-# LINE 1136 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (379)       -> KeySCancel
{-# LINE 1137 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (380)      -> KeySCommand
{-# LINE 1138 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (381)         -> KeySCopy
{-# LINE 1139 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (382)       -> KeySCreate
{-# LINE 1140 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (383)           -> KeySDC
{-# LINE 1141 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (384)           -> KeySDL
{-# LINE 1142 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (385)        -> KeySelect
{-# LINE 1143 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (386)          -> KeySEnd
{-# LINE 1144 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (387)          -> KeySEOL
{-# LINE 1145 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (388)         -> KeySExit
{-# LINE 1146 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (389)         -> KeySFind
{-# LINE 1147 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (390)         -> KeySHelp
{-# LINE 1148 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (391)         -> KeySHome
{-# LINE 1149 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (392)           -> KeySIC
{-# LINE 1150 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (393)         -> KeySLeft
{-# LINE 1151 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (394)      -> KeySMessage
{-# LINE 1152 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (395)         -> KeySMove
{-# LINE 1153 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (396)         -> KeySNext
{-# LINE 1154 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (397)      -> KeySOptions
{-# LINE 1155 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (398)     -> KeySPrevious
{-# LINE 1156 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (399)        -> KeySPrint
{-# LINE 1157 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (400)         -> KeySRedo
{-# LINE 1158 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (401)      -> KeySReplace
{-# LINE 1159 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (402)        -> KeySRight
{-# LINE 1160 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (403)        -> KeySRsume
{-# LINE 1161 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (404)         -> KeySSave
{-# LINE 1162 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (405)      -> KeySSuspend
{-# LINE 1163 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (406)         -> KeySUndo
{-# LINE 1164 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (407)       -> KeySuspend
{-# LINE 1165 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (408)          -> KeyUndo
{-# LINE 1166 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 1167 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (410)        -> KeyResize
{-# LINE 1168 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 1169 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 1170 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    (409)         -> KeyMouse
{-# LINE 1171 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 1172 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    _                          -> KeyUnknown (fromIntegral key)

keyResizeCode :: Maybe CInt

{-# LINE 1176 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
keyResizeCode = Just (410)
{-# LINE 1177 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 1180 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

cERR :: CInt
cERR = -1
{-# LINE 1183 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

cKEY_UP = 259
{-# LINE 1186 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
cKEY_DOWN = 258
{-# LINE 1187 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
cKEY_LEFT = 260
{-# LINE 1188 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
cKEY_RIGHT = 261
{-# LINE 1189 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

-- cACS_BLOCK :: ChType
-- cACS_BLOCK = #const ACS_BLOCK

cTRUE :: NBool
cTRUE = 1
{-# LINE 1195 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- get char

-- ncurses ungetch and Haskell's threadWaitRead do not work together well.
-- So I decided to implement my own input queue.
ungetCh :: (Integral a) => a -> IO ()
ungetCh i =
    do debug "ungetCh called"
       writeChan inputBuf (BufDirect (fi i))

data BufData = BufDirect CInt  -- data directly available
             | DataViaGetch    -- data can be obtained by calling getch

inputBuf :: Chan BufData
inputBuf = unsafePerformIO newChan
{-# NOINLINE inputBuf #-}

getchToInputBuf :: IO ()
getchToInputBuf =
    do threadWaitRead (fi (0::Int))
       {- From the (n)curses manpage:
       Programmers  concerned  about portability should be prepared for either
       of two cases: (a) signal receipt does not interrupt getch;  (b)  signal
       receipt  interrupts getch and causes it to return ERR with errno set to
       EINTR.  Under the ncurses implementation, handled signals never  inter$B!>(B
       rupt getch.
       -- we only signalize that getch can now called without getting blocked.
       -- directly calling `getch' might result in losing the character just
       -- read (race condition).
       debug "now input available on stdin"
       writeChan inputBuf DataViaGetch
-- | read a character from the window
getCh :: IO Key
getCh =
    do debug "getCh called"
       tid <- forkIO getchToInputBuf
       d <- readChan inputBuf
       killThread tid  -- we can kill the thread savely, because the thread does
                       -- not read any data via getch
       v <- case d of
              BufDirect x ->
                do debug "getCh: getting data directly from buffer"
                   return x
              DataViaGetch ->
                do debug "getCh: getting data via getch"
                   getch -- won't block!
       case v of
         (-1) -> -- NO CODE IN THIS LINE
{-# LINE 1249 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
             do e <- getErrno
                if e `elem` [eAGAIN, eINTR]
                   then do debug "Curses.getCh returned eAGAIN or eINTR"
                   else throwErrno "HSCurses.Curses.getch"
         k -> let k' = decodeKey k
                  in do debug ("getCh: result = " ++ show k')
                        return k'

resizeTerminal :: Int -> Int -> IO ()

{-# LINE 1267 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
resizeTerminal _ _ = return ()

{-# LINE 1269 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

-- | The SIGWINCH signal is sent whenever the terminal size changes.
-- This signal is not available on all platforms, so it is a |Maybe| value.

{-# LINE 1278 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

cursesSigWinch :: Maybe Signal

{-# LINE 1281 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
cursesSigWinch = Just (28)
{-# LINE 1282 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 1285 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

-- Test case

cursesTest :: IO ()
cursesTest = do
    hc <- hasColors
    when hc startColor
    ccc <- canChangeColor
    (ys,xs) <- scrSize
    cp <- colorPairs
    cs <- colors
    putStrLn $ "ScreenSize: " ++ show (xs,ys)
    putStrLn $ "hasColors: " ++ show hc
    putStrLn $ "canChangeColor: " ++ show ccc
    putStrLn $ "colorPairs: " ++ show cp
    putStrLn $ "colors: " ++ show cs

-- Mouse Routines

data MouseEvent = MouseEvent {
    mouseEventId :: Int,
    mouseEventX :: Int,
    mouseEventY :: Int,
    mouseEventZ :: Int,
    mouseEventButton :: [ButtonEvent]
   } deriving(Show)

data ButtonEvent = ButtonPressed Int | ButtonReleased Int | ButtonClicked Int |
    ButtonDoubleClicked Int | ButtonTripleClicked Int | ButtonShift | ButtonControl | ButtonAlt

withMouseEventMask :: MonadIO m => [ButtonEvent] -> m a -> m a

{-# LINE 1328 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

foreign import ccall unsafe "HSCurses.h mousemask"
    mousemask :: (Word32) -> Ptr (Word32) -> IO (Word32)
{-# LINE 1331 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

withMouseEventMask bes action = do
    ov <- liftIO $ alloca (\a ->  mousemask (besToMouseMask bes) a >> peek a)
    r <- action
    liftIO $ mousemask ov nullPtr
    return r

besToMouseMask :: [ButtonEvent] -> (Word32)
{-# LINE 1339 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
besToMouseMask bes = foldl' (.|.) 0 (map cb bes) where
    cb (ButtonPressed 1) = (2)
{-# LINE 1341 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    cb (ButtonPressed 2) = (128)
{-# LINE 1342 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    cb (ButtonPressed 3) = (8192)
{-# LINE 1343 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    cb (ButtonPressed 4) = (524288)
{-# LINE 1344 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    cb (ButtonReleased 1) = (1)
{-# LINE 1345 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    cb (ButtonReleased 2) = (64)
{-# LINE 1346 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    cb (ButtonReleased 3) = (4096)
{-# LINE 1347 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    cb (ButtonReleased 4) = (262144)
{-# LINE 1348 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    cb (ButtonClicked 1) = (4)
{-# LINE 1349 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    cb (ButtonClicked 2) = (256)
{-# LINE 1350 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    cb (ButtonClicked 3) = (16384)
{-# LINE 1351 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    cb (ButtonClicked 4) = (1048576)
{-# LINE 1352 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    cb ButtonShift = (33554432)
{-# LINE 1353 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    cb ButtonAlt = (67108864)
{-# LINE 1354 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 1355 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    cb ButtonControl = (16777216)
{-# LINE 1356 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 1359 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}
    cb _ = 0

{-# LINE 1366 "UI/HSCurses/Curses.hsc" #-}

ulCorner, llCorner, urCorner, lrCorner, rTee, lTee, bTee, tTee, hLine,
    vLine, plus, s1, s9, diamond, ckBoard, degree, plMinus, bullet,
    lArrow, rArrow, dArrow, uArrow, board, lantern, block,
    s3, s7, lEqual, gEqual, pi, nEqual, sterling
    :: Char

ulCorner = chr 0x250C
llCorner = chr 0x2514
urCorner = chr 0x2510
lrCorner = chr 0x2518
rTee     = chr 0x2524
lTee     = chr 0x251C
bTee     = chr 0x2534
tTee     = chr 0x252C
hLine    = chr 0x2500
vLine    = chr 0x2502
plus     = chr 0x253C
s1       = chr 0x23BA -- was: 0xF800
s9       = chr 0x23BD -- was: 0xF804
diamond  = chr 0x25C6
ckBoard  = chr 0x2592
degree   = chr 0x00B0
plMinus  = chr 0x00B1
bullet   = chr 0x00B7
lArrow   = chr 0x2190
rArrow   = chr 0x2192
dArrow   = chr 0x2193
uArrow   = chr 0x2191
board    = chr 0x2591
lantern  = chr 0x256C
block    = chr 0x2588
s3       = chr 0x23BB -- was: 0xF801
s7       = chr 0x23BC -- was: 0xF803
lEqual   = chr 0x2264
gEqual   = chr 0x2265
pi       = chr 0x03C0
nEqual   = chr 0x2260
sterling = chr 0x00A3

-- haddock doesn't like these commented out with --
   #if defined(__STDC_ISO_10646__)  && defined(HAVE_WADDNWSTR)

recognize :: Char -> IO a -> (ChType -> IO a) -> IO a
recognize _ch noConvert _convert = noConvert -- Handle the most common case first.

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- code graveyard


addStr :: String -> IO ()
addStr str =
    throwIfErr_ "addstr" $
    withCStringConv (readIORef cursesOutConv) str addstr
foreign import ccall unsafe addstr :: Ptr CChar -> IO CInt

addStrLn :: String -> IO ()
addStrLn str = addStr str >> addLn

-- | add a string of characters to a curses window and advance cursor
-- curs_addstr(3)
wAddStr :: Window -> String -> IO ()
wAddStr w str = throwIfErr_ "waddstr" $
    withCStringConv (readIORef cursesOutConv) str (waddstr w)

foreign import ccall unsafe waddstr :: Window -> Ptr CChar -> IO CInt

addGraphStr :: String -> IO ()
addGraphStr str = do
    conv <- readIORef cursesOutConv
        convStr f = case f [] of
            [] -> return ()
            s  -> throwIfErr_ "addstr" $
                withCStringConv (return conv) s addstr
        loop []        acc = convStr acc
        loop (ch:str') acc = recognize
            (loop str' (acc . (ch:)))
            (\ch' -> do
                convStr acc
                throwIfErr "addch" $ addch ch'
                loop str' id)
    loop str id

addGraphStrLn :: String -> IO ()
addGraphStrLn str = do addGraphStr str; addLn


-- vim: sw=4 ts=4